The Unfortunate Circumstances of Being a Queer in Sports
Let me say something straight
We'll as straight as a lesbian can be
Playing sports while being queer
That's just damn terrifying
I play soccer
Both for my club and for my school
And honest to god it would be awful
If they knew how I ran
They talk often of boys and dates
And I nod along
For I have never been on a date
And definitely not with a boy
But if I had to pick a team to know
It would be my club
They seem more open and less terrified
And we don't have a locker room
Now school is a little different
You see, it is high school in the south
My best friend was spit at for holding hands
With her (ex)girlfriend
So coming out is harder there
Harder than it normally is
And while the gay club is the best
It doesn't mean anyone from my team is there
It's mostly theater kids after all
(what a surprise!)
You see,
High school girls soccer is more intense
They have stadium studs
Not bleacher babes
And we all share a locker room
You know, changing all the time
It's not that it's a problem
I'm fine with changing in the locker room
It's a thing anyone playing sports is used too
But if they found out
That I liked girls
Well, it's Little Boy
You see,
Some would cry that I was staring
I would never do such a thing
Not only is that an invasion of privacy
Bur incredibly disgusting
And demeaning
But alas it would not be
They would grow weary of me
Any action scrutinized
For any semblance of harassment
Because being in sports
Means being in some of the most
Heterosexual places in the world
Because queerness is for arts
Not something 'strong' like sports
However wrong that may be
I do not know where to go from here
It seems it shall not end
The over Christian world of mine
Where I love God but not in their eyes
For suddenly they would not see
The person that I am
They would only see the pervert
The monster in their midst
They would not see my skill
Or my kindness
Because I am an 'anomaly'
Perhaps I'll tell my coach
So we can be prepared
Just in case the dam breaks
And you know,
The floods come down
But for now I'll be the secret gay
Who lives in her existence
Content with being kind and caring
And hopefully they'll see that too
Because one day I will not
Pretend to be their straight
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