Chapter 1: The girlfriend
I got off my bike to go into school since I hated the bus and i was heading inside to find Corey. Did I mention that....never mind....but I went in to get to class. And soon to know it, there was a girl sitting in my seat, next to Core....I walked up to Core and asked what she was doing next to him. He smiled....or smirked....I don't know which one,"Oh. Hey Lanes. Meet my girlfriend, Abby. Abby meet Lanes, my best friend. Lanes, meet Abby, my girlfriend." My heart shattered. Mostly everyone I know actually knows that I like him. But into the oblivion, Core decides to get a girlfriend and not knowing how I feel. I started to get a mini burst of anger and sadness at the same time. But held it back because it was class and he is my best friend. I at least want him to be happy...instead of being with me.
"T-that's great Core" I sadly stuttered out. I went over to sit in front of Kon. And next to Kin. "Hey Kin"
"Hey Laney. Ready for class?" Oh like he doesn't mind me sitting near him. And he doesn't ask me why I'm not sitting with Core.
"Uh....yeah...."I looked down. I didn't want him to see my eyes. Cause if he looks into someone's eyes, he can tell how someone is feeling. Even Corey.
"Alright class, let's begin. Today we are gonna be introducing the book from Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet." Mrs. Johnson wrote the title up on the board. "But we will skip to the balcony scene where Romeo and Juliet talks about their plan for a wedding together. Who will act?" She continued. Corey started to raise his hand. Like that is seriously the first. And then Abby. What the f***?! Corey smiled or smirked didn't really care at me. I guess he was seeing my reaction or something. But I hate this....badly.
They started reading in the book. And I literally started to feel my stomach twist and turn. I couldn't help it. Kin and Kon watched. And while I was having stomach pain, Kon offered popcorn. And I declined the offer. Obviously.
I raised my hand to go to the nurse and had to get a hall pass. And after I made the interruption and before I left, I caught a glimpse of Core and how his smile or whatever faded to a frown. I felt bad but at the same time, I didn't care anymore. I left the class and started running to the nurse almost bursting out crying. I stopped in front of the door and tried to wipe away the tears.
I walked into the nurse's office. My face was all red...not from blushing either. From crying. The nurse came over,"Aww. What's wrong dear?" She went over and sat next to me. Other than Corey she was like a friend to me. The counselor doesn't do any good to me.
"Oh nothing." I tried not to cry again. She put her hand on my shoulder.
"Laney, if there is something bothering you, you can let me know. How long have we known each other?"
I looked up at her,"since my first bass lesson..."I looked back down."Do you remember who I said my crush was?"
"Oh yes. Corey Riffin. Am I right?" She asked. I nodded my head yes. "What about him?"
"Well, I was going into class, then Corey said he has a--" I burst out crying. She started to hug me and I hugged back.
"A girlfriend?"
"Oh dear. Did you tell him how you feel?" She asked. I shook my head no.
"I'm too afraid. And even if I did. He probably wouldn't like me back. He'd probably just keep me in the best friend forever zone..."
"Why? I never known Corey to back out of anything. And if he is your best friend forever, then wouldn't he also love you too?" She looked down at me.
"It won't be the same. It'll just be a best friend kind of love. He won't love me the same way that I love him." I crossed my arms and buried my face in my arms.
"Well how will you know if you don't try? Remember,"she moved my arms away from my face to have me look up at her,"if you're scared of speaking to him, maybe singing will help" I went wide eyed then smiled.
"Thank you Karen."
"You're welcome my dear. Don't forget to tell your mother I said hi." Karen said. She is one of my mother's friend and a girl in my class is her daughter. That's how I met her. We go to bass lessons together. Her and me plays bass.
"I won't. Thanks again Karen." I started to run out. With a smile on my face. I'm gonna sing to him. What I feel. And hopefully he feels the same. I stopped. What if he actually loves his girlfriend? What if I something happens then he replaces me with her?? I started to back off. You won't know until you try. You can do it. Sing what's in your heart. Show him how you feel. I started feeling confident again.
I walked brightly back into class and took my seat. Core looked at me but I payed no mind and just paid attention to the teacher and board.
After school, I rode super quickly on my bike to band practice. Not paying attention to what's going on after I tell him. I opened the garage door quickly and had a big smile on my face. Not caring what Corey and Abby was doing together. I know what to do.
"Hey everyone!" Corey, Kin, Kon, and Abby looked at me. Corey actually gave me a light smile. "I have something to say!"
"Well what is it?" Corey asked.
"I'm gonna write a song!"
Sooooo, that's my first story on Wattpad. Original. There are gonna be more chapters. So I hope you like it the rest.
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