Third Person
Third Person POV: (I did say probably!)
Citron walked into his bedroom and sighed. "What a long day!" He took off his side arm and sword. He removed his shirt and rubbed his hair. "Sky? I thought you were here?"
A man walked in from the bathroom. "I am." He wrapped around Citron. "Baby." He placed a kiss on Citron's cheek.
Citron sighed. "So, Chance is learning quicker than I expected."
Sky smiled. "Of course, he's Viper's son."
Citron agreed. "Is Viper still helping you in the lab?"
Sky smiled softly. "Shower than talk."
Citron chuckled. "You said you wanted to talk, Doc."
"Well, Sir... I need a shower first." Sky pulled Citron into the bathroom.
"How did you get a room with a bathroom attached?" Citron teased as he was being undressed.
Sky smirked. "I'm the doctor, Sir... Perks of the job of being the Gen!"
Citron nodded. "I see."
"And I get to share my perks with you every night." Sky smiled at Citron. "Are you going to complain some more?"
Citron chuckled and placed a kiss on Sky's mouth. "You love me."
Sky rolled his eyes. "I have to because it's slim pickings here!"
Citron laughed as they enjoyed the shower together.
Citron was lying in bed with Sky as they relaxed in clean sweats and dry hair. "So...?"
Sky smiled as he laid his head on Citron's shoulder. "I think I have a way to contain and control vampires."
"Go on." Citron was curious.
"Before that, you understand that Viper is our mate or we are his mate, yes?" Sky waited.
Citron nodded as he ran his hand up and down Sky's back. "Yes."
"It explains everything. The reason we found him, remember... you said that we needed to check that building first." Sky recalled.
Citron shook his head. "Nope! Peri said it. I just agreed and led the way. It was Peri that directed us to that building and he walked into that room first. I was going to go around the other way and probably wouldn't have checked that room at all. It was small, probably a lab or someone's office at one time."
Sky smiled. "So, Peri was led to Viper even before we knew what was happening. Interesting. So, we are his mates..."
"Yes. We are. It's cool, right?" Citron loved it. "Viper is so great and I see him as my brother. I did almost immediately. It freaked me out a little."
Sky nodded. "Me too. I trusted him so quickly. I knew Peri was in trouble because he became more distant and that wasn't like him. I knew he was struggling but I didn't realize why."
Citron chuckled. "I never saw that coming for sure! I laughed my ass off when we found them in the dojo, boxing. Remember? They were so cute even then!"
Sky chuckled too. "I know. Viper looked confused and Peri looked pissed. I think he was pissed that we interrupted and made Viper leave! Viper rushed out like he was on fire!"
Citron nodded. "I know! It was so fucking cute!"
Sky nodded. "So cute. I was surprised when they began spending time together. I mean.. Peri actually spent time and talked to Viper. It was sweet. Then Viper would come into the lab and we experimented on him, he spent the time talking about things that Peri did with him or he would share looks with Peri, who didn't ever leave the doorway. He watched Viper the entire time."
Citron gasped. "I never knew that! Peri guarded Viper?"
Sky nodded. "He claimed it was for my protection but I seriously doubt that. Peri knows I can take care of myself."
"Oh! I knew that he was in too deep when he brought that Harbor into the cell for Viper!" Citron smiled. "He really understands Viper."
"Probably better than Viper does!" Sky chuckled. "I saw the looks they were sharing. Man, it was cute. I still never expected Peri to act on them though. He was so... injured after that attack."
Citron nodded. "I thought he was dead when I found him. He was the only survivor. He took out a lot of vampires with the last of his magic. He wasn't the same after that."
Sky nodded. "I know. And now with Viper..." He sighed.
Citron smiled. "He got his soul back."
Sky nodded. "I know." He kissed Citron's neck.
"You're going to start something, Doc." Citron smiled.
Sky laughed as he placed another kiss, he was turned onto his back and Citron was on him. "I was warned."
Citron laughed. "You were and you failed."
"I was bad." Sky teased as his blue eyes shined.
Citron growled and his yellow eyes shifted to a lemon yellow. "Damn, Doc! You are so bad!" His lips landed on Sky's lips and they melted into euphoria.
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