The One Chance...
This is the last Chapter...
Miraculously, we got the vampires gathered. It took a few months, a lot of simulations, a lot of military power, a lot of magic and a lot of energy. We used some veggie blood and live bait that consisted of harbors, some boar/wild pigs and something from this realm/world called a Rizor.
It reminded me of an elephant but it had hair and different ears. And its mouth was in its long nose. It was a bazaar animal but cool. No animals actually died in the capture of the vampires, I'm pleased to announce.
The research and all of that took four months and I'm skipping over it because it was boring and who wanted to type that out. Seriously. Peri did take me on dates and everyone knew we were official. Peri got back into the habit of using his magic and that was a good feeling.
Once we got the vampires gathered, we got the barriers up with Gem and Peri's help. Now, we had to wait. I would monitored them for three months. I wrote down everything they did as I watched to make sure they didn't get out. Of course there were cameras recording every single second as well.
I was happy to watch. We set up cameras. I knew they knew those cameras were watching them because I could sense them. I still didn't have answers for that.
I drank my 'veggies' as I wrote down the information for day three. Peri was beside me. "Well?" He just got there. He had things to do at the base.
Day one and two were just adjustment days. The vampires were in a state of shock and confusion but they were getting settled.
"Well, things look good. For now..." I finished my food and tossed it in my recycle bag. "They calmed down. The first day, they were wild and crazy. Now, they are eating the veggie packs and I think we should give them a few more days. See how it goes from here." I watched them as they shared meals with others in their groups.
Peri nodded as he watched. The vampires had shelters, food supplied to them and fresh water to bathe in. So far, they hadn't used a bathroom, a shower or a private room. They all stayed in their separate groups and stood around outside. The climate had no effect on them but we knew that because it had no effect on me.
"I noticed that a couple of people from each group gathered food for the rest of their group. I did an official count and there are five hundred vampires and they are in groups of twenty." I watched the people standing close to each other.
Peri nodded. "So, no uneven numbers?"
"No. Which means I really wasn't part of them. I'm part of you guys but I still have no idea why." I sighed. "I have more questions!"
Peri smiled. "I don't care why. You are mine and that's all that matters, Viper. I don't care why."
I smiled as I turned to him. "I know. I was just curious."
Peri nodded. "I just point and shoot."
"I know." I leaned into him and snuggled close. I noticed that they did that as well. The vampires in their groups would snuggle to get closer to each other. Sometimes, they would put their face into the other's neck or ear. I knew that was for the scent though. I smelled Peri all the time too. I also noticed that the violence levels were going down. Maybe someday they would get to a civilized level? Maybe?
"I only need your scent, Peri. I don't require the others in my group, just you. I still wonder why I'm different." I sighed.
Peri smiled. "Because you're mine. That's why. Now, shut up."
I chuckled and caught Peri's scent just for fun.
On month three, it happened; A vampire spoke to me. "How come you're out there?"
I gasped and turned to Peri, who looked confused. I turned back and smiled. "You can talk!"
She nodded. "I can. Some of us can... can you answer me?"
I nodded. "I can be out here because my group is out here. I'm no threat to them."
She stared. "Were we a threat?"
I nodded. "You understand the word?"
She nodded. "Threat... something that threatens to harm us. I understand it. Were we harming something?"
I watched her. "Yes. You were harming other species. They were all afraid. Your kind killed a lot of people."
"People? Killed? What does that mean?" She looked confused.
"What's your name?" I was curious. "I'm Viper."
"Twenty." She smiled. "Viper. Strange name."
"You're twenty?" I watched her as she smiled at her name.
"Yes. Can you answer my question?"
I nodded. "Kill means to end a life. They are no longer here. They are destroyed. And people are living bodies. Like us and you guys.. You are a people. A kind of being...."
Peri was quiet beside me.
Twenty nodded. "I see. And this stuff is like our other food but easier to get. I like it much better."
"I agree. Do the others like it?" I had to know.
Twenty nodded. "Yes! It's easier. We are the last of our kind and it was so hard to travel with our group and find food for all of us. This is better. I should thank you for our group."
"You're welcome." I smiled at her as she nodded. "Can you tell them it's appreciated?"
"I will. I will also check back in tomorrow." I watched her. "You should get inside. It's getting lighter. Stay safe."
She nodded. "I will." Someone in her group pulled her from the fence and into a building. She waved and closed the door. They were all tucked in for the day so Peri knew it was time to go back home.
I turned to Peri and smiled. "Did you hear that!" I was excited.
Peri stared at me. "What in the hell was that?"
"She likes it here! She said..." I saw Peri's confusion. "You could hear her right?"
Peri laughed. "Hell no! You two were just growling and hissing at each other. I thought you were going to kill her through the fence!"
I laughed. "No! She thanked me and said she loved the food. They are all relieved that they are here. She said this is the last of them."
I wrote down the conversation as fast as I could. I was excited.
I gave my new report to Gem. "Ma'am, I talked to one of them!" I was excited. I rushed into her office without knocking and I was bouncing with excitement. Peri just stood with me and enjoyed my cheer.
Gem smiled as I recounted the conversation. "It's in the report and I'm going back tomorrow... of course... With your permission." I was full of energy.
Gem nodded. "I would definitely appreciate you going back and getting more information. Maybe you should write down questions to get answers for, then go prepared."
I nodded. "Okay!" I yawned. "I need to sleep first."
"Get some good rest, Viper. You earned it." She turned to Peri. "be sure to tuck him in." She winked at him as I stared in shock. Did she just make a sexual innuendo comment?
