CH 2: Stranglethorn Vale
I know people hate Author's notes but I'm still making some because I'm still trying to see if people are enjoying this story or not; so I'm updating this chapter but I'm not sure if I'll post CH 3 or not... Just trying to figure things out at the moment :)
Levo, ForestStalker, and I were getting close to Stranglethorn Vale, we were just walking past Raven Hill to get to the main road. Levo was now on the ground, walking along beside us.
While we hiked toward our destination, I could see a few Alliance Humans, Draenei, Night Elfs, Worgens, and even a couple and Dwarfs running around, killing the beasts and striping it apart to sell it's fur, or whatever it had, for better gear or mounts.
I still remembered when I was like that, just starting off in the Alliance and having to go out and do 'Quests' for people to gain a reputation and for gold to buy better things. Eventually most of the people I saw in Duskwood would end up being someone with very good gear and possibly some rare mounts.
Now that I was very well geared and had decent mounts, I didn't have to do quests as much as I had before, I still could if I chose to raise my reputation or if I was in need of some more gold, but why quest when you could just go out and kill people for money? That's all anyone really wanted to do these days, battle the horde, get money, get better things, and battle more horde.
There was never a break from that.
One of the low geared Alliance Humans, looked like a Warlock, came up to me and I halted ForestStalker to see what he wanted.
"Do you have any gold you could spare?" The Human asked.
'Ah a beggar.' I didn't like it when people asked for my gold but at the same time I understood how hard it was to get enough to be able to buy the things you needed. "Sure." I nodded to the Human and reached into my pocket to grab two hundred gold and put it in the Warlock's hand.
The Warlock smiled at me, "Thank you very much!" and with that he turned and walked away.
"You're welcome." I continued on my way. To someone like that Warlock, two hundred gold was a lot, but to someone like me it was nothing. Ten thousand wasn't even a lot of gold, normally someone considered 'rich' would have over one hundred thousand gold, I was making my way up there but I only have fifty thousand, and most of that I shared with Galan.
I brought ForestStalker up to a run and we traveled for another minute before we made it to the bridge that connected Duskwood to Stranglethorn Vale, on the bridge there were a group of six low geared Horde; they were laughing to one another. It was very risky for them to be so close to an Alliance zone, someone, like me, could go up and kill them very easily.
I suspected they were purposely there though, making sure no low geared Alliance would come by and if some poor guy did; those horde would kill them. I didn't see any Alliance bodies but I still eyed them as I approached.
The Horde were to busy laughing to even notice that I was there, glaring down at them with Levo next to me and ForestStalker baring his teeth. When they did notice I was there most of them cowered and some stood in complete shock, while one just stood there with a 'Oh great...' expression on their face.
"I suggest you vermin leave this bridge and never come back to it," I snarled at them, I was not cruel enough to kill them.
One of the cowering ones, a male Orc, nodded his head slowly, "Yes Ma'am," He swallowed, and looked at the others nervously, "We'll be going now."
The group of Horde turned and walked down the road, I followed them to make sure they weren't going to try and kill anyone, and because it was the road I needed to go down anyway. They would look back at me, fear and hatred in their eyes but they didn't dare to threaten me.
I remembered how many times I would be running down the roads on my mounts and I'd see a decently geared Horde run by, sometimes they would stop to look at me, and some would even stop to try and kill me. I hated it when they did that, couldn't someone just walk peacefully and not be bothered?
I crossed another bridge and then stopped to let the Horde get farther away. Levo made a snorting sound as he watched them. "Oh I know, they were being so stupid." I actually had no idea what he had said, if he even tried to say anything at all, but it was nice to reply to him anyway.
Suddenly the sound of flapping wings got my attention and I heard someone land behind me, "Aw, Kadarith, why'd you leave without me?"
I sighed, "Really Galan?" I turned and saw that he was riding, Arlin, the Heart of Aspects mount, with his Winged Guardian mount, Koba, next to him.
It was my first time ever seeing a Heart of Aspects mount. Galan had talked about himself getting one and how he had named it; but I had never seen him ride it. Arlin was a very beautiful mount. I almost gawked at the sight of her. She was a bright Golden yellow Dragon, she even glowed. She had small legs but a very long body and wings. On her shoulders, knees, elbows, and claws she had black and gold armor that stood out very well. She wore a helmet the same colour of her shoulder armor. She had a tiny piece of armor on her wings but that was about it. Her tail had spikes that went along it and by the tip of the tail the spikes were just as big at Galan.
