Singularity 1 : I
Chapter 8 : Saints in France
Dr. Romani sat nervously at his desk, his fingers tapping against the wooden surface. He had just received the results of his latest scans, and it was not good news. He knew he had to tell Ritsuka. He took a deep breath and called his friend into the infirmary room.
"Ritsuka, I have some news," Dr. Roman said gravely. "I have discovered another Singularity. This time in France."
Ritsuka's eyes widened in shock. "Another one? Already?"
Dr. Roman nodded solemnly. "Yes, unfortunately. And it's much worse than the previous one in Fuyuki City."
Ritsuka's heart sank. "What do we need to do?"
"We need to go to France and investigate," Dr. Roman said. "We don't know what kind of threat we're dealing with yet, but we need to be prepared for anything. The fate of humanity is at stake here."
Ritsuka nodded in agreement. "I understand."
Dr. Roman smiled. "That's the spirit, Ritsuka. I have already contacted Da Vinci, and she's preparing the necessary equipment for our journey. We'll set out as soon as possible."
Ritsuka exhaled a deep breath of relief. "Thank you, Dr. Romani. I trust your judgement, and I know we'll be able to handle whatever comes our way."
Dr. Roman patted his friend's shoulder. "I appreciate your confidence, Ritsuka."
Ritsuka grinned in agreement. "That's right! Let's do this!"
Dr. Roman chuckled, feeling a bit better. His friend's enthusiasm always had a way of boosting his confidence. He knew they'd be able to handle the Singularity in France, no matter how powerful the enemy may be.
As they prepared to set out on their journey, Dr. Roman couldn't help but reflect on the seriousness of the situation. This was no longer just a matter of saving isolated incidents in time and space. This was a matter of saving humanity itself. He knew that the responsibility weighed heavily on his shoulders, but he also knew that he had the best possible team to face this daunting task.
"Are you guys ready?" Ritsuka's voice echoed confidently within the Rayshift Chamber. As the Master of his team of Servants, he was determined to lead them to success on their next mission.
"We're ready, Senpai." Mash, the team's Shielder, replied with equal determination, her eyes shining bright.
Ritsuka looked around at his Servants - the beautiful goddess Stheno, the fierce and powerful Sheo, and the wise and composed Ruler - each one equipped with their own array of weapons and powers. They were all ready to face any challenge that lay ahead.
Dr. Romani, the team's scientist and advisor, spoke up. "Alright, let's get to business. We need to head to the Coffins."
Ruler raised an eyebrow, "Don't you have a better name for these technologies?"
Dr. Romani chuckled sheepishly, "Well, I didn't name them. But they get the job done."
The team approached the sleek, futuristic devices that would transport them to their destination. Rulers musings were interrupted as Ritsuka stepped forward, "Let's get moving, everyone."
As each member of the team stepped into their designated Coffin, they were met with a whooshing sound and a flash of light. The world around them seemed to warp and change, a dizzying sensation that left them feeling disoriented.
Da Vinci, the team's resident inventor, watched as the particles dissipated, leaving nothing behind but the empty Coffins. "Good luck, everyone," she whispered, a small smile on her face.
The team soon found themselves in a completely new environment, surrounded by a plain green landscape.
"I personally find the Greek landscape to be a more favorable sight," Stheno commented, expressing her preference.
Ritsuka sought to gain a better understanding of their timeline and queried, "So,what is the current period we find ourselves in?" Dr. Romani's hologram materialized on their wrist as they spoke. "You are currently situated in the 100 Year War epoch, which centers around the 15th century."
Upon hearing this, Ruler noted wistfully, "This scenario strongly evokes memories of my homeland." Sheo, his loyal subject, nodded in agreement.
Suddenly, a battalion of French soldiers appeared before them, causing Mash to approach them with the intent to greet them kindly. "Hello there! How are you-"
The captain of the French army rudely interjected her, gesturing to his squad as he exclaimed, "I-Il y a des ennemis! Attaque!" Without warning, they began to advance towards the group, initiating a violent confrontation.
After exchanging blows and ultimately triumphing over their opponents, Mash apologized to Ritsuka, shouldering the responsibility for the misunderstanding. Ritsuka reassured her, saying, "It's alright, the important thing is that we came out unscathed."
