QnA Answers 1
Ok,so now we got some questions for our cast. Are you prepared?
Ruler:I didn't ask for this
Shut,be happy that i didn't make you a 3 Feet tall man
Ruler:You litterally made me commit suicid-
Plot Reasons
Some_Guy_With_Time asks Ritsuka:
"Assuming you know Ruler's Noble Phantasm,will you be able to supply him with enough energy,since you are not a trained Mage?"
Ritsuka: "W-well, seeing that I'm not that strong,i think i would just barely. In Singularity F,after that battle with Saber Alter,i didn't show it,but i was barely standing up..."
Ruler: "What?I was using 'Wyrm God' in a suppressed form. And i made sure to not use my Noble Phantasm at full power. Are you that weak?"
Ritsuka: "That was suppressed!?"
Ruler: "..."
Some_Guy_With_Time asks Mash:
"What was your impression of Ruler?"
Mash: "He looked quite scary... His imposing figure was towering over me..."
Ruler: "I can't image what will happen if you would meet Nosk."
Ritsuka: "Ruler,is this 'Nosk' another infected god thing. Because if it is I'm going to kill myself."
Ruler: "..."
Sheo: "Yes,it is."
Ritsuka: "..."
Some_Guy_With_Time asks Olga:
"How are you planning on maintaining a steady food supply for all the Chaldea's inhabitants?"
Olga: "There were two options. Food industries in the world,and... stealing from alternate timelines."
Ruler: "That was unexpected."
Olga: "Then how would you do it!? Food isn't infinite!"
Korriiiiii says to Dr.Romani:
"I got nothing to think of,but you seemed lonely."
Dr.Romani: "Don't worry, I'm fine. I have the Ritsuka and the others. Thank you for your concern though, really appreciate it."
Cu Chulainn: "I-"
Dr.Romani: "You are that Servant that stole my job for a second!Come here!"
Some_Guy_With_Time asks Ruler:
"Is there anyone from the past that you are afraid of meeting?"
Ruler: "Of course there is. One is because i wanted to apologize for my actions,but i'm not sure how would they react,and the other is because of how they ruined my kingdom. The latter is more of rage tho."
Sheo: "Are you talking about The W-"
Ruler: "Another word and i'm taking your soul."
Sheo: "Yes,my king."
Some_Guy_With_Time asks Ruler:
"Do you know any magic arts?"
Ruler: "Of course i know. I can use Void Magic."
Ritsuka: "Anything...else?"
Ruler: "Void Magic. Take it or leave it."
Korriiiiii demands Ruler:
Ruler: *epic JoJo goofy pose* "I have never excepted that the day would be this early. But...i refuse."
Me: "If you do it,maybe i might add The White Lady in the second singularity."
Ruler: *hits the griddy* "I said right foot creep, ooh, I'm walking with that heater..."
Stheno: "I never excepted that your king can dance. Now,dance for me."
Sheo: "What-"
Korriiiiii asks Sir Konrad:
"Do you regret making your decision to accept the offer? Or if you can go back and find another way to be powerful without accepting the offer, would you do it?"
Sir Konrad: "I still regret to this day for accepting the offer. I miss my sisters and my people. I hate myself for accepting the offer of the King's enemy. And if i would go back and find another way to get powerful,i would accept it,this time with caution and seeing if it would be against my King. Maybe the best way was to ask the King for more training."
Radiance: "Honestly,L take."
Ruler: "Shut, it's a sad moment of one of my knights."
Some_Guy_With_Time asks Artoria Alter:
"How do you match up against the Pale King?" (I put this into the future where Artoria Alter will be summoned)
Artoria Alter: "I admit,as a King,that the fellow was strong,even stronger than me. Even if i was strong physically,his Noble Phantasm was overwhelming."
Ruler: "Wait until i transform into the Wyrm God."
Artoria Alter: "The what now."
Ruler: "Yeah,you fat emo."
Artoria Alter: "What did you call me!?"
Ruler: "Yeah you heard me. From all the junk food that you are eating i'm surprised that you are not fat."
Artoria Alter: "Come here!"
Korriiiiii says to Cu Chulainn:
"Thank you for helping :D"
Cu Chulainn: "Heh, appreciate the thanks. Most people nowadays just call me a dog,but you are ok in my list now."
Dr.Romani: "Dog."
Some_Guy_With_Time asks Sheo:
"What Nailmaster do you hope to encounter?"
Sheo: "I want to see both. I love my brothers equally,and i hope that Master could summon them at the same time."
Stheno: "You have brothers?...Hmmm~"
Sheo: "Please, don't say anything."
Some_Guy_With_Time asks Jeanne D'Arc:
"How do you match up against the Pale King?"
Jeanne D'Arc: "I would get destroyed. He killed a Wyvern with two punches and impaled them in a second."
BaldingBob456 asks Jeanne D'Arc:
"Is the void considered heresy?"
Jeanne D'Arc: "I don't know-"
Ruler: "Considering that you are Christian,yes."
Jeanne D'Arc: "Oh."
jos1470 asks Me:
"Are you planning to ship Sheo and Stheno in the future?"
Yes. It might seem weird,but i like the Goddess and Goddess's Artist dynamic
galaxydragon202 asks Me:
"Will Ruler have a lover?"
Yes,of course. I was planning to do a canon,so Ruler will have the White Lady. And no,Herrah and Ruler aren't in a relationship,it was just for an alliance. If you want Ruler to have more girls,then sure. But i won't do much,most one-sided for one or two girls. And it needs to make sense,not just some random girl.
-Yes(max,2 + one-sided)
Some_Guy_With_Time asks Me:
"Will Ruler take on a disciple?"
Maybe Sheo tho.
Some_Guy_With_Time says to Me:
"Is it safe to assume that there will be more characters from Hallownest that are infected."
Of course. Radiance is also here.
Korriiiiii asks Me:
"Can will smith will smith as much will as will smith will,if a will smith will smith will?"
🗿 Ok
That was the last question. Korriiiiii ,you made me think that i was on crack again(jk).
Anyway,thank you for your questions, really wanted to know what interested you. Some_Guy_With_Time and Korriiiiii ,you are really interested in this book. Thanks.
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