Car Ride
Maybe I need to start writing down about stuff to say in my author's note because I literally can not think of anything to say.
Marinette stared outside the window as they drove down the street. She realized that her house with Adrien was in a really secluded part of Paris and it seemed really nice and serene.
When she looked back at the house earlier before they left the driveway she noticed that the house was much bigger on the inside than it looked on the out.
It wasn't as big as Adrien's huge mansion that she remembers being in as Ladybug that one time, but it was definitely way bigger than the bakery she lived in.
Marinette continued to stare out of the window, she also noticed that they were in an unfamiliar part of Paris that she's never been before....or at least doesn't remember being in it.
The Blunette sighed at the thought of losing her memory. Despite having everything, apparently she was still reckless enough to be blindsided by an akuma.
Now instead of being this proud and much more fabulous adult, she was once again her clumsy, not so fabulous, teenage self.
"What's the matter Mar?" Alya caught the sad look on Marinette's face and decided to address it.
"Huh?" Caught off guard Marinette turned her head towards Alya. "Oh! N.. Nothing everything's fine."
"Girl don't give me that. I've known you for almost 15 years now Marinette. I've come to known the expressions you make when something's on your mind." Stopping at a red light she turned to look at the young girl. "It's me Marinette. Your best friend in the whole world, you can talk to me."
Marinette did feel a little uneasy about the new Alya. For example, she knew that Alya always had a figure back in highschool, but now it seemed like she could pass as a some kind of busty super model. Marinette felt like she was talking to someone that she should address to as 'Ms' or 'ma'am'
"I'm sorry it's just.... everything just seemed to change right before my eyes. I'm still trying to make sense of it all."
"What's the last thing you remember? Like the very LAST moment you remember before everything changed?" The light turned green and Alya continued down the road.
"There was this book I had. It had pictures of Miraculous wielders from the past. Tikki was telling me that I had to give it back to the guardian."
"Master Fu." Tikki chirped.
"Ohhh that guy." Alya said with a nod. "He was a nice guy. Strange, but nice."
"Yeah, well I went to him to return the book as soon as I opened the door, he called me Ladybug and I stepped inside and that's it." Marinette finished.
"So all you remember is walking into the room? You don't remember speaking to the guy?"
"No I don't. I just remember walking in closing the door and then suddenly I'm waking up in your apartment."
" Alya? If you don't mind me asking, how exactly did you find out?"
The Auburn reporter looked at Marinette from the corner of her eye. "About what?"
"About me being Ladybug?" The blue eyed girl asked tilting her head.
Alya chuckled a little before saying, "You just told me."
"I..I did?"
"Mmmhmm. You told me about your Ladybug identity about a couple of years after you became Ladybug." Alya laughed shaking her head. "I couldn't believe after all that time it was my best friend."
"Were you...upset?"
Alya shook her head. "I was more ecstatic than anything else. I do admit that I was a little mad to know that you kept such a big secret from me, but I came to realize how much pressure you were under from it so I let it go." Alya turned into the parking lot of the mall, she continued to speak while looking for a place to park. "Besides I was more surprised to find out that I knew your identity before Adrien did."
"Adrien still didn't know my identity when I told you?"
Alya shook her head. "Nope, he was still unaware at the time, but he found out not to long after I did."
"How did he find out?"
" something you'll have to ask him when you see him this afternoon." Finally finding a parking space Alya was about to make a turn when suddenly a bright yellow Lamborghini cut her off driving into the spot instead.
"Are you kidding me??" Alya shouted throwing her hands in the air.
A blonde woman dressed in a black halter top and a tight pair of jean shorts stepped out of the Lamborghini in her 4 - inch high stiletto heels. She had large diamond hoop earrings and her eyes were covered by a large pair of white and black sunglasses.
Marinette's eyes widen at the realization of who the person might be. " that?"
"Chloe? Yeah, that's her and she completely cut me off just now." Alya smashed her hand against the horn honking at the blonde who just turned around giving her a look before turning the other way digging through her Prada bag.
"Ugh I'm so not in the move for this crap..." Alya got out of the car, Marinette did the same.
Alya walked over to the blonde calling out to her. "Yo Chloe!"
Chloe turned back around towards Alya pulling her shades up to settle them on her forehead. "Can I help you?"