Peri chuckled. "I will!" He picked me up and carried me to our room. I just let Peri tuck me into the bed. I knew the sun was almost up as my eyes closed and Peri kissed my forehead.
The next night was amazing. I took questions that everyone helped me with and Twenty answered happily. From what she was saying, some of them can talk but not all of them. They can communicate with their mates but not with outsiders.
I watched her. "Really?"
Twenty nodded. "I don't know why. Like our group, only six of us can speak to others."
I nodded. "Oh. That's weird. And you understand that you were once human or at least another species?"
Twenty nodded. "Right! We don't have any memories of what we used to be. You said we came from humans? I don't remember that. I have only these memories. I read that report that you read to me yesterday."
I nodded. "Me too. I have no memories of my precious life." I had read some information to her hoping to help her understand them.
They attracted attention as others from her group gathered. Some of them could speak to me and asked their questions as I explained things.
It was fun for me to talk to someone like me. They weren't my people but they kind of were my people. It would probably take years to get all of the answers and I may never get the important ones.
Why? That was one but I knew they didn't target me but why did they leave me? I knew why but I didn't know how they knew I wasn't part of them. I also never would know why I was part of Peri's group.
Peri smiled at the dinner table. "I see your mind whirling with unanswerable questions, Fifty. The reason why you are part of my group is because I needed you. Okay? We all needed you. That's your answer to the mystery. You are here because you're supposed to be, you are all of our other half but you are my Fifty. Okay?"
Chance chuckled. "Damn!" He leaned into Basil and sighed. He knew his dad was going to be taken care of and this made him happy for the second part of his life.
Dr. Comet chuckled too and turned to Citron. "Anything snarky to add?"
Citron sighed. "No. I don't have anything to add but I wish you two a lot of happiness."
Peri raised an eyebrow in question.
"What?" Citron shrugged. "I support your love and you're so damn cute together and... Peri can kill all of us with his pinky, I'm good! I want to live!" He winked at Peri.
Peri chuckled. "Sure. And thanks, Citron."
"Besides, tomorrow is another day and I can be snarky tomorrow. I'm taking tonight off. Viper is doing an amazing job with the vampires and I'm happy with my lover. I got to practice fight with Viper and lost, so I'm in a great place." Citron sighed and leaned into Dr. Comet.
Chance stared at them. "Wait? Are you two together Dr. Comet?"
Dr Comet chuckled. "It took you less time than Viper!"
I chuckled. "I was going through a lot then... We are going to need that story! How?"
Citron smiled softer as he pulled up memories. "I was injured from an attack. It was when I first came here so long ago. We didn't have the group and organization that we have now. It was hopeless then. We went after the attacks if we heard about them. Communication wasn't what it is now either."
Dr. Comet rolled his eyes. "So, this sorry excuse for a soldier limped into my clinic and laid on a cot. He demanded to be seen right now."
Citron nodded. "I was in pain."
Dr. Comet glared. "Sure. He was in more pain than my other patients!" More eye rolling. "He demanded. I made him wait longer out of spite and then stayed casual about helping him."
Citron glared at Dr. Comet. "He hated me and I was a jerk. I'm not a great patient."
"He's not." Dr. Comet agreed. "So, I helped him as he made snarky comments. I wanted to punch him in the face but I took him to the upper level tower for the view."
"He did and I was shocked. Most people hated me and avoided me... but this nobody doctor helped me calm down. I was sad and confused and ready to fight everyone to get my family back. We talked." Citron leaned into Dr. Comet. "We talked a lot every day for months and I fell in love."
Dr. Comet smiled at him. "I loved you the second I laid eyes on you but you weren't ready."
Citron rolled his eyes and looked at me. "I had lost my family and my pride so I was a little angry."
Viper nodded. "Understandable. I'm sorry about all of that but I'm so happy that you found Dr. Comet!"
Dr. Comet glared at me. "Thanks. Now, I'm stuck with this!" He gestured to Citron.
I laughed. "Well, I'm stuck with this!" He gestured to Peri.
"You win!" Dr. Comet chuckled. "That is much worse!"
I laughed with him as Peri looked offended. "Hey!"
I leaned into Peri and sighed. "You know how I feel about you."
"I may need to hear it again." Peri glared.
I inhaled. "I love you more than the strongest star in the biggest galaxy and deeper than the deepest ocean on the biggest world and more than..."
Peri covered my mouth. "I get it!" He stood up and pulled me to him. "Excuse us!" He pulled me from the cafe and down our hallway and into our room.
"But we have practice!" I was pretending to complain.
"Shut up! I'm going to show you how I feel about you because I can't put it into words!" Peri slammed the door to our room and locked it with magic as he began to explain his love for me without words.
So, there we are at the end of the story. I'm sure it's not the end but that's all I'm writing about here. I hope you enjoyed our story and appreciate our struggle. It still will continue on and stay ever changing and one day a vampire will marry a druid in an amazing wedding.
Once I make friends with the vampire groups, maybe they can begin their new lives as something else, like we all did. We have a lot more hope in this world than when the story began and that makes me proud of my group.
We are still looking for a good match for Gem. She doesn't know it but we are! I chuckled. We have strangers that become family, family that became strangers and then friends and enemies that became lovers and friends. And we are all connected in some weird way. This is my group that I will cherish and protect for as long as I live. (Except Citron, he can manage all by himself.)
The End.
I hope you enjoyed this story. It's pretty short but I absolutely loved writing it. It was a fun journey. I didn't have a goal at the beginning of this story but I hope you like how it ended... or whatever. Take good care of yourselves and have a great day! Thanks so much for reading!
And to the people who always read my stories, I love you all! You guys know I do, even when I'm terrible with communication! Ha
Love you all!
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