Dance Battle: Horses V.S. Bulls & A Cow
It cuts to Angus charging at a barrel.
Ferdinand and Grace watches.
"I'm comin' for ya, you bleedin' barrel!" Angus shouts.
He then trips.
"Oh!" Angus grunts at what happened.
Angus lands onto the ground.
"And the barrel wins another round! Give up, dude." Dos, a purple hedgehog says.
The two other hedgehogs were pink and light-ish blue.
Their names are Una and Cuatro.
Those three hedgehogs were siblings.
They were chilling in the water trough.
Jamie was chilling with them will the bulls trained.
The human woman nods to Grace, who nods back.
"Hey, big guy, you're on. Mr. Matador is watching." Una says pointing with her pink paper umbrella behind Ferdinand and Grace.
Grace and Ferdinand look to see El Primero examining the bulls from Senor Moreno's bedroom balcony from afar.
The bullfighter goes back into the house.
Ferdinand and Grace keep walking around.
"I got this. Uh-huh. I'm ready. Let's go." Bones says.
Ferdinand and Grace look to see Bones training with a few barrels and tires.
"Come one! In. Out. In. Out." Bones says prepping himself.
He then destroys the tire stack.
Bones looks at Ferdinand and Grace.
"Hmm!" Bones said nodding towards Grace and Ferdinand.
Grace nods back at Bones.
Bones walks off to train some more.
Ferdinand and Grace see Valiente pushing a water container.
Grace blushed deeply at how strong Valiente has gotten through the years she and Ferdinand haven't been here.
She then brushes it off.
Ferdinand then looks at the three horses, Hans, Klaus, and Greta.
Klaus and Greta has white fur with blue and blonde horse hair.
Hans has dark gray fur with white hair.
"Come on, Klaus. Come on, Greta. Und up! Two, three, four. Pirouette!" Hans instructed.
Hans, Klaus, and Greta looked over at Ferdinand.
"Oh, jealous?" Hans asks smugly.
"Good prancing, boys." Greta said.
Ferdinand looks over at the chophouse Guapo is at, feeling bad for Bones and Guapo for being separated as friends.
"Oh, yes. That's the one." Angus says.
Lupe comes up to the two siblings.
"Look alive, F-Stop and Grace-Bomb. We've got 24 hours to whip you into shape for El Primero. From now on, you're not soft. You're not a flower bull. You're a killing machine." Lupe said.
"I'll finally get you this time, barrel." Angus shouts determinedly.
Ferdinand and Grace follow to where Angus is going at the barrel.
Suddenly, a reddish bunny comes out of their burrow.
"Say it with me. I am a. . ." Lupe said.
"Bunny!" Ferdinand and Grace shout in a panic.
They both dash towards Angus before the bunny got hurt.
"Bunny? No, not bunny." Lupe says after the two.
"Barrel death!" Angus declared.
Ferdinand came onto Angus's right side.
Grace then comes onto Angus's left side.
"Stop! Angus, look out." Grace called out.
Ferdinand moves back a little.
Grace then shoves Angus and herself towards a blue tractor.
Ferdinand grunts to stop himself from hurting the bunny.
The bunny turns around.
They look at Ferdinand with a fearful look on their face.
"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Ferdinand said.
He was trying to skid to a stop.
Valiente watches in confusion after training with the water container.
Everything went into slow motion.
Both Ferdinand and the bunny were yelling in slow motion.
Luckily, Ferdinand missed the bunny completely, causing the bunny to faint.
He bumped into stuff and got his left horn stuck in the water container.
He unstuck his horn.
Ferdinand gasps at the bunny on the ground.
"Oh, no!" Ferdinand said.
Ferdinand went over to the bunny.
He flips the bunny onto their back and starts doing CPR.
"Come on, little guy! Come on! Come back! Don't go into the light!" Ferdinand said.
He gives the bunny mouth to mouth.
Valiente, Bones, and Maquina look on in confusion.
"Live, bunny, live!" Ferdinand said.
The bunny gasps for air.
"Hmph!" The bunny harrumphed.
The bunny goes back into their burrow.
