of feminists and
Voicemail from My Heart, 10:07 am
It's been six years since your death.
It's been five years and seven months since they found out who left you all beaten up and bruised.
On a happy note, it's been two years since the opening of Marvel's boutique.
Your products are selling like crazy.
Most of the money goes to charities and anti-bullying organizations.
And...I just want you to know how much you've impacted my life. I'm doing what I love because of you.
You've taught me how to love personalities without appearances.
You've taught me how precious life is.
You've taught me how to smile through tough moments.
....I know how crazy it must be for me to leave a voicemail to someone who won't ever hear it because their life was taken away.
So let me finish with this:
Everybody knows Marvel.
He was such a character.
And then he was kicked out of his own book.
And everybody knows Athena.
She was such an idiot.
For she was the girl who fell for such a marvel too late."
it's done. yes it's a sad ending but i like to think of it as something happy. a memory athena can hold on, you know?
it's kind of surprising how it ended haha. i just hated how all these texting or dialogue short stories ended with a happy ending (tbh some of them were generic boring endings to me BUT NOT ALL! just a few I've read which I will not mention) because things don't always end up that way, you know? you can't just stop bullying or get somebody to change their mind on how they feel.
i just wanted this story to be a reminder of how precious life is and how you should never take anything for granted.
i also wanted to show how bullying is not a joke. marvel grew up thinking he was never the wonder he was. never seeing his worth, never seeing how marvelous he was to athena.
PLUS if you are being bullied, please i mean PLEASE tell someone. don't keep it in like marvel did. you know what happened to him. and even if he is fictional. his story is absolutely realistic. it happens to people on a daily basis. comment here if you will have your inbox open for people who are bullied, that you will listen to every word they say.
if you wanna talk to me, message me. PLEASE do.
this is serious and i care about you guys, so never think no one thinks you are special.
so what if no one thinks you are special? special doesn't even show a quarter on how marvelous you are.
you are a marvel.
don't be kicked out of your own book, loves.
vote and comment what you think!
btw! marvel's boutique is mentioned in my story "i abhor him"
and thank you so much for being with me through this journey. i hope you didn't regret it.
if you like my writing, please check out my other stories! i'd appreciate very much!(:
thank you so very much,
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