-Blind Love-
We walked through the hallway from the cafeteria and if I remember right, we are heading towards the garden that is behind the school, it was a much simpler place in the whole school, it was mostly a grass field with few oak trees with benches standing in their shadows and picnic tables scattered around randomly.
The break was almost over but there were still many people sitting around and chatting, I was looking around excitedly, still amazed to see so many animals in one place playing- , I got pulled out of my thoughts sharply as Berwyn grabbed my arm and was pulling me towards the far oak trees, where there were less people around.
"Berwyn, I can walk by myself, you don't have to pull me" I mumbled shyly. Oh my god, he is holding my hand, he is so strong. I thought excitedly.
'Ew, so now you are acting like a stupid dog on heat? You know I hate dogs, don't act like one.' A voice echoed in my head, a familiar voice, Monte. 'Don't waste Industria on sarcasm comments, stupid cat!' I snapped back. It might look cool to talk telepathically with your contract animal but the mind reading part is pretty much annoying, especially that its only one way. It's also possible to make contract with other people and be able to talk to them the same way but that's only if you are really close to that person you are forming the contract with.
"Vis...", what? Vis?. "Avis, snap out of it already," I glanced at Berwyn that looked at me with a concerned look. " do you often black out like that? Are you ok?" He asked me and took a step closer towards me, and that made me blush a bit.
" I'm all good, just got distracted because a fly that passed by, you know I got a very good hearing." I laughed awkwardly, 'I heard that, do you imply that I'm as annoying as a fly?' Monte's voice echoed in my head once again but I decided to ignore it. "So what did you want to tell me Berwyn?" I felt excited but also a bit nervous, is he gonna confess to me? Its so sudden, we just met this morning.
"Oh yeah.. I wanted to tell you, you know, I," he started saying as Jules ran towards us shouting and gathering the attention of everyone who was in the garden, and not in a good way.
"And here I am, the almighty, most beautiful creature you have ever seen." posed Jules and we just stared at him blankly for a second. 'If I wanted to die I'd have climbed on his ego and then jumped off to his IQ.' said Monte telepathically and brushed his side against my leg and after a few seconds, I burst in laughter, and the weird gazes moved from Jules towards me. It was awkward but I couldn't stop laughing and started coughing. Berwyn patted my back in trying of calming down the cough but I 'm not sure if it could have helped my hysteric laugh as well.
Jules looked at me as if I lost it, and leaned towards Berwyn, "Everyone look normal at first, till you get to know them better." he whispered, but I still could hear it and it made me laugh even more. Berwyn pulled me into a hug, and I stopped laughing momentarily, and started blushing instead. "shhhh, are you ok? you suddenly started laughing crazily, what's going on with you? or is it your usual self?" he asked while patting my back. I have never hugged a boy or even been so close to one before, it's so awkward.
"Berwyn..." I mumbled. He brushed his hand over my back, "yes Avis? calmed down now?".
"YOU ARE WAY TOO CLOSE, PEOPLE ARE LOOKING AT US" I yelled in his ear and he suddenly let go and looked at me in surprise. "Oh.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel awkward, I have a younger sister and that usually calms her down, sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable." he tried to explain himself in a hurry.
"Um, I don't mean to interfere your.. How you call it? stupidity? oh sorry I meant flirt, but I came here for a reason you know." said Jules and stared at us, as well as other people around, "what happened to you Berwyn anyways, you were a cold person before, that didn't even approach girls and now you started wagging your tail like Ice every time he sees my beautiful face at morning." Berwyn slightly blushed and sneaked a glance at me, Jules made a grossed out expression, "Okay, seriously stop, that's gross... Ah, actually, stupidity is not a crime apparently, so you are free to keep doing whatever you were doing. After I'm gone."
Berwyn sighted and became his normal self again, he stared at Jules until Jules started to feel uncomfortable, "So what did you rush here for?", Jules got this stupid grin on his face once he remembered what he came for, "I have a girlfriend!". I almost burst laughing once again but held it in this time, and as I glanced over at Berwyn he had an expression I hadn't seen yet, it was as if he was trying to understand how stupid a person can be to rush over all the way here to say that he has got a girlfriend and that didn't even sound as much as believable.
"Bellatrix?" asked Berwyn in disbelief, Jule's grin vanished as quickly as it appeared, "No, she didn't appreciate my beauty like you all do." Jules looked over at us with his puppy eyes but me and Berwyn said at once " We do not" and it seemed to hurt his feelings, if he even had some. But probably only towards himself.
Jules sniffed as in try to make us feel guilty,"Anyways, Ill forgive you this time because I have good news, and Im in a good mood, My girlfriend is really beautiful, someone approached me and gave me a photo of a girl and said she had a crush on me, and I said yes right away~." He showed us the picture, she strangely looked like Jules, same dyed hair and a stupid grin, Berwyn started laughing, "oh my god Jules, I will give you some time to appreciate her beauty and your weird relationship before Clyde tells you the truth behind this picture." Berwyn grabbed my arm again and dragged me after him to the classroom, leaving the stunned Jules behind.
"Who is that on the picture Berwyn?" I asked suspiciously, he looked at me with an amusement in his eyes, "doesn't this girl remind you of someone?" He said and giggled.
"She does look like.. Wait don't tell me it's.." and we both started laughing,
" That's unbelievable, how low his IQ is", we laughed even more as we walked across the grass field.
Say your thanks to EmptyHopes_ that inspired me with all the sarcasm she has in her book and who kept me motivated 👌.
Also a big thanks for you all who keep on reading my book and appreciating it.
Also a word from our favourite animals~
Monte- "Daniez is no better than Avis, if she appreciated my presence she would mention me much more often."
Cherry- "UGLY GIRL, you didn't mention me at all, And don't add any gross romance anymore."
Ice- *Stares*.
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