crash and confusion
Cisco was too panicked to drive to the hospital after receiving the call. He made a short decision to breach to the woods behind the hospital parking lot to get there fast, but draw as little attention to himself as possible. He lost his brother in a car crash. He wasn't going to lose Caitlin the same way.
He worried about her, he worried that they might find a metagene in her. They said she was in stable condition, but if Frost didn't kick in she might have not been.
He finally reached the front desk, out of breath from running through the parking lot.
"Caitlin...Snow...I-I need to see her. What room is she in?" he leaned against the desk with both palms for support.
"I'm sorry, sir, but visiting is for family only right now." the older lady sitting at the desk angered him with her gentle response.
"She is my family!" Cisco almost yelled without missing a beat.
She was his family. To him. In the ways that mattered.
"Okay, then I just need to know your relation to Dr. Snow?" the woman typed something into her computer, presumably searching for Caitlin's room number.
"She's my wife." he blurted.
Oh my God, did I really just go there? Cisco thought to himself.
She looked up from her computer screen.
"There's nothing here on Dr. Snow's file about being married.."
"Oh, that must be because it's a recent- very recent marriage. So recent that a lot of people don't even know about it."
Including Caitlin. He thought.
"Alright. room 109."
Cisco thanked the woman and took off. He reached the room and gave a soft knock on the door before opening it.
Caitlin laid there out cold and Cisco's heart sunk. He sat down in the chair next to her bed.
Unwarned, he vibed the time he had to watch her die. She came back as frost and then he didn't know if he'd ever see her as herself again.
He put his face in his hands, rubbing his temples and begging to recover from the reliving of that horrible memory.
After giving himself a minute, he looked up at her again. She looked...okay. But it still hurt him to see her lay helpless. He grabbed her hand and gently stroked it with his thumb.
He heard a soft knock on the door and in came a nurse.
"Hi," her soft voice spoke. "You must be Dr. Snow's husband. I'm Ranaye." she extended her hand for him to shake it.
"Call me Cisco." he said, accepting her handshake.
"I've just come in to let you know that Caitlin is going to be fine," she smiled. "We don't know how she came out without a scratch on her, but she did. No concussion, cuts, bruises. She'll be sore for a few days, but other than that, she's going to be fine"
"Thank you so much," Cisco smiled at her.
"She will need her rest though. And she may not wake for a few more hours, so feel free to get something to eat or go home and come back." Renaye left them alone.
"Caitlin, I can't believe you would scare me like that," he almost joked, chuckling to himself.
He let go of her hand and stood up to leave.
"I'll be here for you when you wake up," he kissed her forehead and left.
Caitlin slowly flutters her eyes open and searches her surroundings.
"Ah, good to see you awake. You have a visitor." Renaye was in the room since she had been checking in on Caitlin's IV they had put in since she was a bit dehydrated.
"Who is it?" Caitlin's voice came out hoarse.
"Your husband," the nurse smiled.
"My who, now??" Caitlin's eyes widened.
Either Cisco lied to the staff or I have amnesia. she thought to herself.
There was a light knock on the door, then Cisco emerged from it.
"Oh, good, you're awake!" He smiled.
"Cisco-" her voice grew curious as if she was about to ask what the hell was going on with this husband business and he could sense it. He quickly cut her off.
"Yes, mi amor?" he smiled, hands behind his back.
"I'll leave you two alone," Renaye said, quickly making an exit.
Caitlin gave Cisco a stern look as soon as Renaye turned to leave.
"Cisco," she spoke in that tone again before he cut her off again.
"Look, before you get mad at me, I brought you something," he smiled and at on the side of her bed.
He pulled from behind his back a cup of strawberry jello and a spoon.
"Renaye said one cup would be okay."
"She did?"
"No, I didn't ask."
Caitlin took the snack and opened it.
"So, when were you going to tell me we were married?" she gave him a side-eye while digging her spoon into the red gelatin.
"You were asleep!" He chuckled.
"Why did you even tell them that?" she laughed in return before stuffing her mouth with jello.
"They weren't going to let me see you, Caitlin. She said it was family only and I just blurted it out. I would have done anything to get them to let me check on you." he teared up.
"It's alright, Cisco," She said after swallowing a bite of jello.
"No, it's not alright. Caitlin, I was scared of losing you."
"Did they not tell you that I was in perfectly stable condition?" She listened attentively, but still ate her jello in between her responses, just in case Renaye came back and told her she wasn't allowed to have it.
"I mean, they told me you were in stable condition. But that doesn't really make a difference because after,"
He paused a moment.
"After Dante died the same way, It's hard for me to not think the worst when it comes to this kind of situation."
"I know," she put her spoon down and put a hand on his. "I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault. You were in an accident. I'm just scared to lose you,"
She smiled at him and went back to her snack, taking a bite.
"Caitlin," he looked down.
"Hm?" through a mouthful of jello.
"I love you,"
She choked.
"Woah," he stood up and began gently patting her back trying to help her regain the ability to breathe.
"What did you say?" she finally spoke.
"I said, 'I love you'"
"That's what I thought you said," she stared, baffled.
"Not exactly the reaction I was hoping for." he tried to laugh it off.
"No, Cisco," she closed her eyes for a beat. "I love you, too"
"Oh, good," he smiled. "I was really hoping you did."
"You're not gonna propose to me, are you?" she smirked.
"No, not today," he winked at her. "but I would like to maybe call some of the times we spend together 'dates' and maybe one day you'll let me kiss you," he paused. "Is that cliche?"
"Can 'one day' be today?" she smiled.
"Wow, time really flies," he smiled at her before closing the gap between them
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