Chapter 120 - Uncertain Future
After the choir concert, time seemed to be on warp drive. Especially since you were totally bogged down with work and late night study sessions as you tried to get ready for your finals. This had been a somewhat fun experience though when you had met up with Noctis and Prompto a couple times at the cafe for a study group. Brian had been very cool with it since the restaurant hadn't been busy those nights. Plus he seemed to like the idea that the prince was actually visiting and hanging out at the restaurant again. Even if he did only order fries and a drink every time he was there.
You had been slowly starting to get depressed though, since you still weren't able to spend as much time with Ignis as you would have liked. But this had been due to him having to get his affairs in order to study abroad in a foreign country. Which meant getting a student vista, as well as his regular passport. Then there was the fact of trying to get all of the paperwork straightened out for his dorm room and class schedule for that first semester. And he still had a few things to take care of at the high school before he could officially graduate.
Of course all of the seniors had to do a lot of the same things that he did in regards to the high school. There were seniors pictures, cap and gowns to buy after they were fitted. And in his case he had to make sure that everything for the swim team was turned over to the new team captain. Who was a very nervous junior with short blonde hair and pale blue eyes when compared to Noctis'.
And he seemed very apprehensive when Ignis handed him a very well organized binder and clipboard that had everything that he had been using for the last two years. You almost felt bad for the kid since he truly looked overwhelmed as the color drained from his face at first. He honestly looked like he was totally unprepared to try and fill Ignis' shoes, even with the binder and a confident smile from Ignis.
Choir seemed to be the easiest one for Ignis to turn over. But that was because there wasn't anyone behind him who could play the piano for the class. Which you were almost glad about. You didn't think that you would be able to handle anyone but him or the director at the piano. It just wouldn't feel right at this point now. Not after having him at the piano every time you had sang with him.
Of course this was a similar situation as well for Gladio, Monica and even Gwen. Each of them were turning over their perspective duties to the next in line. Team Captain of the football team for Gladio, Team Captain of the Cheerleaders for Gwen, and Team lead for the debate team for Monica. Then once that was done, you started to see less and less of them in the hallways as they finished up their classes. Until they seemed to have completely disappeared from the hallways all together.
The thought of it was actually starting to make your heart break, as you knew that they would never again walk the same hallways as you. And it seemed to be sending you back down the path of lonely depression. Because you were really going to miss seeing them everyday in the same dark grey steeled lockers and cold black titled floor hallways as you. Even if that hadn't been the case when you had first stepped foot in the school.
And you weren't the only one who was feeling the pull of the pending separation and slight depression. You watched Prompto and Noctis start to feel the same way as they got quieter and quieter each day in school. Of course it seemed to hit Prompto harder then Noctis. But that could be due to the fact that after the concert, him and Gwen started to date. Like boyfriend/girlfriend dating. They had become a real item since that night. Which was totally cute.
Noctis himself, was already starting to get upset since the bodyguards were probable going to have to come back into the school again. And that would be due to Ignis and Gladio not being there anymore. Even with you and Prompto still being there. Which you being at the college for most of the day for the next school year, didn't really help out his situation.
And he definitely didn't seem to happy about that arrangement either. He had told you that one night during a study session. He hated the idea that you were going to out of the building and away from him for most of the day. The only thing that seemed to cheer him up about next year was your promise to join him for lunch everyday in the library like Ignis use to do with you.
And then there was one major thing that seemed to slightly cheer up not only you but everyone else as well. And that was planning the huge Triple graduation party for Ignis, Gladio, and Monica. Arrangements had been made to have it at the Citadel since all three of them practically lived there. Plus it was the only place that had a room large enough for it. Because between the three of them, there would be about two-thirds of the high school student body and staff, and well over half of the citadel staff.
Which is how you ended up having everyone at the cafe as they were relaxing after setting up everything for the party that was the next day, which was following the graduation ceremony. You hadn't been able to set up that time though since Brian couldn't afford you to be off two nights in a row during the week. However he had been kind enough to let everyone come over and take over a couple tables as they chatted away. Which they seemed to be enjoying as they drank Brian's famous milkshakes and ate some fresh cut fries.
You on the other hand hadn't been able to do anything but serve them so far. Because it seemed that the minute that they came in, so did half of the city. The whole restaurant was packed and you were practically flying from one table to the next just to take care of the customers. Brian had helped out initially. Well at least as much as he could. But that was only for a short time since he had to head into the kitchen and cook all of the orders.
