Their Adventure
"I hope Ferdinand isn't awake yet." You were in the kitchen humming to yourself while making your husband's favorite tea, Southern Fruit Tea, as a surprise gift for him. Soon, you finish making the tea.
"Alright! I finished it before he got out of bed!" You cheered.
You then sniff the tea and hum from how good it smells.
"He'll love it! Now to heat the croissants!"
"Hm, I wonder which color I should use." You wondered as you looked at the different colored tablecloths, plates, napkins, and teacups. Knowing Ferdinand, you decide on a flower theme with a pinch of elegance. Specifically, you pick a white tablecloth, napkins with roses, along teacups and plates to match the napkins. When you finished setting the table with the tea and croissants, you gave a big smile to your results. "My love! Are you awake?"
You giggle as you turn your head toward the stairs, where the sound of that familiar voice was calling to you. "Good morning, sweetie!" You watch the stairs, waiting to see Ferdinand. And suddenly, there he was. In his long, lustrous hair and pajamas fit for a Duke walking down the stairs. When he came off of the last step, Ferdinand's eyes widened in surprise as he saw you in front of a lovely table with teacups.
"Ta-da! What do you think?" Ferdinand then walked to you, rubbed your cheek with the back of his hand while staring into your eyes lovingly. "It is just as beautiful as your heart is, my duchess." Then, Ferdinand cupped your cheek with his hand and you both then leaned in, with your eyes closed, and shared a sweet kiss.
Once your lips parted from each other's, you gazed into his eyes and smiled saying, "I'm glad, now let's enjoy some tea and croissants!"Ferdinand gazed at your smiling face, discovering something astonishing for the first time on your cheek.
"A dimple...wait, does that mean... on the other cheek?" Ferdinand questioned as he slowly removed his hand from your cheek. You then giggled at his reaction. "So you found out, huh?"
When Ferdinand's hand was removed from your cheek, he found another precious dimple. Once he discovered that you had dimples, he could not contain his joy as he embraced you with his strong arms with the biggest smile on his face and started kissing them, which made you giggle even more.
"I can not have dimples...they are sweeter than honey...Why must more...adorable...with each passing day?" Ferdinand said in between the kisses.
"Hehe, because I have you as my partner. Now, we have to eat breakfast and drink the tea before it gets cold!"
Ferdinand looked down at the tea, eager to try it out. But before he drank it, he looked at you with eagerness in his eyes. "What flavor is it? Four-Spice Blend? Almond Blend? Angelica Tea?" Surprised at how many tea flavors he knew, you smiled and replied, "You'll have to drink it and find out."
Without any more questions, Ferdinand sipped his tea and stopped, as he recognized the flavor instantly. "It is my favorite! Southern Fruit Blend!" As a response, you crossed your arms proudly and said, "You are correct!"
Then, you two continued to drink the tea that you crafted while savoring the sweet flavor. Once you both were finished with your tea and croissants, Ferdinand grabbed your hands and said, "Thank you so much for this wonderful gift. It was spectacular."
"You are so welcome. You deserve it."
"Ironically, I have a surprise for you as well, love." Ferdinand said as he stood up. Curious, you too stand and say, "Really, what it is?" Ferdinand then chuckled and replied, "First, we must get dressed. Oh, and please put on this potion that will get rid of bugs that may attempt to crawl on your skin."
He then gave you the potion and before you could ask any questions, Ferdinand took your hand and both of you walked up the stairs to get clothes from your closet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Ok Ferdinand, we're dressed. Now can you tell me where we're going?" Ferdinand smirked and then held out his hand to the reader and said, "Take my hand and you shall see."
"Well, this certainly is a surprise, Ferdinand." The surprise was none other than a farm with two horses. "Why yes! We are going to ride horses today!" When Ferdinand revealed his plan, you had all kinds of emotion. Surprised that Ferdinand would want to ride horses in a farm, given the fact that it's rare for him to be at a place such as this, and scared because it's been ages since you've ridden a horse.
Ferdinand laughed at your reaction and said, "Oh (Y/N), did you honestly think I was going to have us ride horses here?"
"Huh?" You said, breaking out of your thoughts.
Ferdinand then crossed his arms confidently, smirked, and replied, "With the permission of the owner of these horses, We are going to ride in the forest!"
"Really, that's wonderful!" You said, more excitedly.
"However..." You said with your head down. Ferdinand, concerned, puts an arm around your waist, bringing you closer, and raising your chin with his thumb to make you look at him.
"What is troubling you?"
"Well, I haven't ridden a horse in a while..." You said quietly.
Ferdinand then chuckles, walks away, and comes back with a block. He then takes your hand, and starts walking you to one of the horses.
"Do not worry."