"Sorry I almost killed you." Ferdinand apologizes.
A carrot is thrown at Ferdinand's nose.
"Ow." Ferdinand said not realizing that was going to happen.
Valiente laughs before walking off.
"You're not helping your reputation here, pal, apologizing to the bunny rabbit. But having Grace show you taking out another bull. . .that's an energy we can use." Lupe said.
"Who did that?" Angus asks confused.
He puffs out an upset breath.
Grace gets up from the ground and shakes the dirt off of her.
Jamie comes over and pats Grace's side.
She and Jamie walks over the orange-ish bull.
"Who pushed me?" Angus asks once again.
Ferdinand walk over to Angus, Grace, and Jamie.
"Ooh!" Angus groans.
Angus then bumps his butt into the tractor.
"It was you, wasn't it?" Angus seethes in anger.
"Actually, Angus, it was me." Grace said.
Angus blows his bangs out of his eyes to see that he was talking to the tractor.
"Oh, I'm doomed, I'm doomed, I'm doomed! Primero picks a bull tomorrow. . .and I'm talking to a bloomin' tractor." Angus states.
"That's just your nerves talking, Angus. You're gonna be fine." Ferdinand said reassuringly.
"No, I'm not. First Guapo, now me. I'm next!" Angus says panicked.
He breathes for a second.
"Can I tell you my terrible secret? Hmm? Can I whisper it in both your ears?" Angus asks.
"Sure." Grace and Ferdinand said.
They both leans forward a little to have Angus whisper to them.
Angus goes to a hay fork instead without realizing it.
"I cannot see very well. Shh! Once they find out, It's all over for Angus." Angus whispers.
Angus turns away from the hay fork.
"I'm a dead bull walking. Done! Finito! Kaput!" Angus declared.
"Angus, wait. Whoa!" Grace says trying to calm Angus down.
She goes over to Angus and licks his bangs out of his eyes.
"Oh. What a surprise. I can see. Look, a rock! Another rock!" Angus says looking at two different rocks on the ground.
He then glances over to Lupe.
"And the worlds most ugliest dog." Angus says with a weirded out look on his face.
Lupe was eating the carrot thrown at Ferdinand's nose.
"Huh?" Lupe asks.
"And there it is. My nemesis! I'm coming for you, ya wee wooden devil!" Angus shouts charging at the wooden barrel he's been trying to get at all day.
Angus yells as he tosses the wooden barrel up in the air.
"Ha-hah!" Angus laughs triumphantly.
The wooden barrel then comes down and smashes onto Angus's horns.
"I did it! I finally beat you! Beat you, beat you, beat you!" Angus says victoriously.
Angus then gasps at the sight of the sun.
"Oh, look at that." Angus said.
Grace walks over to Angus.
She sits next to Angus.
Jamie walks over and sits next to Grace.
Ferdinand comes over and sits next to Angus as well.
"You've given me a fighting chance with Ferdinand's help, Grace. Why would you do such a thing?" Angus questions curiously.
"If we don't look out for each other, who will?" Grace asks.
"Yeah." Ferdinand agreed.
"Besides, it wasn't that big of a deal. Ferdinand would have done the same thing if I hadn't fixed your bangs." Grace points out.
"Grace's right. I would have done that." Ferdinand said smiling.
"It was for me." Angus said looking at both Grace and Ferdinand.
Angus nods at Grace and Ferdinand, who nod back.
Lupe then pops up behind Ferdinand and Angus.
"Excuse me, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry to kill the mood. Can I steal you for a second?" Lupe asks not wanting to kill the mood.
Lupe smiles nervously at Angus, who watches Ferdinand and her walk off to talk.
Angus then smiles at the sun.
Grace looks at Angus and looks back at the sun as well.
"As long as I can remember, I have stuck by Ferdinand's side ever since we both were calves up to now. Just wish my dad could have seen us grow up." Grace says sadly.
Angus and Jamie notice this.
Jamie wraps her arms around Grace's neck and hugs her.
"I'm so sorry that you lost your dad." Jamie said not wanting herself and Grace to cry.
"What happened to him if you don't mind me asking, lass?" Angus questions curiously.
