Chapter 5: A Little Sickness Never Hurt Anyone
I got up at exactly 8:00 a.m., actually refreshed, and looked down at my sleeping wife.
Even after ten years of being her boyfriend and a year of being her husband, I still got nervous around her. Her just sleeping sent chills down my back. She was so beautiful and knowing that she was mine made me feel like the luckiest guy in the world.
I bent down and kissed her cheek. "Morning, Nessa."
Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled when she saw me. "Hey, Ferbs."
"So, I'm going over to your Dad's again, but I'll be home by four." I told her.
She nodded lazily. "Yes, yes I know. I'll out with Candace and hang out with Xavier, Fred, and Amanda."
I smiled more when I thought of my niece and nephews. I noticed I've been smiling a lot more than when I was a kid. Maybe because life was beautiful?
"Speaking of Candace's kids..." Vanessa looked at me strangely and I just stared back at her, waiting for her to continue her sentence. She threw her head back into the pillow and groaned.
"Nevermind." She said.
"Ok, well, I have to be there in an hour.
You want me to make you your favorite pancakes?" I asked.
"Yes, yes I would." She moaned. "Actually, I'm feeling ravenous today. Could you make me some eggs, strawberry toast, sausage, and bacon?"
I blinked but nodded. Her wish was my command.
I thought about her request on my way to the kitchen. Vanessa usually didn't like to eat much for breakfast...maybe she really was just hungry...
I finished setting the bacon on a plate as she came down. Her eyes twinkled when she saw the plates of food.
"Thanks, Ferb!" She exclaimed and sat down.
I watched her wolf down the food in ten minutes. "Nessa, are you ok?"
She looked up and burped. "Yes, yes I'm fine."
I was starting to get worried about Vanessa but I didn't want to say anything. It was probably just nothing.
"Bye, sweetie! Have a good day!" Vanessa called out as I headed out the door.
My heart was racing as I drove over to Candace's house. I wasn't in a rush or anything. It was just that hanging out at D.E.I was as exciting as I thought it to be like yesterday.
I thought it was just because Perry came yesterday but no. It was actually pretty fun to just sit around and make inators. Of course I didn't get attached to them. I learned that lesson as a kid when me and Phineas' inventions always went away. The evil scientist vs agent platypus fight was cool even though I didn't get to see it.
"Ferb! You're here! Good to see you!" Candace exclaimed when she answered the door.
"Hey, Candace. I'm here to get Vanessa." I told her.
"Oh, she's, uh, in the bathroom." Candace hesistated.
I nodded. I spotted my four year old niece, Amanda, run up to me from the hallway.
"Unca Ferb! Unca Ferb!" She yelled and waved her hands at me, signaling she wanted to be picked up.
I laughed and picked up my screaming niece. "Hey, Amanda."
"Oh, sorry. Ferb, you want to come in?" Candace sheepishly asked me.
I nodded and walked in to their living room where Jeremy was watching a cartoon about two boys having an endless summer. Coincidentally, he was watching this show with his own two boys snuggled up in his lap.
"Hey, Ferb." Jeremy smiled.
I was going to respond but I heard the most obnoxious and wretched sound coming from the bathroom.
"Candace! Would you...ugh, would you mind coming in here?" I heard Vanessa yell.
"Vanessa?" I called out.
"What? Oh, crap, Ferbs? You're here?" Vanessa yelled.
"Yea, I'm here." I said.
"I'll be right back." Candace sweat dropped and ran to the bathroom.
"What's wrong?" I turned to Jeremy.
Jeremy didn't answer so Amanda looked at me. "Aunt Nessa is throwing up!"
"What? Why?" I asked, looking at her, but pointing my question at Jeremy.
"Daddy said that Aunt Vanessa has a-"
Jeremy took her from my arms and gave her a bag of gummies. I looked at him suspiciously and he avoided my gaze. I stood up and walked towards the bathroom.
"Nessa, you ok?" I asked, not peeking into the bathroom.
Vanessa threw up again and said weakly, "Yes, I'm ok, Ferbs."
"Are you sick?" I asked.
Vanessa giggled lightly and then groaned as she threw up again. "I'm...n-not. It's just...a little something."
"Maybe you shouldn't have eaten so much this morning." I joked.
She laughed. "M-Maybe..."
A few minutes later, she came out of the bathroom. She was pale and her legs were shaking but other than that, she looked ok.
"Let's go, Ferbs." She said.
I nodded.
She turned to Candace and smiled softly. "Thanks for letting me come today."
"Anytime, Vanessa! The kids love you." Candace beamed.
"See you later, Jeremy. Bye, Amanda." Vanessa said.
"Bye, Aunt Nessa! Bye, Unca Ferb!" Amanda ran up and hugged our legs before running back to her dad.
We went out to the car. As we drove home, I tried to make light conversation, but Vanessa was out cold. I watched, amused, as she snored softly.
When we got home, I picked her up and laid her gently on our bed.
"Thanks, you." She sighed as she cuddled into the blankets.
"Night, Nessa." I said. I kissed her cheek and went out to the kitchen, closing the lights as I left.
I sat down at the kitchen table and stared at the toy blueprints. I needed some new ideas for small toys that kids could enjoy. Actually, the kids loved any toy that Phineas and I made. I don't know how or why, it just happened. When we were kids, we made a platypus block into a hit-toy for kids. It was stupid and did absolutely nothing just like a real 'platypus', but kids are it up. They loved it.
Phineas had sent some over to me this morning and I calculated which of these would be reasonably priced and still fun.
I was trying to decide between a new model of a paint gun or an action video game when another blueprint caught my eye. It didn't look like Phineas' usual ideas but it seemed perfect.
An age machine
I grinned. Just like the one that helped me win Vanessa's heart. I folded it up and put it my pocket. Then I decided on the video game. I don't know where that age machine blueprint came from but maybe I could try to recreate at D.E.I...
PHINEAS AND FERB REFERENCE! Well, I mean, of course because this is a Phineas and Ferb fanfic...what I mean is that there' tell me if you spot it lol
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