Ignis had offered to help. But you had to tell him no since he wasn't an employee. Which left him feeling frustrated as he sat there and watched you race around. The gesture was sweet though. And it did make you smile, knowing that he would of helped, if he could.
"So what time do you get off today?" Prompto asked you as you were cleaning a table that was right by them.
"I'm closing again. So I won't be getting off for a few more hours." You said as you wiped off the table as you cleared the plates and sat them on your tray.
"Oh." Prompto said as he dropped his head. "I can't stay that long. I still have to get a few things done before tomorrow."
"Here to." Monica said as she slightly dropped her head before she looked at Talcott who was happily sleeping in his car carrier. "And besides, we really need to be getting Talcott to bed."
"It's okay." You said with the best smile that you could muster. "I'll just see everyone tomorrow."
"Are you sure?" Monica said with a sad smile. "You didn't really get to hang out with us?"
"It's okay." You said as you tried to hide your face as you picked up the tray and turned towards the kitchen.
"We'll have all day tomorrow." You said as you walked away and didn't make eye contact with any of them.
The last thing that you wanted was for them to see that you were upset by the turn of events. Which is exactly what you were. But that was mainly due to the fact that you hadn't really been able to see anyone since the concert due to work. Plus the only ones to stop by were Noctis and once in a while Prompto, when they stopped by to study. But even that would soon be over, since finals were the following week which was the last week of school before summer break.
And as you sat the dirty dishes down in the sink and turned on the water so that you could wash them, you started to dread summer vacation for the first time in your life. Because you knew that following the graduation, Monica, Gladio, and of course Ignis would soon be heading to their colleges abroad to continue their education. And even though you knew that they would be able to visit on the holidays and during the winter and summer breaks . It did nothing to ease your breaking heart of not being able to see Ignis on a daily bases for the next two years.
Not that I've seen much of him anyway. You thought as you gripped the side of the sink as you tried to brace yourself from breaking down yet again. Which had become and almost daily routine as you laid in your bed each night.
"Hey (y/n)?" You heard Brian shout from behind you. "You might want to get out there and say goodbye to your friends. It looks like they're getting ready to head out."
"Yeah." You called back over to him as you stood back up and turned the water off. "I'll be right out."
Then you dried your hands off on the towel that was hanging by the sink and walked back out of the kitchen. And that was when you saw the everyone was standing up and grabbed their things as they got ready to leave. You couldn't help your heart as it seemed to break as you watched them. You let out a deep sigh as you tried to relax again.
At least I'll get to hang out with all of them tomorrow at the party. You thought to yourself as a means of trying to cheer yourself up.
And as you watched them talking to each other as they pushed in their chairs you couldn't help but to slightly smile. You knew that they weren't all leaving right away. Monica wasn't leaving for another two weeks. Gladio would still be in Insomnia. Technically anyway. He would just be at the docks. And Ignis should still have a few things to do before he left. You were sure of it. Even though you have no idea that else there could be.
"Right." You said out loud as you tried to steel your emotions from your private pep talk.
Then you walked over to them as they all stood there after pushing in the last of their chairs. "Sooooo......6 o'clock..... tomorrow morning?"
Ignis turned around and smiled at your words. "Yeah. There are still a couple racks of food that need to head down to the ballroom kitchen."
"Perfect." You said with a half smile to Ignis. "I'll help you move them. I can't wait to see how amazing the room looks."
Everyone gave you a half smile. They knew how much you had wanted to be there to help out, after the last few parties held there. But they understood you couldn't be there. Well, everyone but Noctis. He still didn't like the idea of you working and didn't understand why you did.
"I think your going to love it." Monica said with a smile before glanced at everyone else. "Once everyone else arrives, we'll all be riding to the graduation together."
"But wait a minute?" You asked with a confused look. "Since when was that a part of it?"
"Since my uncle got involved." Ignis said as he moved his glasses up on his face. "His intention was to keep us all together. It's easier for security if we travel in a caravan in the royal cars then in our own cars. Plus the cars have bulletproof glass and have reinforced steel frame bodies."
"We're just going to a graduation." You said with an exasperated look, even though you had a feeling that your dad had probable played a HUGE part in that part of the planning. "Do we really need something that protective to get us there?"
"Need I remind you of the attack that happened at the condo with the sniper?" Ignis asked as he gave you a cold look.
You froze as you could once again see Korn and Mary falling back into the pool after she was grazed by the bullet. Your heart started racing as you once again watched them slowly fall into the pool. Which was quickly followed by Ignis pushing you towards the house. Before he dove in himself as he went in after them.
