Singularity F : III
Chapter 3 : Training the Shield
"So,what you were saying,the only servants in this Holy Grail War are you, Berserker,Saber and Archer. What about Rider?"Olga was trying to make better sense of their situation.Apparently,here was in course a Holy Grail War.
"Well,this can be hardly described as a Holy Grail War. Masters disappeared,and Saber took the Holy Grail." Cu Chulainn waited a moment to let that information sink in."And yes,me, Berserker,Saber and Archer are the only servants here.Rider,last time i saw them,they were battling with Berserker."
"Can you tell more about the Servants?"Olga asked.She needed all the information she can get.
"Well,Rider is presumably dead."Cu Chulainn started.
"O-oh."Ritsuka didn't expect that.
"Saber battled Berserker a lot of times,with no one winning.If not,she stays inside a mountain,as if it was her base."
"Archer just follows around Saber,and works as her gatekeeper for the mountain."
"And Berserker just wanders around like a mindless corpse."
The last part reminded Ruler of something,but he quickly shook it off.
"What do you think are our chances of victory?"Ritsuka wanted to know if they would get out of there alive.
"Well, considering we have a Divine spirit,me as a demi-god and a seemingly though Shielder, with all of them having Noble Phantasms-"Cu Chulainn was cut off by the shy teen.
"W-well,i don't have o-one really...The hero didn't say what their name was..."Mash was stuttering shyly.
"Perfect.A servant who doesn't have a Noble Phantasm.Just great."Olga emotions were unstable at this point.
"So,what are we going to do?"Ritsuka asked.
"Well,even if we are powerful as this,i wouldn't risk having a shielder without a Noble Phantasm,making hard to defend the master,and counting our enemies are heavy hitters that can surpass her defense..."Cu Chulainn was taking this seriously, counting all the outcomes.Then,he said something that caught off guard Mash."We will make the lass have a Noble Phantasm."
"B-but how!?You can't just make a Noble Phantasm appear!?"Olga was seriously breaking at this point.
"L-like Director-San said...H-how?"Mash was unsure.
Suddenly,Ruler interrupted."We will force it."This confused the group."Noble Phantasms are not easy to master,but can be casted thanks to strong emotions or a strong desire to make something.So..."Ruler turned towards the Caster,who knows where this is going.
"A-are you sure about this, Senpai...?Mash was unsure if this is going to work and with Senpai risking getting hurt, wasn't any better.
"Yeah!We will get you have your Noble Phantasm in no time!"Ritsuka was optimistic about this,they will help Mash.
"So,what are we going to do?"He asked.
"Well... I'm going to launch my attacks at you."
Olga and Mash weren't probably in the best of moods right now. The director tried to stop the thing from happening,not risking getting the Master hurt.
"What-"Olga was cut off when shadow tentacles grabbed her like a sack of potatoes."Hey!Put me down!"
"No can do,miss.This is for the best of our team."Ruler said.
"Master Candidate 48!Say something to your servant!"Olga was furious at this point.
"We are already starting!"Ritsuka fueled Olga's rage even more.
"But can't you-"The Director was interrupted again when a shadow taped her mouth shut."Hmph! Hmph!?"Her screaming was cut off from the shadows from The Pale King.
"Let's get started!"Cu Chulainn started making runes,that shot fire towards Ritsuka.Mash got in front of her Master and protected him with her cross shaped shield.
Caster tried again with runes that shot out lighting,but again,Mash's Shield blocked them.
This continued for a lot of time,with Cu Chulainn making runes and Mash protecting her Master.But no sign of a Noble Phantasm appeared.
"Hmph!"Olga tried to say something.Ruler released the shadows from her mouth,and listened what Olga was trying to say."Tch."Well,she wasn't happy.
"Anyway.Why are we training her? Aren't you a Divine Spirit?We could easily take out the rest of the servants."Olga,in her rage, questioned Ruler.
"If i think who Berserker really is,and if i think what is their state of mind right now,i might say that i will struggle battling them.And counting the fact that a Servant was evenly matched with them,that means the Servants are not easy to battle."The Pale King explained.Yeah,he is not that weak,but that doesn't mean that he can battle easily one of her followers.If Berserker was without her influence,then,chances of victory were higher.But he doubted that her influence wasn't within them.
"So,you,a Divine Spirit, struggle to battle a normal servant!?"Olga barked.She couldn't believe this.
"I will explain this later."Ruler responded calmly.
They got reverted their attention to the training, watching as Mash continued to protect the Magus.
Suddenly,Caster started activating his Noble Phantasm, which shocked Olga,Mash,and Ritsuka.
"W-wait!You can't do that!"Olga was struggling in the shadow tentacles.
Mash was shocked.The Noble Phantasm was surely going to kill her Master,and that would be devastating for her.She couldn't protect him with her normal shield.She desired to protect him.So,with all her might,she stood in front of her Master.
Caster slammed his staff on the ground,where a flaming rune was created.
"Wickerman!"A flaming giant descended upon Mash,with the killing intent on Ritsuka.
Then,the Shielder slammed her shield on the ground,with determination on her eyes,while protecting her Master.
A blue shield appeared before her,not letting any flames past her protection.Rubbles and flames were flying everywhere,but Ritsuka and Mash remained without a scratch.
