Interesting Morning
"Okay so let me get this straight....." Alya looked over at Adrien. "So you're shirtless because...?"
"I was blindsided by the akuma last night and I got hurt. Marinette was just fixing my wound." Adrien answered.
Alya turned to Marinette. "And you're dressed like that because...?"
"I couldn't find anything else that fit..." Marinette answered in a timid voice."
"And you guys were on the floor because...?"
"We tripped." They answered together.
Alya sat and thought for a moment before a small laugh slipped out from her lips which erupted into a full blown laugh.
Marinette stared at her older best friend still red from the embarrassment of the situation while Adrien sighed and put his face in his hands.
Alya still laughing wiped a tear away and said, "Man guys are a riot. I feel like I'm in highschool all over again."
She continued laughing and Adrien finally decided he's had about enough.
"Okay Alya for goodness sakes!" The blonde shouted frustrated. " did you get inside my house?"
"Did you forget that Mari gave me a spare key genius?"
"I did?" Marinette asked confused.
"Yeah..well the older you. Sometimes you needed me to run over every now and then to grab something for you while you were at work. I'm usually all over town so it's not that big of a deal for me." Alya replied.
"Did you bring over what I asked you?" Adrien said to the reporter.
"Yep." Alya picked up and outfit that she brought in with her. "I have a few things here that my sister wore when she was fifteen, it's enough for an outfit for today."
"That's alright. I'll give you my card and you guys can go shopping for some more stuff." Adrien stood up. "I have to leave to go to work soon so I'm going to go ahead and get dressed."
Adrien grabbed his shirt and was about to make his way over to the stairs when he felt someone grab his arm.
"Um Adrien?" He looked back to see Marinette has been the one to grab him. "What about the akuma...I mean... shouldn't we be out looking for him..or her I can't remember...?"
Adrien smiled at the blunette, "Don't worry about it right now okay Princess? We'll find the akuma and get you back to normal as soon as we can okay?"
Adrien can see Alya give him a look from the corner of his eye, but he ignored it.
"Oh..okay." Marinette let go of his arm and Adrien leaned in giving her a kiss on the forehead before heading up the stairs.
Marinette watched as the blonde headed up the stairs, her face once again turning red as she touched her forehead. "I'm not sure if I could handle all this..." She spoke.
Alya laughed, "Trust me it gets better I promise." Picking up the clothes she handed them to the blunette. "There's a bathroom right around the corner over there go ahead and see how they fit okay?"
Marinette nodded taking the clothes and heading over to the bathroom.
A crash was heard inside the kitchen and Alya ran over to check it out. Turns out it was Plagg shuffling around the kitchen.
Alya raised an eyebrow asking. "What are you doing?"
"What does it look like I'm doing?" The cat asked in a snark tone. "I'm LOOKING for my CHEESE!!!"
Alya looked over at Tikki who was sitting on the counter eating a cookie. Tikki looked over at the Auburn haired woman shrugged.
Alya rolled her eyes heading back to the living room.
After breakfast, Marinette walked outside into the driveway along with Alya and Adrien. She wore a pair of jeans shorts and a turquoise blouse with white flowers across it. She was also carrying a purse with the strap across her chest that held her Kwami inside. It was cute, but she didn't want to be stuck with having to wear it over again in case they didn't find the akuma. Shopping was a good idea at the moment.
That also raised a question in Marinette's mind. Why was the akuma so quiet now? You'd think Hawkmoth would have them constantly terrorizing the city to try to get their miraculous. So why we're there no attacks yet besides last night.
Marinette looked over at Adrien who was checking something on his phone. He looked up catching her eye and giving her another winning smile.
She smiled back, If Adrien says I shouldn't worry then I won't right now, but we should really go after the akuma when we get the chance.
Adrien walked over to Marinette putting an arm around her he rested his chin against her hair. "I have to go, but as soon as my works done, I'm heading right back to you." He looked down at the girl who looked back up at him. "I love you, Mari."
Marinette blinked before trying to respond. "I...I..."
Adrien chuckled kissing her on the cheek he headed over to his car. "I'll meet you at Alya's. Goodbye M'Lady. See you Alya."
Alya gave a salute before heading inside her own car.
Mariette watched Adrien drive away in his expensive looking Black Jaguar car. She wasn't sure what it was, but she had this strange feeling around him.
Like he was hiding something...
"Calm on Mar." Alya called from the driver seat. "Let's get going."
"Oh..uh..yes, I'm coming." Marinette goes inside the car sitting in the passenger seat they drive down to the mall.
Excuse me. 😑
Once again I'm 500 words short on this chapter and I apologize.
It's been hard finding a good stopping point lately....
Anyways tank you all for reading.
I will be back next Sunday
Ciao for now ✌
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