"No." You quietly replied as you dropped your head and slowly shook it as you tried to rid yourself of the images.
"And what about the attack on the street right by Ignis' place?" Prompto asked as if in shock. "Those guys were seriously trying to hurt us that night."
You quickly exhaled as you remember seeing four guys all in black leather, slowly walking out of the alleyway. All of them with a smirk on their face and a weapon in their hands. That was another night that you were really trying to forget about. Especially that part and everything that happened followed it. The dancing and the holiday tree had truly been amazing. Let alone the choir concert that night. That had been the first time that you and Ignis had performed a dance in front of an live audience like that.
"You have a point there." You quietly said.
"Oh, and let's not forget about the attack that happened right in front of your house." Gladio said in a deeper tone.
"I get it. I get it." You quickly said with exasperation as you slightly shook your head before you looked back at them all. "So we're using the royal cars. The gods know that we don't need anymore excitement then we have already had."
"We'll see you tomorrow then." Monica said as she gave you a hug.
"Of course." You said back as you hugged her back before you released her.
"Don't worry. I'll bring the camera." Prompto said with a smile as he gave you hug as soon as you let go of Monica.
"We're counting on it." You smiled back at him as you released him.
"Don't stay up too late." Gladio said as he gave you a firm hug next.
"Umph! I don't plan on it." You said with a strained voiced before he finally released you.
"Do you want me to wait for you?" Ignis said with a concerned look as he came up and grabbed both of you hands.
"No." You said with a half smile as you looked at him with a proud look. "You need your sleep. You have a Valedictorian speech to give tomorrow."
"Right." He replied in a soft reluctant tone before he leaned in and gave you a gentle kiss. "I shall see you in the morning then."
"Okay." You said with the best smile that you could muster, as he backed up and headed for the door. "Love you."
"Love you too." He said back as he reached the door and pulled it open for Monica and the others.
"Are you coming Noct?" Ignis asked as he looked behind you.
You turned around and saw Noctis standing there not moving. He had his hands on the back of his chair. And didn't seem to want to leave. Which made you a bit confused.
"Go on ahead. I'll be out in a bit." He said as he kept his eyes on you.
"Alright." Gladio said as he put his arm around Monica and escorted her out the door as he carried the baby carrier. "See ya tomorrow then."
"Have a good night." You called after them.
Prompto gave you one last smile before he followed behind them. Ignis stood there for a moment and studied Noctis. He could tell that the prince was up to something, just by the stern glance that he was giving him. But he didn't dare to question him at the moment. At least not in front of the everyone. So instead, he turned and walked out of the restaurant.
"You said that you don't get off for a couple more hours, right?" Noctis asked as he looked at you.
"Yeah." You replied as you gave his a curious look. "Why do you ask?"
"Well I wanted too talk to you. Do you mind if I wait for you?" He asked as he gave you a hopeful look.
"I don't...." You started to say before he interrupted you.
"I can even wait in my car if you like." Noctis quickly said as he saw you glance away from him.
"No!" You quickly said as you jerked your eyes back up to look at him as the image of the undercover car with police tape around it came to your head.
Sure you may not have seen it yourself. But you'd certainly heard enough about it through conversations between Tracy and your dad. You don't think that they knew that you knew, considering it was in the middle of the night when they had talked about. But it's hard not to listen when the office door was a jar and he was trying to explain to her why he still insisted on not leaving her alone at the house.
Even though the house had a much tighter security now since then, and it would have been during the day. He had told her that he just wasn't comfortable with it. But after hearing about what she saw and how she looked when he reached her. You couldn't really blame your dad. Especially since they still hadn't arrested anyone in connection with the double homicide yet. However it did make you conscious of everyone and everything around you.
Noctis looked at you with a confused look as he was taken back by your reaction. "But...."
You sighed as you smiled at him. It was obvious what he was trying to do. And you couldn't help but to appreciate his concern. But the fact still remained, he was the prince. And he shouldn't be outside the cafe, waiting on his retainer.
You reached out and grabbed his hand. "I'll be fine. Brian and I always leave at the same time. So you don't have to worry about anyone taking off with me or anything. Alright? And besides, you need your sleep, too. It will be a long day tomorrow. And you don't do well without your sleep."
Noctis dropped his head and tightened his grip on your hand. "I just...."
"I know." You smiled at him. "But trust me. I'll be perfectly safe. Okay?"
He looked back up at you as he interlaced his fingers with yours. "Okay. But only if you call me as soon as you get off."