As the group watched the French battalion retreat into the nearby fort, Ritsuka turned to his companions for their opinion. "Should we follow them?" he asked.
Ruler nodded, "Yes, we should. We need all the information we can gather about this singularity."
As they approached the fort, the group couldn't help but notice the multiple wounded soldiers from the previous encounter. Sheo surveyed the scorch marks on the fort, which were fresh, suggesting that something had attacked the structure recently. He remained vigilant and alert.
As the French soldiers caught sight of them, they seemed terrified, but Ruler quickly explained to them in fluent French that they meant no harm.
They gathered essential information about the situation and discovered that Jeanne D'Arc had seemingly been resurrected after being burned at the stake. She was now known as the "Dragon Witch" and had killed King Charles.
Ritsuka couldn't believe that Ruler was fluent in French. Mash reminded him that Ruler's kingdom was based in Central Europe.
Stheno's surprise turned into a mischievous smirk "Draw me like one of-" but was interrupted by Sheo's hand covering her mouth. "I don't even want to know how you know that joke," he said with a flat expression.
Their playful banter ended as skeletons attacked the fort, and the French soldiers fought with great valor. Mash bashed her shield around, Sheo used his Nail by slashing the monsters, Ruler summoned shadow tentacles, and Stheno refused to battle and watched from a distance.
They managed to defeat their attackers, only to be confronted by a group of ferocious Wyverns. The French soldiers were in a state of panic, but the group knew they had to defend themselves.
Ruler swiftly leaped off at a remarkable pace and dealt a decisive blow to one of the Wyverns, causing it to screech in pain. Without pause, he landed another powerful punch right in its mouth, eliciting yet another screech. From the fresh wounds emerged daunting spikes that rapidly dispatched the dragon in just a few seconds.
Sheo, on the other hand, chose a different approach, leaping onto one of the beasts and starting to slash at it with his Nail. The French soldiers joined in the fray, doing their best to distract and damage the Wyverns.
In the midst of this chaos, Mash bravely stood in front of Ritsuka, her shield up, deflecting any incoming fiery shots. Stheno, meanwhile, breathed a sigh of disdain and used her captivating voice to mesmerize the Wyverns, rendering them momentarily disoriented and easy targets for the other Servants.
The Wyverns, coming in a large group, posed a formidable challenge, and the Servants knew it would take time and effort to defeat them all.
As the battle raged on, explosions and roars shook the ground beneath them. The air was filled with the sound of clanging metal as swords clashed against the tough skin of the Wyverns. The sky was alive with a blazing inferno as the beasts breathed fire down upon them.
Ruler's punches sent the Wyverns tumbling through the air, crashing into one another as they struggled to regain their footing. Sheo's Nail glinted in the sunlight as he struck it into the heart of the creature, causing an explosion of fiery blood to erupt from its body.
The French soldiers fought bravely, darting in and out of the fray as they launched arrows and hacked away with their swords. They were outnumbered, but their courage remained steadfast as they stood their ground.
Meanwhile, Mash valiantly held her shield against the onslaught of fire, her muscles straining to keep it up under the immense pressure. Stheno's voice echoed across the battlefield, enthralling the Wyverns with her enchanting melodies and causing them to stumble and lose focus.
Then, someone came to help. She was a beautiful woman dressed in navy blue battle armor and with single-braided blonde hair. A silver headpiece and a cape were also present, giving the outfit a more interesting look. She was holding a Flag Pole,using it as a weapon against the dragons.
Slowly but surely, the Servants worked their way through the horde of Wyverns. Some were taken down by sheer force, others by quick thinking and calculated tactics. And though the battle was long and grueling, in the end, they emerged victorious.
The last Wyvern fell with a thunderous roar, its body crumbling to ash and dust. The fighters stood amid the carnage, panting and sweating, but alive.
"That was a long battle," The mystery Servant began speaking. She noticed all the looks and began introducing herself "Right. It's great to see you, I'm Jeanne D'Arc, Ruler Class"
This information put on edge all the people that were listening.
A/N :
Heheheh. Cliffhanger.
Sorry for the late update,but lacked motivation and had school working me up.
Stheno: "Draw me like one of your french girls "
Sheo: "Who"
Stheno: "Draw me-"
Sheo: "Asked"
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