Hi everybody!
So I don't want to keep you with a long authors note, but I feel that you deserve a brief explanation of my absence.
Honestly it's just a lack of time, I know some of you already know that adult life is hard and I've explained what's going on multiple times so I don't want to repeat myself.
I'll still come back and update every now and then, but I can't promise frequent updates anymore. It's just how it is.
That said I hope you continue to enjoy my stories for those of you who waited so long.
Stay Miraculous everyone!
"You sure you're okay Marinette?" Alya asked while Nino grabbed their coats out of the closet. "You don't want us to stay?"
"Yes I'll be fine, it's only for one night." Marinette smiled. "You should go home and get some rest, now that they're kicking I know it's going to get tiring after awhile."
"Who says it isn't tiring now?" Alya groaned. "...but if you say you're fine I'll take your word for it. Give me an update in the morning Kay?"
"Kay." They both hugged goodbye and Nino walked over to help Alya in her coat.
"Ready to go babe?" He asked.
"I'm ready for these little gremlins in me to go back to sleep." Alya groaned.
"Well when we get home how about I cook you your favorite meal and give you a foot massage while you eat?" Nino kissed Alyas cheek.
Alya raised an eyebrow at her husband. "No way, you're still banned from the kitchen after the last time you tried to "cook" something in there."
"But I've gotten better since then babe, you really have no faith in me." Nino said with a fake pout.
Alya pat his shoulder. "Well I say you need some more practice but for now if I get hungry we're ordering takeout."
Marinette smiled at her friends as they continued to bicker their way towards the car. Once she made sure the two of them were safe inside their vehicle she closed the door behind her and locked both locks.
Marinette walked back into the living room where her sons were running around with the dog. They were probably more hyper because of all the cake and sweets. She looked over at the staircase and saw Adrien sitting halfway on the steps watching the children play through the railings.
The kids are running around playing
"Adrien." She called the blonde who immediately responded. She smiled and gestured for him to come down. Adrien stood up and made the rest of the way down the steps.
He looked up at Marinette who was now only a few inches taller than he was. He noticed earlier that her hair was much shorter than when she was younger and he thought it looked great. Adrien was about to speak until he felt his waist being grabbed. When he looked down, he saw a little boy with brown hair and green eyes looking up at him.
"D..Daddy?" The boy blinked up at Adrien. "Are you okay? You look...diffrent."
"Uh..." Adrien was stumped on what to say, that's when the older boy with bluish hair and green eyes approached him as well.
"Oh no.." The boy said staring at Adrien, "Papa shrunk like Mama!"
The blond panicked unsure of what to say to calm them down until Marinette stepped in. "Calm down you two, Daddy's going to be fine, he just needs to rest and the same goes for you two, now go on upstairs." The boys groaned, but followed their mother's orders and headed towards the stairs.
."The overdramatic one is Louis and the little one is Hugo. They tend to let their wild from time to time." Marinette picked up the baby from her booster seat. "...and this little bundle of joy is Emma."
Emma blew bubbles from her mouth and went into a fit of laughter. Adrien's heart soared at the little angel and his smile was more than evident. "Can I...hold her?"
Marinette smiled, "Of course." She set Emma in his arms and Adrien marveled at the little girl who's eyes sparkled when she looked at him. They were a brilliant blue much like his lady's and her hair was golden, just like his own.
A few minutes later, Hugo came back downstairs. Marinette and Adrien turned their attention towards the young boy.
"Hugo what did I say?" Marinette began to scold.
"I came to give something to Daddy." Hugo replied walking over to Adrien before handing him his favorite Chat Noir toy.
"What's this for?" Adrien asked curiously.
"Daddy told me that Chat Noir will always keep me safe when I'm not feeling well. So I want Daddy to have him so he can keep him safe while he's not feeling well."
Adrien smiled and used his free hand to rub the boy's head. "Thanks little guy and you're right, Chat Noir will always keep you safe no matter what." Hugo gave the blonde a big smile showing a gap from a recent missing tooth.
"Alright Hugo it's time for bed." Marinette reached for the young boy's hand and guided him to the stairs. Before they went up, she turned back towards Adrien. "I'm going to go get them to bed, why don't you sit with Emma until I get back?"
Adrien nodded and watched the two head up the stairs until they disappeared from sight on the second floor. He continued to hold Emma in his arms and looked around in the living room, he noticed pictures of Marinette, the kids, and what he can assume was his older self.
He saw various things such as graduation pictures, group photos with familiar looking faces, and even pictures from weddings. It put a smile on his face knowing what the future holds and that they were finally able to find peace.
Emma had started to fidget in his arms and Adrien looked down at her, she whimpered and before Adrien could figure out what was wrong, she began to cry.
"E..Emma what's wrong?" Adrien started to panic, he wasn't sure why the baby had started crying. Was she hungry? Sick? Was he holding her uncomfortable?
The blonde tried to soothe the child by rocking her a little, but that didn't seem to work. He sat on the couch and continued to hold her close until
an idea came to mind.
"How about a song?" He offered and set her in a more comfortable position. Then he began singing a song that he remembered learning from his mother.
Emma started to calm down and she blinked at the boy who was startled to lull her to sleep with the melody, it was almost instant, like she recognized the tune, most likely hearing it from her father before.
"Little kitty on the roof, all alone without his lady." Emma was now sound asleep, Adrien let out a sigh of relief and continued to hum the melody.
"You always knew how to calm her down." He looked back to see Marinette by the stairs.
"You...heard that?" The boy asked, not sure why he felt a little embarrassed.
"Mmmhmm." She walked over to the couch and leaned down to give Emma a kiss on her forehead.
Adrien stared at the blunette for a moment taking in her appearance, when they made eye contact he shook his gaze trying to not seem rude and decided to speak "Um...Marinette?"
Marinette's eyes widen slightly. "You recognize me?"
"Well...Plagg kind of told me at first after you came downstairs." He admitted. "...but now that I look at you I can definitely see that it's you."
Marinette giggled and looked down at the sleeping bundle in his arms. "I can go ahead and take her upstairs." She said reaching for Emma."
"Actually.." Adrien drew back, which made Mari stop her movement. "Is it okay if I held her a little longer?"
Marinette smiled. "Sure. I'm going to whip up something to eat in the kitchen, it's been awhile since you ate so you must be starving." She made her way to the kitchen. "I'll let you know when it's ready."
Adrien watched Marinette enter the kitchen and looked back at the baby girl. It still amazed him that this adorable little angel was his daughter and that they're were two others that seemed to adore him.
He held Emma closer to his heart. "Guess I'll be a dad after all."
After being gone for so long and this sequel is only now getting started.
I don't have anything major planned honestly, just a few sweet flashbacks and references, but it's gonna be goooood.
Thanks again for sticking around you guys. I'll catch you later again!
Bluerose is out
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