"He was picked to fight the matador and he never came back." Grace said trying to hold back her tears from coming out.
The brown and black mixed cow sniffles about Raf.
"I bet he's watching from a good place right now and saw you and Ferdinand grow up already. No matter how far or close it may seem." Angus said honestly.
Grace chuckles a little.
She sniffs once more.
"Thanks, Angus." Grace said smiling softly at him.
Jamie then looks over to see Lupe and Ferdinand talking to Hans, Klaus, and Greta.
"Oh, great, those showboat horses." Jamie said rolling her eyes in annoyance.
Grace, Angus, and Jamie go over to Lupe, Ferdinand, Hans, Klaus, and Greta.
The three hear Greta and Klaus mocking bulls having not having legs like horses.
(Author's Note: Skip up to 0:53 to get the gist of the scene if you want to.)
"You see, horses, we have the beautifulest legs for dancing." Greta states showing her right front leg that balanced on Hans' back.
She moves her leg off of Hans.
"Bulls have short, stubby legs." Klaus said.
"Yeah. Look at me. Moo, moo, moo." Hans mocked.
Lupe spits out the clackers from her mouth.
"Go eat a schnitzel, you pasty-faced glue stick!" Lupe says not too happy at the three horses.
"It's okay, Lupe. they're right. I mean, how could a big, clumsy bull ever do something like this?" Ferdinand questions going off to show his dance moves.
Up-Tempo music starts to play.
Ferdinand taps his hooves, showing off what he's got to the horses.
"Whoo! Check out my boy cuttin' a rug." Lupe said smugly to the horses.
Maquina and Bones approach to what is happening.
Una cheers.
"Yeah!" Cuatro shouts.
"That was good." Dos said in improvement.
"You call that dancing? Ha! Nein! This is dancing." Greta states.
Upbeat orchestral music plays for the horses.
Hans, Greta, and Klaus do their own dance.
They clap their hooves together and whatever other dance moves they could do.
The three horses strike a pose next to each other.
"Three against one is hardly fair. Lupe, get my pipes!" Angus says.
Lupe coughs up other musical instruments and catches them in her mouth.
She squeezes he stomach and taps her right back leg on the drum oil.
Upbeat folk music plays like Scottish music.
Angus does the Scottish jig with a serious look on his face.
He strikes a serious pose.
"Well put that in your kilts and smoke it!" Angus declared.
He and Ferdinand hoof pump.
"Don't celebrate yet, you rump roast! Try this!" Greta declares.
Hans, Greta, and Klaus do some sort of sideways trots, jumping, and ballet.
They do a heart pose with Hans coming though the opening of the heart pose.
The three horses laugh meanly.
"Ooh, I hate those horses!" Bones said seething.
"It's showtime." Una says.
She and Dos, who is halfway covered by a brown glove, fist pump.
Dos connects the radio to the electric fence.
"I'm going in!" Bones shouts.
"Count me in, too!" Grace says smirking.
Bones and Grace start dancing to "Watch Me" by Nick Jonas.
Ferdinand, Angus, and Jamie look on in amazement.
Hans, Greta, and Klaus start dancing again as well.
Ferdinand and Angus join Bones and Grace by dancing up to the fence.
The three horses dance up to the fence as well.
Ferdinand, Bones, and Angus get tail slapped in the face by Hans, Greta, and Klaus.
The three bulls were shocked, making the three horses walk off showy off like.
Maquina grunts in anger mode.
The black and white bull joins in by doing crazy dance movements.
"Whoa!" Angus said amazed.
"Yeah!" Ferdinand cheers.
Maquina shakes his butt at Hans, Greta, and Klaus, who are shocked at the action.
Hans does his solo.
Ferdinand and Bones dance and backed up.
Maquina and Angus strike a pose by having their left back hooves against each other.
Ferdinand then helps Bones and Grace strike a pose.
'Watch me!' Bones and Grace mouthed to the horses from the music.
Hans seem flabbergasted.
He started to dance while Greta and Klaus are dancing.
"Hey, watch where you're stepping, dummkopf." Hans said meanly.
