A/N: All my friends are heathens, take it slooooooooooow........
"What are you doing out of your cave?" A snide voice called out, as soon as Michael stepped through the main doors. Craig Bend was conveniently leaning against the receptionist desk slightly to the right of the front doors.
Michael scowled down at his cup of coffee, frowning indiscreetly to show Craig he definitely wasn't in the mood for the lad's shit today. Michael was feeling pretty close to a pile of garbage today of all days and Luke decided to let him know five minutes after waking up that Lannister would be dropping by to check on his progress with the new NFL game and he couldn't be bothered about how wonky the shoulder pads were turning out at this point in time.
"I thought you lived down there." Craig snorted, not taking into account that Michael hadn't replied to his original statement, and probably wouldn't reply to the rest. Michael sped up his pace, trying to lose Craig without spilling his coffee.
Craig pushed off the desk casually, making time with the extremely tired looking Michael, "Did'ya wake up on the wrong side of the bed, Grumpy?"
Michael merely rolled his eyes, Craig was probably the most unlikely workplace bully, considering he worked in a different department, he was a promo guy. He worked two floors up with the advertising team and really had no excuse for constantly pestering a character designer who worked on the main floor and didn't attend company get-togethers, or anything work related past the required hours at the office for that matter. Craig was just a dick that happened to be there in the break room when Michael had ventured in the first few days working at EA, Michael regretted trying to socialize those days, Luke doesn't let him forget it either.
Michael cut through the cubicles where the main development team was situated in hopes of losing Craig and making it to his cave faster. He was stopped by one of the mail cart workers unfortunately, having to sign for a package he apparently ordered sometime last week. Craig was right next to him as soon as he got moving again.
"I'm surprised your eyes aren't sensitive to daylight, you must be part bat or something." Craig continued, dodging an intern carrying a bunch of coffees.
"You're name should really be Craig Bent," Michael muttered, squeezing between three workers heatedly arguing over last night's baseball game.
"You changed one letter, why should my last name be Bent?" Craig asked, walking backwards so he could squint at Michael in confusion. He was practically jogging so Michael wouldn't bulldoze him in a desperate attempt to escape.
"Because you need to get Bent, Craig." Michael snapped, half wishing he could splash hot coffee on the dude without having to fill out the accident report papers, and possibly have to join group therapy or something so he could show that he can actually get along with co-workers. God, he hate his co-workers. They're all a bunch of die hard sports fan that only know the bare minimum about anything video game related, Michael needed some hardcore geeks to communicate with before his head literally explodes.
He made it to the game design wing some time later and was happy to find out that Craig had wandered off before he reached his offi-Cave.
"Luke, I feel like a dumpster today, you better not have been lying about Lannister dropping by." Michael grumbled immediately upon entering Luke's waiting room thing. A few of Luke's penguin figurines toppled over when Michael shut the door with a little more force than necessary, the tall blond let out a squeak in surprise, smacking himself in the face with the magazine he was reading before Michael stormed in.
Once Luke got over his initial heart attack Michael gave him, he wouldn't look Michael in the eye. "About that . . ."
Michael let out a snort, "Fuck's sake Luke, I'm going home."
Luke scrambled out of his chair, practically tossing the magazine off to the side. His arms were wrapped around Michael in no time, leaving Michael with barely any room to struggle. When both of them finally stopped moving, Luke had his head rested on Michael's left shoulder and both his arms were wrapped around the other boy.
"I thought you needed a hug," Luke whispered, pressing his face harder into Michael's shoulder as he squeezed Michael.
"Stay, its better than going home." Luke continued, even though the position he was in had to be a tad uncomfortable considering he was a couple inches taller than Michael. The lad had stopped dying his hair a while back, it was a dull blue with his natural hair colour coming back in. He had actually gotten dressed today, but it was clear that he'd snatched the shirt and pants off the floor.
"I should really g-" Michael attempted to start walking to the door but he could do nothing more than move an inch with Luke clinging onto him.
"I know you're lonely." Luke mumbled finally, feeling Michael give away all at once. Luke was practically holding Michael up now, trying his very best to show his friend that he was there for him.
Michael exhaled, "Fine, I'll stay."
Luke smiled, leading Michael over to his office chair so he could sit down and collect his thoughts. Luke sat down on his desk, long legs swinging with his shoes an inch from the ground.
"I'm only staying because you want me to," Michael rephrased with a small laugh, already trying to convince Luke he was fine. He kicked his feet up on the desk next to where Luke sat to emphasize his point. Luke could see that the boy had only tied the shoelaces on one of his converse and had merely shoved the laces into the other.
Luke examined the dark rings underneath Michael's eyes, "Thanks for staying, I appreciate it."
Michael nodded and a comfortable silence fell around them, and Michael couldn't help but break it after a few seconds. Drumming his hands against the arms of the chair, he spotted the magazine Luke had been reading when Michael showed up.