You smiled back at him as he gave you a pleading look. "How about I call you once I'm in my car. Deal?"
He smiled back at you. "Deal."
Then he leaned over and gave you a kiss on the cheek and whispered in your ear. "I'll be waiting."
"I know." You smiled back as you returned the gesture.
Then he half smiled and slowly released your hands before turning away from you. Then he headed to the door and walking out of the restaurant. You followed him with your eyes for a moment. Before someone waved their hand at you.
"On my way." You said and quickly headed over to the table to continue with your shift.
"I can understand your concern Noct." Noctis heard a familiar accented voice say as soon as he walked away from the cafe's door. "But she's my girlfriend."
Noctis looked up at Ignis who was leaning against his car and gave him a cross look as he continued to his own car that was right by the curb. "That may be. But you really have a hell of a way of showing it."
"And in case you forgot." Noctis said as he opened up his car door and started to get in. "She's still a very close friend of mine. And always will be."
Then with the slam of a door and the roar of an engine, Noctis pulled away from the curb and headed back to the citadel. All Ignis could do was sit there and watch. He knew full well exactly what Noctis meant. Sure you may be friends with the young prince. But Ignis knew that if Noctis really had his way, you would be more then just that to the young prince. Which made him drop his head as he felt something welling up in him that he has never felt before. And that was the stinging feeling of paranoia.
"Have a good night." You said to Brian as you both started to walk away from the now locked-up restaurant.
"You too. And I hope you enjoy your day off tomorrow." He said with a smile as he put his keys back in his coat pocket. "You'll have to show some of the pictures when you come in."
"Okay. I will." You beamed back at him. "Thanks again Mr. Brian."
"Anytime kid. Anytime." Brian said as he turned and waved back at you as he walked to his car.
You couldn't help but to beam as you turned back around and walked towards your car by yourself. Brian had turned out to be an amazing boss. Even though you had never had a paying job before this one. You knew that it was rare to have someone as understanding as him as your supervisor.
You were looking down at the ground with a smile as you walked towards the car. But as you got closer to the car, you suddenly felt the hair on the back of your neck stand on end. Someone was watching you. You could sense it. But as you slowed down and slowly started looking around, you couldn't figure out from where. There wasn't anyone but you and Brian in the sidewalk and you couldn't see anyone in the alley from where you were.
You slowly approached your car and glanced around it to make sure that no one was hiding behind it. But after making one huge circle around it as you looked around the entire outside of the car, you started to feel a bit better. Then once you approached the car, you looked in the back seat and passenger seat of the car just to be safe. Then after not seeing anyone, you quickly got into the car and locked the doors once you were inside.
You looked around the car as you started it up and put on your seat belt. The nagging feeling that someone was staring at you was putting you on edge. Bu± after not seeing anyone, you tried to shake off the feeling. Your thoughts were that perhaps the topic of the precautions for the next day were still playing through your head.
"I really need to go home before I go crazy." You said to yourself as you turned on your radio then pushed the call button on your steering wheel which made the car talk to you.
Say your command after the beep.
"Call Noctis." You said and pulled away from the curb.
"Are you sure it's her?" Came a deep crackling voice over the phone.
"Yeah. I'm sure." Said a smoother voice. "I have never forgotten her face. Not after she hit me like she did."
"Did you plant the device?"
"Yeah." He replied as he ran his hand through his short blonde hair as he watched you drive away. "Are you sure we should go after her like this? I though you wanted her unharmed?"
"I only need her alive is all. The condition of her body matters nothing to me."
The blonde dropped his gaze after watching you turn the corner. He couldn't help the pain he felt in his heart from hearing the harsh words. He had a feeling that he was going to hear that. But after watching you and following you for so long. He couldn't help but to feel a connection to you. Even if it was a fucked up stalker, spy kind of connection that had started shortly after he came to Insomnia.
"Besides if she happens to lose the use of a few limbs, she would be easier to control. Don't you agree?"
He couldn't help the chill that ran through him. Followed by the thrill of the prospect as he mind turned to other avenues. The thought of you like that made him close his eyes as he could feel himself starting to strain against his jeans. Of course he knew that the pleasure of it all would be purely for him and him alone. And that thought made him slightly lick his lips as his heart rate started to increase.
"You do have a point." He said as he tried to steady himself.
"Good. Now get back to the hotel. There are a few other tasks that I need you to do before I let you play."
"Yes sir." The blonde said in deep voice and a heated grin.
