Chapter 4: News
"You're pregnant!"
I stared at Dr. Hirano in disbelief, shock, and happiness.
"I'm...I'm what?!" I exclaimed.
She laughed. "You're pregnant!"
"I'm...pregnant?" I smiled.
"Oh, Vanessa! That's so great!" Isabella gushed.
"Preg...nant?" Phineas asked.
Isabella rolled her eyes. "Ok, we're getting rid of your obliviousness."
He laughed nervously but still looked confused.
"I have a baby in here." I exclaimed to him, pointing to my stomach.
His eyes widened as he stared at my stomach. "What?! How'd it get in there?! Is it ok?"
Isabella and I shared looks, contemplating if we should tell him or not. Just then, Ferb burst into the room.
"Vanessa, are you ok?" He asked, standing next to me.
Aw, he was worried. How cute. I smiled. "I'm fine, Ferbs."
He sighed in relief and then waved at Isabella, Phineas, and Dr. Hirano.
"Hey, Ferb!" They said.
"So what happened? Why're you in the hospital?" He asked.
"I was having pains in my stomach." I said.
"But you're good now, right?" He asked.
"Yes, yes I am. Don't worry too much, Ferbs." I laughed.
"Ferb! Get the tools! Vanessa has a-"
Isabella slapped her hand over Phineas' mouth. Ferb shot me a confused look. I just shook my head. I'd tell him later.
"So, can she go home?" Ferb asked Dr. Hirano.
"Of course! Have a safe drive and be careful!" Dr. Hirano winked at me and I smirked. Ferb payed no mind. I knew he'd ask me questions later.
Just as I thought, he tried to get it out of me.
"What was that all about?" Ferb asked, glancing at me as he drove home.
I tried to change the subject. "I just realized you talk a lot now than when we were kids"
"Well, only when it's you, Phineas, or Isabella." He took the bait.
"So what'd you do at my Dad's house?" I asked, trying again.
Usually, Ferb was observant, but he took the bait again. "We looked at his old inators and then we made an Inator of our own. It was cool. Almost like building one of me and Phineas' old boredom-busting inventions."
I snuck a glance at him. He was smiling. It was rare that I got to see him smile about something other than me.
"You had a good time at my Dad's?" I asked.
"Yea, it was pretty cool." He said.
It was actually weird that he wasn't paying attention to what had happened earlier. I decided to get back on topic to see if he'd ask.
"Were you worried when you heard I was at the hospital?" I questioned.
"Of course I was worried, Nessa. Oh, that reminds me, your Dad wants me to come back tomorrow." Ferb said.
I stared at him in shock, not even hiding that I was looking at him. Did he just change the subject on me? Ferb usually let me talk about what I wanted to talk about. Is he coming out of his shell or something?
"Ferbs, nothing...weird...happened at Dad's, right?" I asked.
He gazed at me, then looked to park into our driveway. Then he turned to me. "You want to hear about my day?"
Ok, this was getting weirder by the minute. The last time I saw his eyes shine like that was on our wedding day. He was so used to excitement because of his childhood adventures.
"S-Sure?" I nodded.
I watched him in shock, and slight amusement, as he rambled on about his day with Dad. He described the Inator and told me the 'interesting' backstory. Then, he made me picture the fight between Dad and Perry the platypus. Even though I've already seen most of their fights from when I lived there, it was still delightful to watch him actually show excitement towards something.
We went inside and while he started making dinner, I called my Dad. This was just too good to be true.
"Hello? Vanessa?" My Dad answered.
"Yea, hey, Dad, I-"
Dad cut me off and I heard tapping noises on the other line. "This thing is on, right? Hello? Hello, Vanessa?"
I sighed and raised my voice. "Yea, Dad, it's me."
"Oh, it's nice to hear from you, sweetie! Are you ok? You don't really call a lot." He said.
"Yea, sorry about that. I'll call more. Anyways, did you shoot Ferb with a ray-"
"Inator." He corrected.
"...Inator...whatever, anyways, did you shoot him with one because he's acting weird." I said.
"Not that I remember. But we did work on an Inator today. Is he lanky?" He said.
"No...? he's just acting really excited about spending the day with you and he said that you asked him to go back tomorrow?" I said.
"Meh, it might just be that the jingle got into his head. You know, Doofenshmirtz Evil Incoorperated!!!" His cracking voice sang and I pulled my ear away.
"Ok, ok, thanks, Dad. I'll see you tomorrow." I said and hung up as he continued his singing.
"Nessa! Dinner's ready!" Ferb called and I walked over to the table.
He pulled out my chair and I sat down. When he was seated, I looked at him. "So nothing happened besides the usual at my Dad's?" I asked again.
"Nothing happened. So, what did you do today?" He asked.
"Besides going to the hospital?" I laughed lightly.
"Actually, what was that about?" He asked.
Finally. "I got some great news."
He looked up. "What is it?"
"Dr. Hirano told me something exciting. Something that will make you so happy." I said.
He smiled. "Really now?"
I nodded. "Now Ferbs, don't get too excited. I don't want you to end up going to the hospital for a heart attack."
He laughed. "Ok, what is it?"
"I'm..." I paused for dramatic flair.
My dramatic flair was gone as my mom burst into our house and I groaned.
"Vanessa!" She exclaimed, scooping me in a hug.
"Hi, mom." I sighed.
"So your father told me he had a great time with Barb-"
"Ferb." I said.
"Yes, Verb, whatever. Anyways, I thought since they're off having an in-law bonding time, you and I could have a mommy and daughter bonding time!" She said.
"What? Um, but, Mom-"
"And look! Johnny is going to join us with his mom!" She smiled.
Johnny popped out from behind her. "Hey, Vanessa."
I groaned. So this was what she was after." Mom!"
"See you tomorrow, sweetheart!"
Before I could get another word in, she kissed my head and sashayed out with Johnny.
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