Tag #12
There I just finished with my crying fest and my eyes are swollen and here people are tagging me nonstop 😖😖.....
Who tagged me you ask? Well it was Mon inter than MysticFox2005.... Can you tell me why am I your favourite again....?
Anyways here goes...
1) Akansha Singh.
2) Capricorn ♑️.
3) Three fears are as follows:
• Result of final exam.
• Bullies.
• Injections. (Don't laugh I know many of you have)
4) Three things I love are as follow:
• My followers.
• My family.
• My friends. (If I have any)
5) I didn't understood the question.
6) same goes with this.
7) Can I change it as best sisters because I have 3 here:
Lucy_Dragneel_x777, MysticFox2005 and SnigdhaRathore.
8) I'd rather stay silent...
9) *shrug*
10) eh? Umm..... 5'6 I guess.
11) My depression😂😂😂.
12) exact 12:00 A.M.
13) Black and white.
14) Nope.
15) "Nothing is more dangerous than a person with a broken heart and a smiling face."
This quote is my favourite because I can relate myself.
16) My bed and anywhere peaceful where I can be alone with my thoughts.
17) Manchurian.
18) its in my blood. 😛
19) Stand in the rain.
20) They don't want me near them.
21) India: 6.
22) Hazel.
23) Black.
24) simple black T-shirt with my zodiac on it and jeans.
25) Yup.
27) I don't know.
28) Neerza.
29) Legends never die.
30) Evanescence.
31) Crying.
32) My family and followers.
33) Single.
34) I don't know.
35) Navratri.
36) Do ear piercings count? XD
37) I want a star tattoo on my left shoulder.
38) I don't have tumblr.
39) "Tag book" MysticFox2005.
40) Only in wattpad.
41) No.
42) I don't know.
43) 15 to 20 minutes.
44) Yesterday I did.
45) In my room.
46) I don't think anyone will take care of me except for my parents *sniffles*
47) At a reasonable level.
Done... *sigh* so many questions...
Lucy_Dragneel_x777 I'm evil and I admit it..
There done.
lucy_heartifilia002 peace out.
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