Soon, you both arrive at the horse and when Ferdinand places the block next to the horse, you use it to get on the saddle of the horse.
"Ferdinand?" Then, suddenly, Ferdinand gets on the horse, sitting behind you and takes the reins in front of you.
"I will always protect my princess." Ferdinand whispers in your ear.
"For my name isn't Ferdinand von Aegir!" He then said cheerfully.
Feeling protected, you thank Ferdinand and then, the two of you ride into a majestic forest.
"Wow, this forest is so pretty!" You said as you gazed at the forest. The forest that you two were exploring was filled with a tree archway so beautiful, that it looked as though it touched the sky.
"This is so much fun!" Ferdinand chuckled and then said,
"See, there was nothing to fear at all!"
"You're right." You then nodded, and suddenly, a question came to mind.
"Say, Ferdinand. I wouldn't mind doing horseback riding again with you. In fact, I would like to know more about how I can become better at the activity."
"Why of course, I would be happy to help you! I suggest we start working on becoming more balanced while riding a horse." Ferdinand suggested.
"Ok, Teach!"
Ferdinand chuckled. "Since this is your first time in a while riding a horse, I will teach you some tips for a beginner and in the future, with more practice, we can work on the more complicated skills."
"First, you must always be calm when confronting a horse. That way, they are not frightened by your presence."
"Huh, now that you mention it, I remember seeing the farmers do that."
"Indeed. Next, you must make sure that fix the saddle so that it does not fall off of the horse. That's where I come in, of course." Ferdinand said with pride.
"Thanks, Ferdinand." You say as you laugh.
"Next, you must use the block that I used to mount on the horse and in order for the horse to move forward, you must gently tug its reins, which is what my hands are on."
"Got it."
"Horses have four strides. One of them is the walk, which is the safest stride."
"The walk, huh?"
"Yes. To become an expert in the walk stride, you must stay calm and advance with the horse."You then take a deep breath and move your body with the horse.
Ferdinand then chuckled and continued. "Furthermore, you must also sit straight, place your feet in the stirrups, which is where my feet are."
You were about to place your feet in the stirrups, but you soon stopped yourself, when you remembered that his feet were in the stirrups.
Ferdinand then smiled and said, "Lastly, keep your focus on the road ahead of you."
"Wow, Ferdinand! You explained the steps perfectly, thank you so much!" You cheered.
Ferdinand gave a soft smile to her in return."I am happy to be of service."
After their journey in the forest, you and Ferdinand end up cuddling at home on your bed. While cuddling, Ferdinand holds you close with his chin on top of your head as you hug him back with the same amount of love.
"I had a wonderful time with you today."
You giggle and say, "Likewise! We should plan to go somewhere again sometime this month!"
"Excellent idea! Where shall we go?"
"Hmm...while we were riding on our house, I believe I heard some people who were in the forest say that there was a play that was going to happen sometime soon in the theater. Maybe we can see it sometime!" You suggested.
"Splendid idea, and then we can witness a performance at an opera company in the future as well!"
"I can't wait!"
"Speaking of today," Ferdinand said while looking into your eyes "I saw something on your face that can only be described as precious. Do please show me that gorgeous smile again."
You knew he wanted to dimples again, so you frown and shake your head as a no instead. Ferdinand knew that you were frowning as a jest since you wanted to mess with him.
However, Ferdinand had an idea of his own. Seeing her reaction, Ferdinand shifts himself to be on top of you. You suddenly stare at him in surprise from actions, wondering what he was going to do next.
Ferdinand then chuckles at your cute reaction. "Very well then, I know how I can make them appear again."
Suddenly, with both of his hands, he begins to rub circles onto your stomach. "That won't..get" You couldn't finish your sentence, however, because you sighed in content by the feeling of Ferdinand's fingers on your stomach.
This, of course, revealed your smile along with the dimples that Ferdinand longed to see.
Ferdinand's face lit up as soon as he saw them. With one hand on the bed to hoist him from falling on top of you, he continued to rub circles onto your stomach with one hand, so that you would continue to smile, and with no hesitation, leaned down to your face and giving your dimples sweet kisses continuously. Of course, this causes you to giggle and smile even more, which makes Ferdinand even happier.
"I have...waited so see...the return...of these beautiful dimples...again," Ferdinand said gently while kissing your dimples. After a few minutes, he stops kissing your cheeks and the both of you stare into each other's eyes with a smile.
Then, Ferdinand slowly leans in with his eyes closed with you doing the same and soon, you both place a sweet and soft kiss on each other's lips.
Moments later, you and Ferdinand pull back from the kiss and when you both look into each other's eyes, you both say simultaneously,
"I'm so glad that you're in my life."
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