You're Different
The days became the same. I would wake up to a different predator and eat, shower, and sit with Dr. Comet for tests and wait for results, back to my cell. I loved that my life was getting organized and I had things to do. I loved hanging out with Dr Comet in the lab and talking with the staff there. People were so nice to me.
Sometimes I would pass Peri on the way to the shower but we never showered at the same time. I was happy about that because I couldn't be held responsible for what I would do if we were both naked in a room.
Sometimes I would play chess or read. Citron's company was appreciated and welcomed. I enjoyed talking with him.
I didn't know how long I was there. I never saw outside or a window. Citron, Dr Comet and Angry, I mean Peri were always around. Peri was never far away. I could feel him everywhere and that was getting stronger; Whatever it was.
I was sitting with Dr. Comet one day, still trying to get everything straight. So, he was reviewing everything that I knew up to this point.
"So, you are a pixie. There are Elves and they're a kind of Faerie and you guys are all related in a way. Elves, pixies, sprites, mer-people, dryads and whatever...the list is long!" I recited what Citron told me.
"I am a vampire; A race that is everyone's enemy. We're dangerous to just about everyone but we usually stay on our planet or land or whatever."
"I'm the exception. I'm not like them because..." I stopped. "Do we know why?"
Dr. Comet sighed. "All of the tests that I ran on you are identical to any other vampires, Viper. Sorry. Your physiology doesn't make you different."
"But you're guessing that I am somehow different?" I watched Dr. Comet.
"I know that you are different but I can only guess as to why. We have hunted them for years and they've never left one behind. Never." Dr Comet informed me. I also knew that.
"They have left their dead behind but never someone in a cocoon." Dr. Comet paused. "That's how they turn. They feed off people and turn some. We don't have the formula for that yet and there is no cure, In case you wanted to know."
I nodded. "Okay." I wiped my face. I was going to be like this for the rest of my life. Alone and the worst part was that Peri would never like me. I would never be with him because he hates vampires. I began to sob as Dr. Comet consoled me. I had no hope.
"What's wrong with it now?" Peri was there and mad as usual. He didn't have another emotion, I swear. And no pity for me either.
"He's upset, Peri! Damn it!" Dr. Comet was defending me. "His life had been turned into this and he's upset! I don't have a cure. There's no hope for him to return to them and he's alone! Have a fucking heart!"
"Fuck you!" Peri was in the room. "People like him killed my family, everyone that I love and I'm supposed to feel sorry for him! No fucking way!" He cocked his gun.
I just fell to the floor, away from Dr. Comet. I didn't want him to get shot. I waited for the bullet. There was silence and no bullet. I heard him storm off.
Dr. Comet pulled me up. "Don't pay any attention to him, Viper. He's just..."
"Angry. I get it." I sighed as I dried my tears. I couldn't feel sorry for myself forever. Dr. Comet let me sit and calm down. We moved to microscopes and studied cells a bit until I needed a break. "I'm ready to head to my cell."
"Can you find your way?" Dr. Comet asked.
I just stared. I was always escorted. "Are you sure?"
"Sure. Go. I'll see you tomorrow." Dr. Comet smiled at me as I walked out, alone.
I walked down the hall and heard a noise, grunting and punching. Someone was fighting? I turned down the hall. I shouldn't because this was the wrong way but...I was.
I peeked into the room that the noise was emanating from and it was Peri. He was beating up a punching bag.
His muscles moved and bulged in beautiful ways. The door wasn't closed all the way, I bumped it and it squeaked. Oops. He froze and turned.
I bit my lip. "Sorry!" I turned and rushed down the hall. Shaking. I knew he would kill me. I rushed into my cell and closed the door. I thought I was safe and he wouldn't bother with me.
Wrong. I was wrong.
He flew around the corner looking all angry, armed and... sexy. Peri opened the cell door. "What were you doing?"
I stayed in my seat. "Uh, I heard a noise and thought someone was being hurt. I didn't know it was you and I'm sorry. I didn't know..." I would have stayed away.
"It's called boxing. Wanna learn?" Peri watched me with softer eyes and some expression that I never saw on his face before.
"What?" Was I hallucinating?
Peri smirked a little. I bet his full smile would kill me. "Wanna have a go?"
Oh. "Really?" I stared in disbelief. "Why?"
"I figured you might be angry too. I talked with Gem earlier. I just... we.. Might have something in common. That's all." He shifted feet. Was he nervous? He smelled so good as the scent of daisies came back.
I nodded and followed Mr. Angry to the previous room. We spent some time boxing.
I had the most fun with Peri. His smell was amazing and his voice was mmm. Deep and demanding. He gave me instructions and I loved it when he told me what to do.
Command me all you want, Peri!
I learned how to hit the bag correctly as I tried to focus on what I was doing. There was an art to boxing that I never knew. Of course I don't know a whole lot. I learned fast and was hitting the bag like a pro within fifteen minutes. This was fun.
Peri moved the bag and we began boxing a little. I couldn't believe he was up for this. We promised not to kill one another and he actually made me chuckle a few times. He seemed to like it too. I loved his company.
It got out of hand though. He was tough and asked for more. We began actually hitting each other. Hard. I punched him and he laughed and punched me back. I chuckled. I actually had fun with Peri in a weird way.
Who would find this fun?
We exchanged punches and laughed through it for a while. We threw in some wrestling moves and I lost track of time. This was paradise in this small room with Peri. We were boxing and wrestling and laughing as we fought. His laugh was amazing and his smile filled my soul with happiness.
I guess we were being loud because Dr. Comet and Citron burst into the room, armed.
I was flipped to the floor and Peri pinned me. Mmm yes he did and he was laying on top of me.
I'll allow this.
We were both breathless as we looked at the door.
Peri glared at them. "We were practicing. What?" He wiped his hair from his eyes and looked pale. He slowly released me.
I slowly stood, following Peri's lead, and straightened my clothes. "Sorry." I walked back to my cell and closed the door. I didn't want to get Peri into trouble.
Citron followed me and started to laugh as he got to my cell. "I saw your cell empty and assumed the worst. I didn't realize that you were on a date!" He winked.
I looked at my feet and sighed. "It wasn' that!" I didn't even know but it was Peri so it wasn't like that. "Peri was teaching me.." I could feel his body on mine.
"Peridot never practices with anyone. Never." Citron chuckled and walked off again. I was left with that information. Never?
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