(A/N: I don't really know thatmuch about the Carrie characters and Wicked characters' personalities so they won't really speak much.)
"Hello everyone!" Someone says, standing on top of a stage. "I'm Seth and I know why y'all are here!" They say, smirking.
"Then tell us!" Farrah demands.
"I was getting there." "Anyway, you all are here to react to your musicals." That earned a chorus of gasps, "What!?"s and people saying; "There are musiscals about us!?"
"Yeah, yeah-" Seth starts saying but then is cut off by the Megabitch herself.
"So let me get this straight," Heather Duke starts saying. "You kidnapped us and brought us to a room," "to react to musicals about us."
"Indeed. Now, everyone come up and introduce themselves! Oh and say what year you're from or whatever." "Starting with Evan's group!"
Evan comes up to the stage, "um.... hi! I'm Evan Hansen." He says "I'm from 2015." Then quickly clambers off the stage. "Hi, I'm Zoe Murphy." Zoe says. "Same years as Evan." Next up-
"Hello everyone! I am the insanely cool Jared Kleinman! Jared says, dramaticaly and walks off the stage. "Connor Murphy." He says then walks off the stage.
"Alana Beck." Says Alana and walks off the stage.
"Next is the Wicked gang!"
Elphaba walks up to the stage. "Hi, I'm Elphaba Thropp. Yes I am green and no, it's not fake." She walks off and the next person comes on. "I am Glinda The Good! Formerly known as Galinda,!" She says and walks off the stage as the next person comes up. "I'm Fiyero Tiggular. At your service," he says and walks off the stage.
"Carrie gang is next..." Seth says, already sounding bored.
"Chris Hargensen, I already hate it here." She says and walks off the stage.
"I'm Sue Snell, sorry about Chris." Next person walks on the stage as she gets off
"Hey, I'm Tommy Ross, Sue and Chris' classmate."
"Hi, I'm.. Carrie White.."
"Seriously!?" Exclaimed Chris. Seth threw a pillow at her. Carrie quietly walks off the stage.
"Next is Jeremy's group."
"Hey, I'm Jeremy Heere, 2015."
"'Tis I, Michael Mell! Jeremy's bestfriend. Same year as him"
"Rich Goranthki." Rich says.
"It's actually Goranski but he has a lisp," states Jake.
"Jake Dillinger, Nice to meet all of ya." He says.
"Hey everyone! I'm Christine Canigula! Nice to meet you!" Says Christine exitedly. She walks off the stage. "Hey, I'm Brooke Lohst." Says Brooke before stepping off the stage.
"'Sup dumasses, I'm Chloe Valentine, yes that is my real last name, don't make a big deal about it." She says, rolling her eyes and stepping off the stage. "Jenna Rolan, Chloe and Brooke's friend."
"Next up, Percy's gang."
"Uh, hey, I'm Percy Jackson. 2015" He says and then steps off the stage.
"Annabeth Chase." Annabeth says then goes to join Percy.
"Uh... Grover Underwood," Grover says. "I'm a satyr to all of you who are confused by my legs-"
"Beetlejuice' next."
"Lydia Deetz, 2019, That ghost over there is Beetlejuice." She says and goes to find a seat.
"Sup idiots! Name's BJ!" Beetlejuice says and then joins Lydia.
"Barbra Maitland." Barbra says and goes to sit next to Lydia and Beetlejuice.
"Adam Maitland, Barbra's wife." He says and goes to join them.
"Charles Deetz, Lydia's father."
"Hi! I'm Delia Deetz, Lydia's step-mother." Lydia rolls her eyes at this but doesn't say anything.
"The Prom's next."
"Hey, I'm Emma. 2016" Emma says and then goes to find a seat.
"Hey, I'm Alyssa, Emma's... girlfriend." Says Alyssa and then goesto sit beside Emma. A bunch of slurs and insults were said by all the homophobic people and they all earned pillows in the face from every ally and queer person in the room. (Especially, Janis, Damian and Kate.)
"Mean Girls next!" Seth says, a little more exited.
"Hey, I'm Cady Heron, 2018" She says and then goes to sit down.
"Aaron Samuels, Cady's boyfriend. Same year as her."
"Janis Sarkisian, Damian and Cady's best friend."
"I'm Damian Hubbard!" The next person goes as Damian sits down with the rest of his group.
"Hello, I'm Regina George, former queen bee of Northshore High although I'm trying to get better." She says and earns a glare from Chandler. The next person steps up.
"I'm Gretchen Weiners, former second in comand at Northshore." She steps down and goes to sit next to Regina. "Hi! I'm Karen Smith!" The teen says, smiling and waving before she goes down to sit with the rest of the former plastics, Aaron, Janis and Damian.
"Heathers are up next!"
"Hi.. I'm Veronica Sawyer, 1989." Veronica says and then she goes to sit down.
"Greetings and salutations, I am Jason Dean but call me J.D." He says and goes to sit next to Veronica. "What's up bitches. Name's Heather Chandler the one and only queen bee of Westerburg Highschool." She says, glaring at Regina before going to sit down.
"Heather Duke, I was enjoying taking over from Chandler but-"
"Shut up Heather!" Chandler exclaims.
"Sorry Heather." Duke says sarcastically, rolling her eyes. She then goes to sit down.
"Sorry about my friends." Mcnamara says. "But anyways, hi! I'm Heather Mcnamara!" She says and then goes to sit by Veronica. "Hey, I'm Martha Dunnstock." Martha says and then goes to sit down. "Kurt Kelly." Kurt says, stepping onto the platform, confused. Ram then comes running on. "Yo! The name's Ram Sweeney, that's my buddy Kurt!" The two walk off the platform and go to sit down. J.D glares at them, Martha and Mcnamara have conflicted feelings on seeing their crush/sorta boyfriend alive. The rest of the cast groans internally.
"Last and DEFINETLY not least is The Tigers!!!!" Seth says, extremely exited at this point.
"Hi!! I'm Riley Williams! I'm exited to get to know you all!" She says. Riley walks off the platform and goes to sit down. "I'm Cairo, nice to meet you I guess." Cairo walks down and sits next to Riley, not looking her in the eyes. "Kate Dalton." "That's it." She says and sits down far away from Riley. "Hey..! I'm Mattie Wheeler." Mattie says nervously. The next person goes up to the platform. "Hi, I'm Chess.." She says and goes to sit next to Kate and the latter holds Chess' hand.
"Hey, idiots, I'm Farrah." She goes to sit down.
"Hi everyone! I'm Annleigh O'Daniel! Farrah's older step-sister! I hope we can all except Jesus Christ as our lord and savior!" She says and sits down next to her Farrah. Kate, Cairo and Farrah facepalm at Annleigh's antics while everyone else in the room groans and/or glares at the junior. "HI!! I'm Reese!" Reese says, overexcitedly. "Hello, I'm Clark, Annleigh's boyfriend." He says before going to sit next to his girlfriend. Next is Eva. "Hey, I'm Eva Sanchez, Kate's girlfriend." More homophobic things were said and everyone who said them earned pillows (plus a chair that Kate had flung at Kurt, hitting him in the head and causing J.D to chuckle which caused Veronica to hit him with a pillow.) Eva goes and sits next to Kate who rests her head on Eva's shoulder, still holding Chess' hand. Chess mouths "girlfriend?" to her bestfriend, smirking.
"I'll tell you later." Kate mouths back.
"Alright everyone," Seth starts saying. "Let's get started." And they turn a screen on and a video starts playing.
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