Daily life at Chaldea : I
Chapter 6 : King's thoughts,Painters and Models
The scene was peaceful, with everyone caught up in their own activities. The staff members were taking a well-deserved break, Dr. Romani was in discussion with Ritsuka, and Mash was dutifully cleaning up the Rayshift chamber from any debris. Though young, she was resilient and her tough skin was a testament to that. Meanwhile, Ruler strolled around Chaldea with the confidence of a king walking through the halls of his castle. He admired the technology that surrounded him, curious about how it all worked. For once, he didn't have to worry about anything. Even though the fate of humanity rested in their hands, he just wanted a relaxing day.
But, with nothing to do, his mind began to wander. He found himself thinking about his relationship with Ritsuka. In his past life, he would have found it absurd to work under someone else, but now he couldn't do anything about it. The Master was the source of his power, and he couldn't rebel against him. However, Ritsuka wasn't arrogant and treated him with respect, so he didn't mind working under him.
As he continued to indulge his thoughts, he couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of his attire. His deceptively simple uniform radiated elegance and power. The shining white and silver armor was adorned with platinum-like metal plates that protected most parts of his body. Spiked shoulder pads completed the outfit, giving it an almost regal aesthetic. He thought it resembled something about his true form, which he quite liked. Then, there was his cape, made from the finest Eastern silk and dyed silver, surprisingly clean even after numerous battles. His mask, too, was simple yet elegant, reminding him of the Hallownestian people. Lastly, his crown, plain and unassuming, was perfect for him as he didn't want to use precious materials that would jeopardize his safety.
His thoughts shifted to the Vessels, who he doesn't consider his children but rather constructs made from his Void and The White Lady's magic. Though he had a connection with them, he knew that most would perish on their perilous journeys, so he didn't want to form relationships with them.
The White Lady has a different opinion of that, considering them her children.
Thinking of The White Lady brought up the memory of her wanting to marry him. Though being married wasn't a priority for him, as he was preoccupied with royal responsibilities, he didn't want decline her offer either,but the problem was that he didn't know her very well. He wondered if Ritsuka would ever summon her, but quickly brushed the thought aside.
Ritsuka finished talking with Romani,so he tried looking for Mash in the Rayshift chamber.He maybe could help her.But when walking around the halls,he stopped to see Ruler standing still, looking at something.So,he,curious,looked to see what was happening.
When coming closer,he noticed that his Servant was looking at his reflection on the clean wall.
Ruler still didn't move from his spot,even if Ritsuka got behind him.
"What are you doing?"Ritsuka's question snapped the attention of The Pale King, making him turn around,a bit surprised.
"U-uh...just thinking.Nothing to worry about."The Servant recomposed himself, wanting to keep his image of a wise king.
"Alright then."The young magus parted ways, leaving Ruler with himself.
He stared at the director Ritsuka went,but then returned to his thoughts.
Then,the idea of seeing his room came to his mind.
"It's not bad."The Pale King was looking around his room.It consisted of a gray carpet,a king sized white and black bed and a fancy desk.This reminded him of his days at his palace.
Then,he collapsed onto his bed."Finally,a comfy place."
"Mashu,do you need help?"Ritsuka catched up to his friend,who turned around and smiled in a shy way.
"No need Senpai,i have already finished.But thanks for asking."As the Shielder said,she has finished cleaning up the Rayshift chamber from any debris.Ritsuka looked around and then nodded.
"Ok then,good job."Mash,again,smiled at that compliment."Anyway,Dr.Romani said that now we could summon other servants,as i have enough energy.Would you like to come with me?"
"Yes Senpai!But what about Ruler-San? Wouldn't he like to see the new servants?"Mash agreed to the proposition,but then questioned about the other servant.
"Sure,he can come.But i don't know where he is..."Ritsuka agreed,but didn't know where Ruler was.
"Maybe he is in his room?"Mash guessed.
"Maybe? Let's check."Ritsuka said,and then the duo started walking away from the chamber.They greeted all the staff members that were around,and stopped when they reached their final destination.
