I thought I'd start us off on this artistic adventure, I'm going to be honest and say I totally couldn't draw his mouth properly in this and that's why its covered up entirely by a paint splatter cloud . . . But yeAH,
Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled program; where I shove major events down your throat <3
"Hey." Luke whisper shouted even though they were all currently awake, he stared at the pair until one of them spoke up, "What?"
"We should go to the beach." Luke suggested, in the same whispered tone as before, looking at them with his head lulled to the side.
Calum snorted, "I don't have any trunks."
"Why don't you have any trunks?" The blond asked, with the kind of expression that suggested he should have.
"Well, I didn't exactly think I would be going to the beach when I was packing. Sue me." Calum snapped back.
"Maybe I will." Luke muttered with a scowl, kicking his feet up onto the desk again.
"Do it then."
"Luke used to study Law, I wouldn't get him started." Michael sighed, sitting up to look at the blond sitting in his chair.
"Like I was saying, we should go to the beach." Luke repeated while he toyed with a piece of paper, giving them the kind of look that dared them to argue.
"Can't. No trunks." Calum repeated with a smug look on his face, looking at Luke and challenging him to get physical with his stare.
"Fuck sakes, borrow some of mine." Luke laughed, chucking a paper plane at the pair sitting on the floor. He successfully hit Michael in the eye although he was clearly aiming for Calum's face. Calum winced as the paper made contact and Luke began apologizing immediately.
Michael rubbed his eye and started laughing, "Okay, but I actually have a doctor's appointment today and can't go."
Luke couldn't help but let out an offended scoff, "Of all the days, it had to be today."
"To be fair," Michael said, shooting the plane back in Luke's direction where it did a loop before crash landing in Luke's hair. "You didn't tell me Calum was coming today."
"Yeah Calum," Luke mocked. "Should'a told us you were coming."
- - -
Luke let out a pleased sigh as soon as his toes met the sand. Happily sucking in the ocean breeze, like he didn't go to the beach often. Even Calum was looking at him funny for the reaction he had to getting out of the car, a heavily tattooed giant twig acting like he happened to be an outdoors enthusiast.
"Water first or sun?" Calum asked, glad he'd snatched Michael's sunglasses on the way out of his office, the sun was blinding.
"Sun?" Luke replied although he worded it as a question to see if Calum would also be in agreement. Calum gave a shrug to answer him and the pair walked until the sand was just barely damp and laid down their towels. Luke sat down on his towel, getting comfortable while Calum took off his shoes and socks. Calum struggled a little getting his shirt over his head because he hadn't removed the sunglasses before he attempted to take it off.
Calum laid back on his towel, propping up on his elbows so he could see Luke without looking directly into the sun.
Luke whistled, "I didn't know you had collarbone tattoos."
"I'm pretty proud of them." Calum admitted with a smile, looking at the feather and roman numerals just below the protruding bones.
"Michael thinks collarbone tattoos are hot," Luke stage whispered, cupping a hand against his mouth to amplify his voice. He then looked around to see if anyone else heard what he said while a blush rushed up to Calum's cheeks.
"H-He does?" Taken aback slightly that Luke being so honest, Calum tried to hide his blush by checking his phone and successfully turning his back to Luke while he grabbed it.
"Ye-Holy shit." Luke choked out suddenly. Calum looked back in surprise, seeing that Luke looked fine but a little shocked at something.
"What?" He asked taking in the blond's wide eyed expression with his eyebrows furrowed. Luke opened his mouth several times and then closed it, unable to form a response.
"Uh-" Luke began, shaking his head so he would focus better.
"Hey, Calum Hood! You're my favourite player, can I get a picture?" An excited teenage boy said, who happened to be wearing a Liverpool FC shirt with Calum's number on it. Calum grinned, dusting off his shorts as he stood up next to the fan. The guy got his girlfriend to take a picture of both of them and although Calum wasn't wearing a shirt, she didn't look very interested in being there.
"Thanks man, pumped for the new season?" The guy asked as he started walking away.
"No problem, probably not as much as you are though!" Calum yelled after him, sitting back down, he watched number 11 disappear down the shoreline before looking back at Luke.
"What were you saying?" Calum inquired, shifting comfortably on his beach towel as he soaked in the sun.
"Well, uh, I though you should know that you've got a pretty big M on your ribs made out of--what I'm assuming are hickeys . . ." Luke trailed off, watching Calum raise his arm and see the noticeable letter placed on his dark skin.
"Oh . . . that." Calum mumbled, yet another blush creeping onto his face. " I forgot."
"We should probably leave before you start getting more attention." Luke suggested, already folding his towel.
"Sorry we didn't get to go swimming." Calum frowned, putting his shirt on as quickly as he could and following behind Luke.
Calum heard his phone go off when he reached the car.
Meek: You won't believe what's trending on twitter right now.
Coolum: I think I have a pretty good idea.
Meek: Everyone wants to know who M is
Coolum: I'd like to know too tbh
Meek: I'm not surprised, heard he's a cool guy
Coolum: You should introduce him to me
Coolum: (:
Coolum: (; **
Meek: ew
Meek: don't
Meek: go away
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