By the time we reached class the bell rang, and you could hear it's melody over the chattering of people who rushed to their classes. I approached my table and effortlessly dropped my bag on the floor, pulled out a notebook and a pen and started lazily scribble on a random page I opened the notebook on.
Monte jumped over on the table and lay down on the windowsill, ignoring me as if I'm not even there.
"Lazy cat.." I muttered quietly, but it did not avoid Monte's ears as he lifted up his head and stared at me. I chuckled and looked at the teacher that entered the class in a hurry. She was a tall woman, around in her twenties, she wore high red heels, light beige blouse and a slim red skirt, that fitted her exactly as if it was designed especially for her. Her short honey blonde hair was a bit curled up in the ends and her blue eyes sparked with excitement as she greeted the class with an awkward but beautiful smile.
"My name is Lenne Heringson. But you may call me Miss Lenne." Lenne widely smiled and continued talking, " I'd like you to stand up as I call your name and introduce yourself, It will be much easier for me to remember your names and faces, and for you will be easier to get closer as a class, and you may as well find mutual hobbies with other students you haven't talked to yet." She said as she slowly pulled out a sheet of paper out of her bag, where I assumed our names were written down.
"First will be, 'Clyde Harris', please stand up and tell us about yourself and your contract animal." Lenne smiled as Clyde awkwardly stood up and blushed a bit. "Hello, my name is Clyde Harries, I'm an ordinary guy that loves PE and magic studies. As for my wolf's name, she is called Cloudy, she is a sweet girl that I love most.." he blushed as he quietly said the last words, sat down on the wooden chair and looked outside the window in order to avoid people's gazes.
A few girls kept on glancing at Clyde and whispered excitingly. Clyde is sure pretty popular.
Miss Lenne called out few other names but I did not listen to what they said as I was lost in thoughts. I stared at Berwyn and effortfully tried to guess what he wanted to tell me before Jules interrupted us, was he trying to confess? But didn't we meet today for the first time? It's not right. Or maybe he wanted to tell me to stay away from Clyde? wait.. They do look pretty close, are they a couple but want to stay low and unnoticed? But if I recall, wasn't Clyde 'intimate' with Jules in the cafeteria? Nah, Jules is just a sarcastic idiot that loves himself, I chuckled as I remembered the picture Jules showed us.
Someone that sat on my right side tapped lightly on my shoulder and I questioningly looked over at the person that interrupted my thoughts. It was a girl with long brown hair and deep brown eyes, she looked nervously at me and a small smile flickered as the corners of her pink painted lips lifted up. She lifted her small hand and pointed over in the teacher's direction, "it's your turn," she said shyly with a sweet voice.
I stood right away, and some giggles could be heard from across the room, I felt the blush on my cheeks as I awkwardly looked over at the teacher, but thankfully she didn't seem mad at me for not hearing her call me.
"Avis Spero, am I right?" she smiled over at me and waited patiently for me to introduce myself. "Y-yes, I am called Avis Spero, I'm from a middle school out of the city, so I'm not familiar with any of the people here, but I hope to get along with you. My cat's name is Monte, he may seem a bit grumpy, but ". I quieted down for a second and looked around the class as everyone waited for me to finish my sentence, "but I won't deny so." I grinned and sat down. Some people laughed, but stopped as soon as the teacher called the next name on her list.
"Berwyn Hawthorn" she nodded to him and he stood up,
" Hello, It's really nice to meet you all, I'm glad to be attending this class with you. I don't have much to say about myself so, my name is Berwyn Hawthorn and I am also not from the city. My contract animal is Icy, he is a shy boy, which hides under the table right now" he finished and sat back down.
The girls' excited whispers could be heard ones again as they glanced at the blonde boy and his shy wolf Icy.
I glanced over at Berwyn and met his eyes as he was looking directly at me, a stupid smile spread over my face as soon as I noticed him smiling at me, and he chuckled a bit. His long blonde bangs loosely hang as they covered his right eye, and he reached his hand to comb it behind his ear without breaking the eye contact with me. 'He is so hot!' .
'Ew, you start it over again? what do you even find in him? he is just a poor human that stinks like a dog.' muttered Monte as he was telepathically talking to me. Why does Monte, have to always interrupt my thoughts with his annoying, sarcastic, stupid and out of the line comments? I frowned and Berwyn worryingly looked over at me, but I avoided his eyes and looked in the other direction.
"Neige Garcia," Miss Lenne called over and the tiny girl on my right stood up shyly and muttered something, but nobody, not even me could hear what she said exactly. The poor girl tried to talk louder but because of a few guys whispering and giggling she wasn't heard again. Neige nervously looked around like a mouse in a trap and I decided to help her out a bit.
"Miss Lenne, If you don't mind, I can talk for Neige as she is not heard over because of some guys, that are whispering during class" I said as I stood up and looked over at the guys that now sent nervous glances at the teacher, that did not pay them any attention.
"Sure Avis, if Neige doesn't mind your help. " Miss Lenne once again showed us her bright smile. I looked over at Neige and she looked relieved and nodded in approval. She quickly took out a piece of paper, a bunny patterned pencil and started writing something down. In a couple of minutes she handed it out to me and quietly thanked me.
I looked at the sheet of paper and read it out aloud.
"I am Neige Garcia, you may call me Neige,
I'm sorry for the inconvenience as I'm not used to talk loudly, I really hope you won't dislike me because of that.
I'm an ice Magum and my hobby is baking.
My contract animal is an Arctic Fox, her name is Nix. I hope to get along with you. Thank you."
As I finished reading it aloud, the guys started whispering excitedly and called Neige a cutie, even Jules was fascinated by her, although the one on his picture is his favorite 'girl'.
I bet Neige will be popular soon enough because an Ice Magum is pretty rare, only one person out of a hundred.
Hey guys, so this chapter is quiet and calm and is pretty much needed to clear some things up and introduce new people that will be playing an important role in Avis's life.
Look forward for the next chapter, and don't forget to leave a small ⭐️ to support the Author.
"If I do not update soon then it's because I'm killed by EmptyHopes_ for not adding more of her favorite sarcasm!"
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