As I looked at her I couldn't help but say to Galan, "I absolutely love Arlin," Galan laughed but now I was looking at Koba, it wasn't the first time I had seen him, his kind of mount was slightly rare to see but not as rare as the Heart of Aspects.
Koba looked exactly like a lion but had wings. He wore black armor that almost covered his full body. His wings were black but the tips of them were a bright glowing yellow white colour. The paws, front and back, and tail were the exact same as the tips of his wings. The rest of his body was a greyish black, except for the white mane he had, the back of the mane looked as if it was on fire.
"Were you having trouble with some Horde lowbies?" Galan snapped his fingers to try and get me to pay attention.
I shook my head and closed my eyes so I would'nt get distracted by his mounts, "Kinda, they were on the bridge, probably waiting for some poor guy to come up and get slaughtered so I told them to go away, and they did."
"Huh, well, now we're going to go and kill a bunch of people in Grom'Gol Base Camp." Then I heard him giggling a bit, "You can open your eyes you know, they arn't going to kill you."
"That's not why I'm closing my eyes," I turned around and headed toward Grom'Gol Base, "I was closing them because you have awesome mounts." I patted ForestStalker on the head while we walked, "Not better than mine of course."
"Oh really?" He let Arlin fly above me, "I don't see you gawking at your own mounts." With that, he flew as fast as he could toward the base, now there was no doubt he'd beat me there.
"Only because I'm used to them!" I yelled and got ForestStalker into a run, Levo had followed Galan.
'Saying his mounts are better, Hmph... although it's slightly true... I should ask where he gets the gold to get them anyway.'
ForestStalker and I had arrived at to the base in less than five minutes, Galan had already slaughtered the guards, he was in Cat form, blood dripping from his claws and maw. He dropped into Prowl and disappeared.
I watched from the entrance of the camp and then turned to put ForestStalker with our other mounts, they were waiting in the woods, all of them, just sitting in the trees and lying on the ground. We never took our mounts to battle, although they could fight, we chose to keep them safe and only came when we called for them.
I dismounted ForestStalker and changed into Cat form, "Stay here." I commanded and ran toward the base. As soon as I got in I Prowled and went searching for Galan. It didn't take long until I noticed a shimmer near the fire and saw it move toward the Grom'Gol Base Camp leader, Commander Aggro'gosh. He had seen us walk into the base but was unfazed and just stood there watching the fire.
Galan and I had been to this base so many times the Commander was used to it, normally we'd mortally wound him but never kill him because if we did, Thrall would be after us for sure. The other people in the camp we would do the same to, and when people started to hear the news that everyone in the camp was probably bleeding to death they sent a small army to help them, and stop us.
We usually left by then though, because no one wanted to come anywhere near the base and risk dying, although we never harmed the low-gears, we let them do what they wanted, the higher geared ones we'd attack and likely kill, depending on how much of a threat they were.
There were two quite famous Alliance that would come to Grom'Gol Base Camp all the time; they were known as the 'Unexpected Shadows' or just plain 'Siblings Of The Alliance' because they were Brother and Sister, a Human Arms Warrior and a Night Elf Feral Druid.
Both were common to see around, if you looked in the right place anyway, the Feral Druid was the one who was usually out raiding Orgrimmar or Grom'Gol Base Camp, so she was the more common one to see. The Warrior was out doing raids against beasts and would sometimes join his sister in fighting the Horde.
Every time Galan and I came to Grom'Gol we'd hope to see them, we had once, but they had never noticed us and before we could even say hi they fled the base because of a massive Horde raid.
I sighed thinking of that day, wishing we could've talked to them, I shook my head, clearing my thoughts and getting back to reality, paying attention to the Prowled form in front of me.
The shimmer leaped and Galan formed as he pounced on the Commander, knocking him down and already tearing into his legs, I followed behind him, pouncing on the Commander as well. The shop vendors, trainers, and just random other Horde ran towards us.
I turned and snarled at them, feeling the saliva drop down my jaw. Uthok, a food Vendor, ran at me with a small knife in his hands. He was one I liked to taunt because whenever I said his name it sounded like "You suck."
He growled and lunged toward me. I jumped to the side and swung around, grinning at him, and then leap and clamped my teeth down on his neck before letting him drop to the ground.
Galan was now finished mangling the Commander and was fending off the other Horde. Most of them were on top of him, trying to pin him down.
I prowled again crawling up toward the vendors, and when I got close enough, I ravaged their back and they fell to the ground, screaming. Galan went up on his back paws and fell onto his back to crush the one holding onto him.