Ritsuka knocked the door,to see if the servant in question was there.
Ruler opened the door,to see his Master and his fellow servant in front of him.
"Ah,hello Master,hello Shielder.What can i do for you?"The Pale King greeted them.
"We were going to summon more servants,and we would like to know if you wanted to join us.So,are you coming?"Ritsuka explained.Ruler's Mask was staring right back at him, making him a bit nervous.
"Ok."The Pale King then accepted the offer.
They then started going towards the summoning chamber.
As they walked through the halls, Ritsuka couldn't help but ask about Ruler's thoughts on the potential new Servants they might summon. "Is there anyone in particular you would like to see?" he asked.
"Well," Ruler started, "there is one knight I would be interested in seeing. I have heard of his skill with the nail, and I think he could be a valuable addition to our team."
"Are you perhaps talking about...i don't remember this very well... about a Nailmaster...?I remember seeing them in books." Ritsuka responded with a perplexed smile.
"Yes, it's them.One in particular catched my interest."
As they reached the summoning chamber, Mash began setting up the ritual, and Ritsuka started reciting the incantation. A bright light filled the room as the summoning was completed, and the new Servant appeared.
"Hello Master,I am Sheo,one of the three Nailmasters.My current class is Saber."As Ritsuka's gaze swept across the summoning ritual, it settled on a towering figure standing before them. The man wore a mask that obscured only the upper half of his face, revealing a stoic mouth. His hair, a mess of white locks, was adorned with a red bandana, with a curious big crown-shaped object attached. A red armor, coupled with a fluffy blue coat, hugged his imposing frame, making him all the more intimidating. But what caught Ritsuka's attention was the giant, sharp club-like weapon he held in his back, a Nail, as Ritsuka had heard it called before from the Hallownestian books. As Ritsuka took in the striking sight before them, they noticed that the man also wore a stained apron and held a brush in his hand.
"Well, I never expected fate to answer my request in such a surprising way. Nonetheless, it's delightful to see you again, Nailmaster Sheo. I still vividly recall the last drawing you made of me. Have you perhaps lost any of the artistic talent that you possessed?" Ruler was taken aback by the realization that his hope to meet one of the Nailmasters had come to fruition.
"It's truly wonderful to see you too, Your Majesty. And to answer your inquiry, I still possess the artistic spirit you speak of." Nailmaster Sheo replied with a smile.
"That's good to hear."Ruler was interrupted by another flash of light,as another Servant was summoned.
A stunning figure appeared before them. "Greetings, my Master. I am the beautiful Stheno Gorgon of the Gorgon Sisters, now of the Assassin Class. However, do not let that concern you,as you can admire my beauty all you want." she announced confidently.
The group was in awe of the beautiful girl standing before them. She had luscious lilac hair styled in pigtails, a black and white headband, and a stunning white dress with intricate black details.
Ritsuka was a little taken aback by the introduction, but was happy to see the other servant. "It's great to see you too," he replied warmly. "We haven't properly introduced ourselves yet, have we?"
"I'm Ritsuka Fujimaru, but please feel free to call me by my name. There's no need to address me as 'master'."
"I'm Mash, Senpai's servant. Nice to meet you!"
"I'm Ruler."
"As i said, i'm Sheo, one of the Nailmasters."
Stheno's gaze fell upon the stained apron Sheo was wearing and the brush in his hand. She teasingly approached him and asked, "Oh, what do we have here? A painter, I presume?"
Sheo nodded. "You could say that."
"Are you in need of some inspiration?" Stheno asked with a smile.
The Nailmaster began to speak, but was cut off by the sudden interruption of the Gorgon.
"Well, because I'm here! With a beautiful girl dressed to the nines, what better inspiration could there be? Make a portrait of me!" She exclaimed playfully, basking in the thought of being the subject of his art.
Sheo looked to his Master and King, both unsure of how to respond. Letting out a deep sigh, he turned away to search for a canvas. "Fine, fine. I'll make a portrait of you, but first I need to find a canvas."