Then he snapped his phone shut and climbed back on his bike that was hidden from view behind a dumpster. Then after putting his phone back in his pocket. He put his helmet on and started his motorcycle with one quick downward motion of his foot. Then as he revving his bike a few times as he looked around, he pulled out of the alleyway and onto the street as he headed back to the hotel.
"And that's the last of them." Ignis said as he closed the cooler door. "Mrs. Marge and the kitchen staff should be here shortly to get the first items in the ovens."
"This is going to be a great party." You replied as you beamed at him as he turned around and looked at you with a smile.
"Most certainly." He said as he walked up to you and grabbed your hand.
"But having you beside me will be the best part of all." He said as he brought your hand up to his lips and gently kissed your hand.
You couldn't help the heat that suddenly came to your cheeks as you dropped your gaze. You had forgotten how sweet it was to hear comments like that from him. And it felt like a lifetime since you had heard any that affectionate from him. The butterflies in your stomach gave that away.
Suddenly you jumped as you felt his fingers on your chin as he lifted up your gaze to meet his. Your heart started to race as you meet his gaze. His sandy blonde hair was perfectly styled and the slightly smile on his perfectly smooth chin made your fingers tingle as they longed to touch him. You wanted to run your fingers through his soft hair again and never let go.
"Why did you look away?" He quietly said as he wrapped his other around your waist as he pulled you up against him. "I love to see you smile like that."
You were suddenly breathless as you leaned into him as you started to get lost in the deep emerald pools of his eyes. How you missed looking into them and watching them get dark as you felt the heat starting to rise through your body from his gentle touch. You watched his eyes as they seemed to darken as he slowly pulled you flush against his body. Your skin was tingling from the waves of electricity his fingers were sending through your body as they fanned out in the small of your back.
You closed your eyes as you slowly started to lean up towards him. He closed his eyes and slowly lowered his head towards yours. He felt his heart start to pound as he felt his body start to react to yours as he tightened up his grip. The heat from your breath was gently blowing against his neck and was starting to heat him up. He slightly paused as his lips slightly brushed against yours. Dear six did he want you.
"Hey!" Iris shouted into the kitchen making both of you to jump. "Come on you two. We have to get going. Everyone is waiting."
You dropped your head as he slowly released you. Do much for some alone time.
"Perhaps we could finish this conversation after the ceremony?" Ignis asked as he looked down at you as he released you completely. "You know. Once we get back and all."
"Yeah.......sure." You said as you turned towards the door and walked away from him. If you think that you'll have time for me tonight, considering you haven't since the concert. "We shouldn't keep them waiting."
Ignis stood there for a moment as he watched you walk away. He couldn't seemed to move from that spot as he could still feel the deeper need for you in him from the intensity of touching you again. He hadn't felt that deep longing in him since the hotel at the swim meet. Where he had not only had his way with you in the shower. (And very eagerly for both parties.) But you had also gotten him off with a surprise handjob while he laid in the bed as Gladio sat and watched. (Even though Gladio tried to hide that fact. But Ignis knew better just by how he had acted in the morning.)
Ignis narrowed his blazing eyes at you as he followed you out of the kitchen. He could feel the heated desire growing within him to see you coming undone in his arms as you both rode out your release. He was tired of pleasuring himself to some stupid video. And it was obvious based on the pulsating bulge in his pants.
He had to figure out a way to get some alone time for the two of you. And with an ever so slightly smirk, he started to come up with a plan. He just hoped that you wanted the same thing. After all, it's not like he had really been able to spend time with you. What with his uncle having him run around doing various tasks for school, the condo, and even for the wedding.
We shall be alone again. One way or another. Ignis thought to himself as he followed everyone out to the cars.
******Author Note******
I apologise that this one took much longer to get out then I had originally planned. But I'm not going to lie. The Trilogy of Fifty-Shades of Grey kind of took over for a bit. I'm not quite done with book two yet. But at least it's a spot that I can walk away from for a moment.
I also wanted to make sure that I was setting up the stage correctly for the next few chapters. It's going to be interesting how this will all play out. But not to worry. As promised, I will continue to keep this going. Although I am considering breaking the book apart into it's prospective books. Technically, this book is now a two-in-one book. But I don't want to mess up the stats unless I have to. So instead, this book will continue with book 2. (There is just too much I want to add. Especially since we still haven't gotten into the movie or game portion yet. 😉)
But for now, onto graduation. And a party like no other. But will the party goers be able to handle their emotions? Or will the strain be too much? We shall soon find out.
Thanks for reading. :)
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