Ferdinand Gets Picked
Author's Note: Sorry this chapter/part took me a while to do.
I just want to work on this chapter/part when I had time to do this chapter/part.
But I am almost done with this story though.
Now, enjoy reading this chapter/part.
Once coming back to the stalls, Grace and Valiente were smiling at each other.
Valiente looks at Grace and smiles lovingly.
Grace looks at him with a confused glance.
"What? What's wrong?" Grace asked confusedly and curiously.
Valiente chuckles and looks away from Grace for a few moments.
"Nothing. Just looking at the most beautiful cow at Casa Del Toro." Valiente said.
He looks back at Grace with a smirk.
Grace smiles and blushes in embarrassment.
Suddenly, they both heard talking.
They go to see what is going on.
Ferdinand and Lupe seem to be talking to Angus, Bones, and Maquina.
Una, Dos, and Cuatro toss a wooden plank with a pair of bull horns on it.
"Jings! Crivens! And help ma boab!" Angus shouted at the sight of it.
Valiente had an angered look on his face at the sound of Angus' worried tone.
He walks in between Angus and Bones to see the wooden plank with a pair of bull horns on it.
"And there's a lot more where that came from. A lot more." Ferdinand explained.
"There's really no way to win?" Bones asked with a concerned and worried look.
"You get to fight in a big fancy arena... but I'm telling you, it's just another chop house." Ferdinand states pointing out the facts.
Maquina grunts in worry with the same concerned and worried look on his face as well.
Angus looked concerned and worried as well.
The brown bull grunts in anger.
He then kicks the item back behind him.
The wooden plank with the pair of bull horn skidded towards Grace.
A shocked look came onto her face.
Valiente goes up to Ferdinand with an angered look on his face.
"Why would I believe a coward... who thinks the only way out is through the back door?" Valiente asked sounding upset at Ferdinand's explanation.
Gracie and Ferdinand looked at Valiente with confusion.
"Are you crazy? Did you not hear what I said?" Ferdinand asked seriously.
"Bulls fight or they go down. That's how the world works." Valiente points stately.
"There's nothing left for you here, Valiente. Come with us." Ferdinand pleaded.
"No!" Valiente scowled.
"What are you so afraid of?" Ferdinand questioned.
"I'm not afraid of anything!" Valiente shouted out in anger.
Valiente head butt shoves Ferdinand outside of the stalls/pen building.
Both them grunt at the impact of the head butt shove.
A stand off had seemed to begun.
"Come on, fight me." Valiente said.
"I'm not gonna fight you, Valiente." Ferdinand said pointing out.
"Coward!" Valiente shouted out in anger again.
The brown bull snorts with a fighting look in his eyes.
He scraps the dirt up with his hoof.
"Fight!" Valiente shouts out again.
Valiente charges at Ferdinand.
They both begin to fight.
"Valiente, stop!" Grace and Ferdinand shouted in unison.
Valiente grunts in frustration while still fighting Ferdinand.
"Stay out of this, Hon!" Valiente stated.
The brown bull turns his attention to Ferdinand.
"You're soft." Valiente said seriously.
Valiente head butt shoves Ferdinand backwards.
Ferdinand backs up a few feet while panting heavily from the fight.
"Like your father and sister." Valiente said with a smug smirk.
This made Ferdinand widen his eyes at the hurtful comment.
"And the soft ones always go down!" Valiente stating what his father had said.
Valiente and Ferdinand continue fighting.
"Stop!" Grace cried out.
This didn't make Valiente stop.
Valiente yelled.
Ferdinand then jerked both his head and Valiente's head upward.
A now broken horn flew into the sky and landed onto the dirt ground.
The broken horn landed in front of Bones, Maquina, Angus, Grace, Una, Dos, Cuatro, and Lupe.
All eight of them looked at the broken horn in shock.
"Oh, no." Grace muttered to herself.
Ferdinand had a scared and worried look on his face.
He glanced towards Valiente.
Valiente panted heavily with a serious look on his face.
The brown bull glanced up to see his right horn was completely off.
This made Valiente gasp softly.
He and Ferdinand looked to where the balcony El Primero was at.
El Primero had a "Finally" look on his face.
Moreno came up next to El Primero with a concerned look.
"What's going on?" Moreno asked.
El Primero then points towards Ferdinand.
"That one is the best bull." El Primero said.
Ferdinand becomes shocked and not wanting to be in the arena.
Grace gasps quietly.
Tears forming and brimming in her brown eyes.
She looks into Ferdinand's direction.
"I'll fight him in Madrid tomorrow." El Primero said seriously.
Ferdinand walks back a little.
He then looks over to Grace, Bones, Angus, Maquina, Una, Dos, Cuatro, and Lupe.
The black bull sees Grace about to cry.
It then cuts to Valiente in the meat trailer.
Jamie had just come outside to see Valiente being sent to the chop house.
Grace and Ferdinand watch in sadness at Valiente being taken to the chop house where Guapo was at as well, too.
It cuts into the inside of the stalls/pen building.
Maquina, Bones, Angus, Una, Dos, Cuatro, Grace, Jamie, and Ferdinand in a circle around Lupe.
"Oh, this is bad. You got selected by El Primero." Lupe said.
She then gasps.
"Do you know what this means?" Lupe questions worriedly.
"A sword through his melon!" Angus said looking panicked.
"Horns on the wall." Bones said scared.
Maquina grunts meaningfully.
"Exactly, Maquina. We got to get you and Grace outta here now!" Jamie said seriously.
Ferdinand and Grace give Lupe and Jamie a determined look.
"Oh, no. Jamie and I know that look. No, no, don't say it." Lupe said not wanting to hear it.
"Grace and I aren't leaving." Ferdinand stated.
Lupe bleats and falls over to the ground.
She gets up with a "Really?" look.
"Oh! You're killing me!" Lupe said a little dramatically.
"Not unless everyone is coming with me and Ferdinand." Grace points out.
"Yes!" Una said happily.
She high fives Cuatro as he and Dos look happy as well.
"Sign me up!" Bones said excitedly.
"I'm in!" Angus agreeing ecstatically.
Maquina smiles and grunts in agreement.
"Okay, you both happy now?" Lupe questions.
"I said everyone." Ferdinand stated, giving Lupe a "Come on!" look.
Grace turns to Ferdinand and smiles brightly.
Jamie drapes an arm behind Grace's neck.
The brunette woman whoops excitedly.
"We can do this!" Jamie said excitedly.
Grace nods in agreement.
All they had to do is get past Hans, Greta, and Klaus.
My Cow! OC belongs to me
Jamie belongs to JEDI271217
"Ferdinand" characters, plot, movie and more belongs to Blue Sky Studios & 20th Century Fox Animation
All rights reserved
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