"Who you calling dummkopf?" Greta asks coldly.
"You're the one with four left hooves." Hans says.
Suddenly, Hans, Greta, and Klaus get electrocuted by the electric fence.
They fall onto the ground.
Ferdinand, Angus, Bones, Grace, and Maquina strike a pose as a group.
"Yeah!" Una, Dos, and Cuatro shouted excitedly.
Jamie claps happily with a smile.
"I've fallen and I can't giddyup." Hans said desperately.
"We did it, lads and lass! Oh, yes!" Angus said victoriously.
"Yeah!" Ferdinand and Grace shouted.
The bulls and Grace cheer.
"Nice one! Nice one!" Angus said.
"That's right, 'cause we're four bulls and one cow. Go on, horses, prance. 'Cause you can't dance." Bones said smiling.
"Auf Wiedersehen." Lupe said in a mocking German accent to the three horses.
(Author's Note: This is where the video ends.)
"Aw. Why didn't we do that sooner? Felt good to put those show ponies in their place." Angus said honestly about Hans, Greta, and Klaus.
"I haven't laughed like that since ever." Bones said.
Grace nods in agreement.
"Maquina, are you smiling?" Ferdinand asks.
It shows Maquina smiling.
"That's what it is! A smile!" Bones exclaimed.
"Amazing!" Jamie says excitedly.
Ferdinand, Bones, Angus, Grace, and Jamie laugh.
"Laugh your way right into the chop house. That's where you're headed." Valiente said.
He turns to look at Maquina, making the black and white bull recoil in fear.
"No, no! Not if we get outta here, guys. There are places out there where you don't get pushed around or shipped to a chop house for being yourself." Grace stated.
"So true." Ferdinand said agreeing with Grace.
Grace looks at Valiente, who looks at her as well.
"If it's so great out there, why did they send you and Ferdinand back here, Beautiful?" Valiente asks smirking at Grace.
Grace frowns a little while blushing in embarrassment.
"Yeah, Gee-Gee, why did they send you and Ferdinand back here?" Bones asks curiously.
"Well, because. . ." Grace started to say, turning to look at Ferdinand.
"Because he's a bull and you're a dairy farm cow. You think you're both different, but you're not." Valiente stated to Grace, who looks back at him.
The group turns their attention to the trailer pulling up to Casa del Toro.
"Our only way out is to beat the matador in the ring. And that's what I'm gonna do. But by all means, ballerinas, keep dancing. Tomorrow, I'll be in the winner's truck." Valiente says.
Valiente walks away.
"Don't listen to him, guys." Ferdinand said.
"He's right. We're bulls. This is the only place for us." Angus said walking off.
"Sorry, Ferd and Gee-Gee. I gotta get back to training. You should, too, Ferd." Bones said following right behind Angus.
Ferdinand and Maquina look at each other.
Maquina groans and follows Bones and Angus.
"Guys!" Ferdinand called after the three bulls.
"It's okay, bro-bro. I'm going to turn in for now." Grace said.
Grace heads to her and Ferdinand's stall.
Jamie follows the brown and black mixed cow.
"Hey, Valiente is probably just pressured to get picked by El Primero." Jamie says suggestively.
"Yeah. As kids, his dad didn't get picked by the matador. My dad did. That's probably why as well, too." Grace said pointing out.
Jamie paused and thought of a way of getting Grace and Valiente together.
Suddenly, an idea popped into her head.
"Hey, how about I have someone special waiting for you in this secret carnations field I found the day before you and Ferdinand came back here." Jamie stated.
Grace looks at the brown haired woman with a "Are you sure" look.
"Trust me. I'm sure of it." Jamie said.
She walks off into the direction where Valiente had walked off into.
Grace shrugs her shoulders and continues to head to her and Ferdinand's stall.
Not knowing what Jamie had planned for her.
My Cow! OC belongs to me
Jamie belongs to JEDI271217
"Ferdinand" characters, plot, movie and more belongs to Blue Sky Studios & 20th Century Fox Animation
"Ferdinand: Dance Battle" scene belongs to Blue Sky Studios & 20th Century Fox Animation
All rights reserved
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