We both ran a few feet away from them so that we could watch them. A few of the vendors got back up but I switched into Nightelf form and used Moonfire to take them back down from a distance. Once all the Vendors, Guards, and any other horde that tried to attack us weren't moving, we turned and smiled to one another.
"Flight master?" I asked, looking over my shoulder at the two Wyvern's and the flight master, Thysta, she held a dagger in her hand and she was glaring at us.
Galan didn't say anything, just nodded his head in approval and faced the Thysta, I did the same. Before Thysta could react we charged at her.
She yelled something in her natural Orc language and then stabbed at Galan with her dagger. He got hit in his rib cage with caused him to yelp in pain. Abruptly the two wyvern's jumped up and attacked us as well.
I hissed at them and clawed at their faces to get them to back off while Galan attacked Thysta, he took her out in a few seconds, of course, he didn't kill her. We faced the Wyverns, their tails were the most deadly parts of them because of the poisonous stingers.
The wyverns grunted in anger and swung their tails at us, I jumped over one and ducked under the other. Galan just ran to the side to dodge them both. I jumped up onto one of the Wyverns backs and dug my claws into it's neck while biting at it's wings to try and get it to fall to the ground.
It's wing lifted a bit, taking it off balance, and it banked right and landed on the terrain. Galan jumped on it, sinking his teeth into it's throat. As he killed it, I turned to attack the last Wyvern. It still flew, looking angrier than ever. Making a silent purring sound, I ducked low to the ground and leapt at it, the Wyvern flew to the side but I was able to grab hold of it's leg.
I pulled the Wyvern down and rammed into it's chest causing it to fall onto it's back. It cried and flailed it's wings to try and get back up, but it was a futile effort. I clamped down on it's throat while pressing my paws against the sides of it's wings.
I stayed like that, breathing heavily, as I waited for the Wyvern to suffocate. I could hear the quiet whines of the other Wyvern Galan was killing. I didn't turn to look though, only focused on the Wyvern I had. It didn't take long before the Wyvern finally died, the Wyvern Galan had suffocated was dead as well and he was sitting by the bonfire in the middle of the camp, watching the wounded Vendors and trainers near him.
Stepping next to him I sat and looked around the camp, "How long do you think it will take for their reinforcements to get here?" I asked.
Galan shrugged, "Who knows, but whoever walks in here will have to deal with us, and we can just take them out, you know, 'spread the word' that we're here."
"Like we always do," I smiled and walked toward the horde inn, on the top of the inn there were the Zeppelins, one that lead to a Horde capital city, Undercity, and the other that lead to Orgrimmar. Normally in a raid to Orgrimmar they'd travel there by using that boat or they'd go to Booty Bay, the capital area in Stranglethorn Vale, and take the boat to Ratchet, a neutral Horde area, and travel on foot from there.
I had always wanted to take one of the Zeppelins but it's extremely risky to go alone, or with just another person because there are lots of Horde in the front area of Orgrimmar, continually dueling. Although Galan and I had our prowls so we could easily sneak in unless a Hunter detects us or someone notices the shimmer.
"Galan!" I called out as I entered the Inn. The Innkeeper, Thulbek, was there, he apparently had not wanted to join the fight with the vendors outside. As soon as I walked in, he tensed, but did not dare attack.
Nodded to him in appreciation for not attacking us and climbed up the spiraling stairs to the top of the Inn.
"Yes!?" I heard Galan call back to me.
I peered over the edge of the building to look down at him, "Think we can head to Orgrimmar after this?"
"Just the two of us? That'd be suicide." He replied, looking to the top of the building.
"And sitting in a Horde base isin't?" That's when I noticed a Horde Undead mage, very well geared, enter through one of the door areas with a Low geared Troll Horde with him. "Galan! Horde Mage!" I yelled already prowling.
Galan turned to face his opponent. The Mage had stopped to look at him, deciding whether to attack him or not, but when he saw the Vendors and the Commander lying on the ground near him, he fired a frost bolt toward him.
Galan froze in place momentarily and I leaped down from the top of the Inn to land gracefully on the ground and crept closer and closer toward the Mage.
The Troll had ran toward one of the buildings to hide, I didn't care about him, he was not worth a fight. I got close to the Undead Mage just as he fired Arcane missiles toward Galan. I pounced him and rammed him into the ground.
Galan was still frozen in place, but not for long, he broke free and raced over to join me.
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