Stheno couldn't help but tease him further, a mischievous grin on her face as she perched herself on his shoulder, causing him to let out yet another frustrated sigh.
"They got along pretty quickly."Ritsuka commented.
Mash nodded in agreement, watching as Sheo began to set up his supplies, his hands moving with practiced ease.
Stheno remained perched on his shoulder as he dipped his brush into the paint, her gaze fixed on the canvas as she waited in anticipation. Her long liliac colored pigtails cascaded down her back, her eyes bright and full of life.
Sheo, lost in his work, began to sketch out her features with precise strokes, capturing every curve and line of her face. As he worked, Stheno watched with fascination, her expression growing increasingly curious with each passing moment.
Minutes turned into hours,as Sheo continued their work. Stheno had now moved from his shoulder to a nearby stool, watching intently as Sheo mixed different colors and applied them to the canvas in front of him.
Mash and Ritsuka had settled into chairs nearby, content to watch the artist work. As Sheo's brush moved with a fluid grace, it was clear that every stroke was made with the utmost care and attention to detail.
Stheno had become engrossed in the painting, her eyes following every line and curve as it came to life on the canvas. Her hair had fallen away from her face, and her lips were slightly parted in awe.
As Sheo worked, he occasionally paused to look at Stheno, studying her expression as she watched his progress. He knew that capturing her beauty was a difficult task, but he was determined to succeed.
Hour by hour, the painting took shape. Sheo would occasionally stand back, studying the work from a distance, before returning to add more details.
At last, when the painting was complete, Sheo stepped back and studied it with a critical eye. Stheno jumped down from the stool and joined him, both of them studying the painting closely.
Finally, Stheno spoke. "It's perfect," she said, her voice filled with emotion. "You've captured me...better than I could ever have imagined."
Sheo smiled, his heart lifted by her praise.
"Thank you, my lady," he said with a nod. "It was an honor to paint someone as beautiful as you."
Stheno beamed with happiness as she studied the portrait, completely enthralled by the details and colors of the painting. The room remained silent as everyone admired the masterpiece, each lost in their own thoughts.
A/N :
I dropped some lore of this fic.
Sheo is one of the best characters,change my mind.
Stheno x Sheo!?!!??! (No wayyyy!1221222)/jk
Comment on what you think.
Nailmaster Sheo
Class: Saber
Noble Phantasm:A
Weapon: Great Nail
A sharp club-like weapon common in Hallownest.
Class Skills:
Magic Resistance:B
Personal Skills:
Nail Art:Great Slash:A+
A powerful slash that will decimate enemies in a quick go.It can stun enemies for a while
Flexible Techniques:A
Sheo can perform powerful and quick jumps, making it harder for the enemy to fight him.
Sheo can perform the Nail Arts even with a brush!The brush can confuse enemies,and a drop of paint on their eyes is all you need.
Noble Phantasm:A
'Nailsage's Technique:Nailsage's Great Slash'
Using all their knowledge of the Great Slash,Sheo will double it's speed and strenght.Sheo's nail will also become more durable, reaching to the point of becoming the Dream Nail.
Summoning Dialogue:
"I am the Nailmaster Sheo, at your service."
Master Dialogue:
"Ah... master, do you think that my art has improved?"
About other Servants:
"Ah... other heroes, you say? Such interesting things you conjure up.Maybe they will be my next inspiration."
Likes and Hates:
"Well,i really like painting and all type of arts.As for dislikes,i don't really know.I'll just say that i don't like murder,just to say something."
Wish for the Holy Grail:
"I'll like to best my mentor in the Nail Arts or maybe reach my dream of becoming a Paintmaster."
"I have a good relationship with my brothers;even if i became the greater pupil,i haven't forgotten about them.My mentor is a good teacher,even for their size.I respect him.And Stheno is teasing me too much,i don't know how to deal with her."
"I feel more powerful,like i can reach my dreams.Wow,this nail is really light now."
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