Elsa's P.O.V.
I slowly woke up trying to recognize where I was. I remembered that when I saved Phoenix we were all in an open area. I examined my surroundings a little before I asked any questions. "Where am I?" I asked into space. At the time no one was around me. I slowly got up and pulled myself to a sitting position. I examined the room a little more now that my mind was a bit clearer. I was in some sort of strange little room with many decorations. Mostly about fire and birds. I got up from the bed that I was resting on and carefully walked downstairs.
Phoenix's P.O.V.
I heard footsteps coming from upstairs and I instantly got up from the couch. I felt great relief and happiness to see my sister well again. After I saw her faint I was in shock. I didn't know what had happened and all of a sudden I just saw her on the floor unconscious. Her skin was pale, much more than usual and her heartbeat was getting lighter and beginning to fade away. I hoped and wished for something good to happen. Anything. There was nothing I could do. Neither could Jack or Anna. I decided to take her to aunt Kestrel's little two-story hut. Just maybe she night be able to nurse her back to health.
I arrived at her home (which is a volcano by the way) and asked her to take a look Elsa. She went down and said that all she needed was fresh, cold air and a clean environment. She directed us over to her hut since it was the only place that was accessible at the time and had air conditioning. Perfect conditions for Elsie.
"How are you feeling?" I asked.
"Much better, thank you," she replied thankfully. After her first words, Jack and Anna shot up from the couch and walked towards her to check on her. "Where are we?" She was definitely clueless.
"My aunt's. Nice isn't it?" I gestured the room while asking. She just smiled in return. "Aunt Kestrel! She's up!" I yelled into the kitchen. She had been preparing dinner for us. As soon as I finished the sentence, she darted into the room and studied Elsa. Almost a minute passed when she finally spoke.
"You're so beautiful. Just like your mother," she said to her.
"Thank you," Elsa replied.
"Oh! Where are my manners? I'm aunt Kestrel, Phoenix's aunt. I'm sure Phoenix has said a lot about me already." I could feel my face turning a deep red. I could tell Elsa was a little shy since she just smiled. There came a beeping noise from the kitchen. "Oh! That's the food. Follow me," she said leading us to the kitchen. It was a very flowery room with lots of decor. She placed muffins on the dining table and toast. Partly burnt. At least she's gotten a little better at it. "Have a seat," she said gesturing to the chairs. We pulled our chairs back and took a seat.
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