After the attack finished,they all stopped, trying to register what happened.
"You did it Mash!You really did it, I'm proud of you!"Ritsuka was the first to break the ice.He was happy,that his friend was able to activate her Noble Phantasm.
"I-i r-really did it!Thank you Senpai! Thank you Chulainn-San!"Mash was happy too.Thanks to the the faith that her Master put on her and the help of Caster,she was able to do it.
"Good job.You really proved yourself as a Servant."Cu Chulainn complimented the shy girl.
Ruler dropped Olga,who ran towards the trio.
"Are you out of your mind!? What if you died!? Remember,you are our last hope for Chaldea!"Olga scolded Ritsuka.He really risked getting himself killed if Mash couldn't activate her Noble Phantasm.
"I'm fine, thanks to Mash.I had faith in her,i know she wouldn't fail."The young Magus complimented his servant.
"T-thanks Senpai..."The Shielder said.She scratched her head in a shyly manner.
"So,what is the name of the Noble Phantasm?"The Magus asked.
"U-uhm,i don't have the full name yet...B-but i thought about it,a-and came u-up with a name of my own...W-what about Lord Chaldeas?"Mash waited the response of her master.
"It's Perfect!Good job Mashu!"The Shielder timidly looked at the ground."T-Thanks Senpai."She was happy at the the compliment.
"... Let's get going.We are prepared now."Ruler said.The group all nodded their heads,and suddenly prepared to leave the place,when suddenly,an hologram of Dr.Romani showed up on Ritsuka's wirst.
"Guys!A Servant signature is quickly closing on you!Stay on alert!"Romani was panicked, alerting the group.
They all tensed up,and prepared for any movement.
Mash was standing in front of Olga and Ritsuka,while The Pale King abd Cu Chulainn were standing on the sides.
A mighty growl was heard from anyone.
A figure in teal gothic armor, adorned with horns,showed up.
One noticable thing about them was their glowing orange visor.
"Raaaaggh!"The figure glowed,gripping their twin barbed swords,and charged towards the group.
"Oh no..."Ruler wasn't prepared for this.
"What do you mean 'oh no'!?What is happening!?"Olga asked in an agitated state.
"Her influence is still here..."
A/N :
Finally done with this chapter.
And with the shadow tentacles part. Don't.Really don't.
I made Radiance influenced enemies more powerful.I know it doesn't make sense with the lore,but listen to me.
I made the characters more powerful here,and by Radiance infecting people,they get a large part of divinity from one of the strongest 'Hallownestian' Gods (Heh, Hallownestian).
So this is why,a Radiance influenced character can beat supposedly strong characters.
The Pale King can obviously beat The Traitor Lord,but if they were in infected form,they need to use more mana,but by being restrained to a Master,they can't do much.
So, basically
The Pale King (Suppressed)>Traitor Lord
Traitor Lord (Radiance Influence)>The Pale King (Suppressed)
The Pale King (Wyrm God or Not Restrained)>Traitor Lord (Radiance Influence)
Yeah, strange powerscaling.
Well,anyway.Radiance Infected Servants don't have the infected dialogues,just the regular ones.That's because when an infected servant talks,in reality is the Radiance talking.
The Traitor Lord + (Radiance Influence)
Class: Berserker
Strength:B (A)
Endurance:B (A+)
Agility:C (A-)
Mana:D (D-)
Luck:D (E)
NP:B (B++)
Weapon: Barbed Truths
Twin Barbed blades made out of strong bones of a seemingly strong creature.The blades's resistance is that of an iron sword.Can leave bad wounds and can tore pieces of the enemy's flesh.
Class Skills:
Mad Enchantment:B (EX)
Personal Skills:
Mantis's Dash:B (B+)
Even as a brute,The Traitor Lord is as fast as a graceful mantis.This can make him dash in a quick fashion.
Shell of Steel:B (A++)
The Traitor Lord 's defences are on another level.They have litterally an armor made from one of the most famous royal blacksmiths,thanks to being a general to The Pale King.
Infection:N/A (A+)
The Traitor Lord can infected other people if successful on killing them.In that way,the Radiance's army grows even more.
Ground Breaker:B (B++)
By smashing himself on the ground,or by smashing his twin swords on the ground,The Traitor Lord can destroy a large chunk of earth,stunning the opponents.
Noble Phantasm:B (B++)
'Claw of the Mantis'
The Traitor Lord suddenly dashes at speed that even the most veteran eye can't follow and grabs the enemy's head.Then they squeeze the head with a pressure equivalent of a T-Rex's bite force.
Summoning Dialogue:
"Welcome, master. I am The Traitor Lord,Sir Konrad. I have been summoned by you. Let us begin our journey together."
Master Dialogue:
"I am at your service, master. My loyalty lies with you and I will do whatever it takes to achieve victory."
About Other Servants:
"I am wary around those who would betray their own kind. But not because of hate. It's just because it reminds me of something not so great."
Likes and Hates:
"I have no particular likes or dislikes. I simply desire power and victory above all else."
Wish for the Holy Grail:
"I wish for ultimate power and dominance over all."
"I have no emotional attachments to anyone, but I will respect those who prove themselves as loyal allies."
"My power grows with each passing moment.And I am becoming stronger by the day.So,now,I have surpassed all limits. None can stand against me" now."
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