Maybe Michael was a little reluctant to get out of bed today, it could have something - although Michael doubted it - to do with the fact that he had a ten o'clock plane to board later on. The clock had yet to pass twelve yet but Michael was still filled with dread.
There was a knock on the door, bringing Michael out of his thoughts. He didn't bother moving, the boy just grumbled quietly that whoever it was could come in.
It wasn't long until someone crawled under the covers in front of him, popping his head out from under so him and Michael were face to face.
"Hi," Michael mumbled back, not exactly enthused to have company.
"How are you liking England?"
Michael almost rolled his eyes at the question, "I don't know, we never go anywhere."
He watched the boy in front of him grin. "I'm sure you'd love to go places with Calum." The way Luke pronounced the other boy's name with a sing song voice as he pronounced each syllable with a short pause between them, the gesture honestly reminded him of elementary school when you were teased about your first crush.
"So what if I do?" Michael challenged, shoving the blond lightheartedly. The two continued to bicker for a couple minutes until they fell into a comfortable silence, the kind where you just cut off mid-sentence and stare at the person in front of you longer than necessary.
"Bro," Michael said eventually, neutral expression turning up into a shit eating grin. "If you keep staring at me like that, I'm going to start thinking you're gay."
"My bad," Luke chuckled, shifting so he was looking up at the ceiling. Michael watched him for a while until Luke turned back to him with an intense look on his face. He let out a barely audible, no homo as he stared at Michael.
Michael couldn't hold it back any longer, he dissolved into laughter with Luke quickly following behind him.
"What the fuck was that?" Michael wheezed as he clutched his stomach.
"Blue steel clearly." Luke replied with a small cough, he pulled out his phone and did a bit of loitering until he locked his phone abruptly and got up.
"Wow, look at the time! I've got to get going, Ashton said he wanted to hang out today. Bye." Luke's choppy explanation left no time for Michael to protest his friend's sudden exit. Something on his phone screen made him leave in a rush.
Michael was left alone in his bed, not bothered enough to get up just yet. It's not like anyone was going to make him.
For the second time that day, there was a knock on the door. This time it was a softer knock, not as confident as Luke's was.
"What's the password?" Michael giggled, rolling over to face the door.
There was a muffled fuck from the other side before Calum spoke up, "I wasn't aware you'd have a top notch security system. I don't know the password."
"Come in, you knob." Michael laughed, ducking under the covers as the door opened. He tried to stifle his laughter when he heard the boy walk further into the room.
Calum surveyed the room, eyes easily spotting the shape of Michael under the covers. He walked over, giving the boy a poke in the side. Michael squirmed a little but didn't make a noise.
"Wow, I am really tired." Calum spoke loudly, letting out a fake yawn. He then climbed onto the bed, straddling Michael at first before fully laying down on the pale boy hidden under the blankets. Calum let out a satisfied groan when he got comfortable.
"It's the morning."
"Good morning, I'm going to sleep."
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