Picking it up, he spotted Jennifer Lawrence on the cover. He flipped through the first few pages and saw makeup and clothing scattered across them. "Luke, this is a chick magazine."
Luke rolled his eyes, "Look at page thirty-four, Nerd."
Michael complied, stopping after a few pages and going back, "Wait, I want to read my horoscope.... 'Scorpio: Don't worry, there's sunshine just around the corner-' That sounds like a load of crap, honestly. I could write better stuff than this, how 'bout Scorpio, it's basically a downward spiral from here, nobody likes Scorpios? Really, the closest I'm going to get to sunshine right now is if the sun explodes."
Luke snorted, "What if Calum was here?"
"If Calum was here I'd be the happiest person alive, but as you can see," Michael gestured to his neutral expression. "I'm not."
Before Luke could start snickering and making fun of him, Michael changed the subject. "What's Calum?"
"You don't know?"
"You're the Liverpool fan."
"So you know Ashton's sign then? Considering you're die hard Manchester."
Michael snorted, "I don't even know your sign."
Michael went back to flipping through the pages, mumbling thirty-four to himself as he went along. Briefly stopping on the spread that featured Jennifer Lawrence.
"We're both Cancer, F-Y-I." Luke muttered under his breath. They'd been best friends for years now and Michael relied on Facebook notifications to remind him to wish Luke happy birthday.
"Cancer is right, you guys are meme loving fucks and really need to stop sending me shitty cat memes at three in the morning." Michael muttered back, throwing a playful glare in Luke's direction.
"Here it is! Page thirty-four!" Michael exclaimed, scanning the page quickly before reading the header. "Five Ways To Blow Your Partner Away (Literally). Luke, what the fuck. Do you even like guys? What are you about?"
There was a pause where Michael just stared at Luke in confusion and slight awe before he burst out laughing. When he'd finally collected himself enough to explain, he mumbled. "I thought you were straightedge."
Luke groaned, "Shut up."
Michael continued laughing before moving on to actually reading the article. "'Try using your tongue.' Well fuck, I wasn't sure about that one, good thing I'm reading this article or I would be clueless."
After enduring a few more minutes of Michael's blowjob commentary, not that he had much experience in the field, Luke decided to snatch the magazine back. Michael tried to protest feebly but cut himself off when Luke tossed it i the general direction of the trash bin.
"I've got something I need to do but you should get some work done, I'll bring you down a coffee when I get back." Luke mumbled, checking his wristwatch and walking towards the door.
Michael threw his hands up in the air, offended that Luke convinced him to come all the way here and had somewhere to be ten minutes after he got there. But it was such a Luke thing to do, he couldn't even complain.
He spent a few minutes contemplating whether or not now would be a good time to go home, considering Luke wasn't around to stop him and there was leftover Thai food in his fridge . . .
Instead, Michael texted Luke to pick up some Panda Express on the way back and he headed down to his lair-Cave. Batcave. Definitely Batcave, and Michael was Batman. He began humming the Batman theme as he descended, doing a little jump to avoid the last step. He landed it and strolled over to his office chair and used a wall to propel himself to his desk.
Once he was comfortable, Michael realized he didn't feel like working. He was in the mood to draw, which felt great since he hadn't been able to draw anything more appealing than a stick figure for weeks now.
He started out pretty easily, sketching a person with their face half covered by a pillow and a shy smile barely visible he drew some mild curls sticking out and covering the eyes. Michael didn't pick up on who he was drawing until he scribbled a feather tattoo on the character's exposed collarbone.
Michael mumbled curse words under his breath as he leaned back in his chair, scratching at his stubble. It wasn't like the drawing was bad, he'd done a really good job on it but he just wasn't expecting to end up drawing Calum. immediately.
"What the fuck am I doing?" Michael moaned, kicking his legs out in frustration.
"Well I don't know what you're doing, but here's a suggestion: Do me instead."
Michael spun around in his chair so fast he nearly launched himself onto the floor. He was basically up and tackling Calum in a matter of seconds. Burying his face in Calum's grey knit sweater, Michael allowed the boy to cloak him in warmth. He felt the best he had in a long time and he was willing to admit it was because of Calum Hood.
Luke arrived back to his desk with a large fry and a few coffees, seeing that Michael wasn't upstairs he thought it would be okay to eat his fries in peace. Dusting off the magazine that had previously been discarded near the trash bin, Luke sat down i his chair.
"Let's see here . . . Calum is an Aquarius . . . 'Aquarius: There is a big change coming in the future, it's going to bring some bad, but mostly good.'" Luke snorted at the text, "Seriously, who writes this stuff?"
Looking at the smaller print, Luke squinted. "Kayla, you're really fucking bad at writing."
A/N: This chapter is brought to you by crappy magazine horoscopes.
This chapter is also dedicated to my lovely frond Kate, also known as 1-800-CALUM <3
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