"Seriously? You're just going to pretend you didn't just cut me off just now for that parking space?"
Chloe rolled her eyes. "What's the problem? It's not like you own it do you?"
"I had my blinker on woman. I was about to turn into it!" Alya shouted.
"Well you should've gotten into the spot faster." Chloe snarked back. The blonde noticed a figure standing over by Alya's car, she gasped when she saw that the girl looked exactly like....
"Marinette?" Chloe said astonished. Marinette looked exactly how she remembered her in highschool. "Is that you over there? What happened to you?"
The blunette froze. "Um...I..."
"That's Marinette's cousin." Alya intercepted. "Her name'"
"Bridgette!" Marinette finished. "I'm Bridgette I'm.....visiting for a few days, my clothes got lost on my way here on the plane so Alya here agreed to take me shopping."
Alya nodded impressed with the way she came up with an explanation so fast. "Yeah, what she said."
"So Marinette has time to play tourist guide with her cousin, but not enough time to answer my calls?" Chloe said with a scoff.
"What are you talking about?" Alya questioned.
"I've been calling the fashion agency all day yesterday trying to get in contact with Marinette, she's supposed to be designing my dress for my next New Year's Eve party but for some reason she's not answering!" Chloe fumed. "I don't know why I even tried to be nice to that girl by choosing her as my designer in the first place. Next time you see Marinette you better tell her if I don't here back from her by the end of the week I'm choosing a new designer."
With that Chloe sashayed her way into the mall. Alya rolled her eyes before turning back to Marinette.
"Nice cover up." She said with a smile.
"Wait....did I really agree to design a dress for Chloe?" Marinette asked with disbelief.
"Yeah, I was pretty surprised myself when you first told me about it." Alya sighed heading back to her car. "Come on. Let's find another parking space and then we can finally go buy you some clothes."
Alya and Marinette spent about 2 hours at the mall, at first they were shopping for just clothes, but then they started buying shoes and accessories along with a bunch of other stuff that they didn't intend on purchasing in the first place.
Despite the sudden age difference, Marinette still felt like she was hanging out with her BFF. Alya couldn't help, but miss this side of Marinette growing up. She felt like she hadn't gotten to spend this much time with her given her job and raising two kids and all. Yes they still talked over the phone every other day, but she can't recall the last time they had girl time together like this.
Once they were done at the mall, Alya and Marinette headed back to the car. Setting everything in the back seat they drove on to the street.
"You hungry Mar?" Alya asked.
"Starving. Can we get some food?"
"Why do you think I asked?" Alya said with a laugh. "We'll go pick something up and head back to my place."
Marinette smiled, she really enjoyed the time she had with Alya today. Now she just had to head back to her apartment with her and just wait for Adrien.
Adrien.... I wonder what he's doing right now. Marinette thought. I wonder if he's thinking about me to..I mean I am....his wife.
Marinette's face grew red the more she thought of the blonde.
"You're going to see him soon Marinette." Alya said suddenly.
Marinette blinked confused. "Wh..What?"
"The only reason that you could be looking like that is if you're thinking about Adrien."
Marinette blushed even brighter. " did you...what??"
Alya laughed gripping the wheel harder trying not to burst in hysterics. "Girl just because I'm an adult doesn't mean I forgot about your crazy antics when it came to Adrien. Stealing his phone, having his entire schedule hanging in your room, you even told me about the time you transformed into Ladybug to ruin what you thought was a date between him and that girl who got akumatized into Volpina. The list goes on from there."
"Does....Adrien know about all that stuff?" Marinette asked a little afraid at what the answer might be.
"Like I said before." Alya spoke. "You'll have to ask him yourself."
I'm sorry for the late update you guys Sunday was a busy day for me 😥😥😥
I finished this chapter on Monday after I posted Miraculous Mermaid. And I was going to just wait until Sunday to post along with the next chapter, but I figured I'd give you the chapter now and the next one will be posted on Sunday following the schedule.
Thank you for all of you who have been so patient.
I'd say I love you guys but....I barely know you.
Take me out for dinner and maybe we could get to know each other....then I'll see how I'll feel.
Next chapter will be here on Sunday bruh.
Ciao for now 😊✌
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