Singularity F : IV
Chapter 4 : Infected General
The sudden Servant dashed towards the group with a surprising speed.Ritsuka noticed how the enemy would leave behind cracks on the floor,like what a stomping giant would do.He turned to his side and saw Ruler was standing still,and watching how the enemy was going towards him.So,he only said one thing.
"Mashu!Protect Ruler!"
That yell woke The Pale King from his trance,who saw the young Shielder in front of him.Remembering what was happening,he quickly recomposed himself,pulling out his spear.
In the short time that The Pale King was standing still,the Servant managed to crash into the giant cross-shaped shield.
"Grrrrr..."The Enemy growled, showing no restraint,and continued the assault on the Shielder.She,even while struggling to the sheer force of the opposer,was standing strong like a wall.
Then Ruler quickly got to the side of the enemy, stabbing his spear towards their head.Unfortunately,the Servant,while growling like a madman, dodged and got away a few feet from them.
"Quick,Romani,what servant is that!"Olga demanded.They needed to know what servant is before them.
"Sure!The servant is of the-"The doctor was quickly cut off by Caster.
"This is Berserker.Since Saber stays in her mountain,and Archer just follows her.By conclusion,The only servant remaining is Berserker."Dr.Romani just weeps on the ground,just sad on how he can't even do his job.
"Tch.This situation just got worse.Master Candidate 48,say to your servants to stand alert and not get hit by Berserker!"Olga didn't want their chance of victory get wiped out before her.
"Ok!Ruler,Mashu!Stand on alert!" Ritsuka quickly ordered.
"Ok Senpai!" "..." The Servants gave their responses.
While this was happening,Caster got behind Berserker and casted some fire runes.The Berserker, didn't have time to dodge the surprise attack,so,they stood there,burned by the magic.
"Aaaarghhhh!"With a unholy screech,the Berserker tried to leap towards Cu Chulainn,but was interrupted by Ruler's spear sending them towards a burning building.
The teal armored servant quickly got up,dashed towards Mash,that in response used her shield to defend herself.But by using the momentum,they used their armored feet to land on the shield and launching themselves towards Ruler.
Surprised by this fast action,Ruler used his spear to defend himself,but by being unprepared to this sudden bold move,he struggled to stand his ground.With all their might, unfortunately, Berserker landed a kick on the masked man, leaving a crack on the mask and sending him backwards toward a house.
Caster tried to launch a rune spell to the enemy,but again,they used the momentum of the kick to leap themselves towards him.
They got their swords in a cutting fashion,with the intent to kill the demi-god in front of them.
Fortunately for Cu Chulainn,a swarm of shadow tentacles were moving towards the Berserker, swatting them away.While the enemy was busy dealing with the swarm of shadows,the group regrouped to clear up what was happening.
"So,Ruler,who is this Servant?And why couldn't you keep up with them?"Olga was the first one to ask.She,as The Director, needed always all of the information.
"Yeah, aren't you a god or something?"Ritsuka curiously asked.
"It's difficult to say,but in a simple way,he is powered by a god."Ruler said calmly.The new information shocked the group, expect Caster and Dr.Romani.
"N-no why that is true!"Olga refused to believe it.Another Servant that is someway related to Divine Spirits.
"What Ruler said is true, Director.We were able to track some Divine Spirit energy in the Berserker."The new information didn't make the situation better.
After some awkward seconds,Romani asked something to The Pale King.
"Say,Ruler,i noticed that in the first moments of the fight,you were spacing out like you remembered something.Can you tell us why?"
"Yeah Ruler i noticed it too."Ritsuka was slightly worried.He didn't want one of his servant being distracted by something that might be worrying.
"..."Ruler said nothing.
"C'mon,you can tell us.And it's the best if you can tell us.Do it quickly too,the Berserker is almost done with the shadows."Cu Chulainn also asked.He noticed how the Ruler wasn't responding, so he tried to pressure him to maybe spill the beans.
" Sir of the Generals of my army and former ruler of a famous tribe on the Hallownestian Kingdom...But then,he was corrupted by a goddess.I couldn't do anything."The group had many different reactions to this, mostly surprise.
"So,you were surprised to see an old friend battling you."Cu Chulainn said as a matter of fact.
"In a way,i wouldn't consider him a friend as I was neutral towards most of my generals...but this doesn't mean that I'm happy to see them corrupted by her..."
"Can i ask,who is her-"Dr.Romani was again interrupted when a strong screech was heard.
"Quick, let's go.And Ruler..."Ritsuka took the attention of The Pale King."Don't worry.Recompose yourself.Maybe,we could do something after all of this has been taken care of."The young magus,finally decided to make his work as a Master,by reassuring his Servant.
The Ruler only nodded,going back to his fighting stance.
Berserker, finally freed himself from the assault of the shadows,and quickly leaped towards the group.
Mash held held her shield up to protect her from a kick from the servant.
Berserker,was applying pressure to his assault, trying to squash the poor shielder,but a sudden stab of a spear interrupted him.Shortly after,a blazing blast hit him, making him growl at the sudden heat.
Again,Ruler got on the assault, stabbing his spear multiple times, trying to hit Konrad once.
But since he was parrying the strikes with their armored arms,the attacks only left small dents.A Wyrm's Tooth shot out from the ground,launching Berserker towards Cu Chulainn,who in response,used his Noble Phantasm.
"Wickerman!"Again,like the last time,a flaming giant descended towards Berserker.The creature held a open palm,with the intention to crush the armored enemy.
While this was happening,Ruler casted a large shadow,with the shape of an arm,with the same intention to crush Berserker.
Berserker couldn't defend himself from a Noble Phantasm and from a powerful attack,so,he, while screeching,stood his ground.
"Raaaaaaaaaagh!"Even in such conditions, Berserker didn't want to lose.He won't lose to this.
After the attacks,a dust cloud rose up, making impossible to see.
After the area cleared up, Berserker could be seen standing in a sluggish way.This shocked the group,while Cu Chulainn and Ruler squinted their eyes.
"I-i possible!How can a Servant sustain a Noble Phantasm and an attack from a Divine Spirit!"Olga was the first to say something.Surely,this assault would obliterate any other servant.
Tension rose up on the air,but suddenly,Berserker dropped down.Then,they started vanishing in light particles.
The group was dumbfounded,and after an awkward moment,Dr.Romani broke the ice."W-well,that was anticlimactic."
"W-well,we won i guess."Ritsuka said.
"O-ok.Since Berserker has been taken care of, our next targets will be Saber and Archer.Romani,inform us if one of them is going to attack us."Olga recomposed herself,and ordered around the doctor,who did as said.
"And now,we go towards the mountain."As Olga said,they started making their way towards the base of the enemy servants.
Ruler faced toward the place where Berserker was killed.He stared for a few moments,but then got walking with the group.
A/N :
Well,as Romani said,that was anticlimactic.
This was my first time making a battle scene,i hope i did good.
I tried to balance The Pale King and Traitor Lord,since i wanted to make the battle interesting.Who wants a one sided slaughter as a battle scene?Ah,Cu Chulainn and Mash also helped,i didn't want to left them out.
If you don't understand why Pale King was standing like a goofy statue on the beginning,it's because he was shocked that one of his generals was infected by the Radiance (He didn't know who was infected,save for the Hollow Knight).
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