Desire Part 1: (Sakuroma x Male Reader)
Requested by xXSGTWOLFXx:
I'll reveal how you look in the story.
Hell, a place where Demons reigned supreme and mortals who have committed great sins end up at the end of their lives.
It should be noted that Hell is divided into 9 circles, 7 of these circles are also ruled by a Demon Overlord which represents one of the 7 Deadly Sins.
The other 2 circles are Purgatory and the portal too and from Hell respectively.
As a result each territory in one way or another reflects their overlord's sin.
Our story begins in the Greed Circle.
The Greed Circle looked like a normal city, except in the center of it there loomed a large and imposing tower.
Your tower, except the eye is a black Widow symbol.
This tower belonged to you the Overlord of Greed himself, from here you could monitor all businesses within your circle and crush any competition.
Right now within your private chamber you were in the middle of negotiating a private matter.
A human in a tattered suit and top hat was currently begging for his life in front of you.
"I think you remember our deal Mr Varis." You said your voice filled with disadain at this little ant wanting to back out of your deal.
"I DIDN'T THINK THIS WOULD BE WHAT I HAD TO DO TO REPAY YOU!" Varis yelled and in response you spat a web onto his mouth silencing him.
"You didn't let me tell you what the rest of our deal meant for you." You scoffed looming over the terrified human.
You see, whenever humans died and ended up in Hell, they'd be transformed into Demons.
The only way to stay human in Hell is if you make a deal with an Overlord with those specific conditions.
Like what you did with Mr Varis over here.
"The deal was, I preserve and increase your wealth...upon hearing that you just accepted without letting me finish." You reminded "The rest of the deal was, you stay human when you come to Hell and become dinner for my Spiderlings."
Right now Mr Varis was letting out muffled cries and backing up, the webs still on his face.
You chuckled and got up close and personal into his face.
"I've held up my end of the bargain and now it's time for you to return that favor." You said ominously before rising and flaring up your cape.
"Alright my Spiderlings, it's dinner time!" You declared.
Suddenly, multiple hatches opened up and from them crawled multiple dog-sized Spider-like creatures with odd orbs on their heads.
Spiderlings: they're like your pets, the orbs are a part of their bodies, it's a stretchy and tough membrane that stores water and other liquids.
You picked up one of the little creatures and began gently petting it.
"My little abominations have a particular fondness for the taste of human, so I go to Earth, make deals with desperate or greedy fools like you to preserve your humanity for when you come down here." You explained gently putting the Spiderling down. "All so they can serve as a special treat for my Precious little monsters."
Mr Varis attempted to run away and out your chamber door, however when he reached it.
The door suddenly swung open knocking him out completely.
"Hellooooo (Y/N)...oh, am I interrupting?" Came a voice you were all too familiar with.
Standing there was the Overlord of Lust herself Sakuroma.
"Sakuroma?" You asked with a raised brow. "My Spiderlings were just about to tear this human to pieces so the parts can be properly cooked for them."
"Oh okay." The Moth Girl said casually stepping on the unconscious Varis and taking a seat on your desk. "I'll wait until your done."
You stared at her for a second before shrugging.
"Okay my little Spiderlings, have at it." You said pulling out your cane.
Your cane, just imagine a mic is at the top.
The Spiderlings all cheered and proceeded to tear Varis' unconscious body limb from limb while music started up.
(A/N: Imagine BF's parts are your Spiderlings singing along while tearing Varis apart)
Once it was done, all that was left was red stain on the floor.
The Spiderlings each had portions of Varis' cut up body and began carrying them off to the kitchen.
Sakuroma clapped for your performance while cuddling one of the Spiderlings.
"You have a great voice you know that?" Sakuroma stated hugging the Spiderling tight.
"Thank you." You said smugly while adjusting your spider-shaped bow-tie until you asked. "Why are you here Sakuroma?"
The Moth girl then began thinking with a finger on her cheek.
"Is this about your Plushies?" You asked. "Cause I'm pretty sure I already released those and they've been selling pretty well."
"Oh it's not that." Sakuroma giggled. "Thanks for helping with making them by the way."
"No problem, they're cute and mortals like cute." You shrugged and Sakuroma smirked when she heard you say that.
"Ooh, is that your way of saying I'm cute?" She asked.
"No." You said simply. "I made sure your plushies were adorable."
"'re saying I'm not cute?" She asked faking sadness.
"Oh will you stop and just tell me why you're here." You said with a growl. "I need to go cook for my Spiderlings."
"You cook?" Sakuroma asked with a raised brow. "Can't you get a Servant to cook for them?"
"No, they prefer their human meat prepared and only accept food cooked by me." You explained. "Now please answer my question."
"I just came to spend some time with my favorite spider." Sakuroma said cutely. "Maybe I can help you cook."
"Can you cook?" You asked with a raised brow.
" maybe you can teach me." The Moth Demon offered and you laughed in response.
"Sorry, but my Spiderlings have been waiting for a long time to have their favorite treat and I don't want any of your fur shedding into the food." You said shuddering at the thought.
"I don't shed!" Sakuroma stated offended.
"Saku...anything that has fur sheds." You said Crossing your arms. "Including Moths."
"I don't know if that's true, but even if it was, I'm a Demon Moth." She insisted. "It's not like I follow the rules of the species I'm based on to a T."
In response you immediately pulled out a Bug Zapper from nowhere and held it out before you.
Sakuroma's eyes dialated upon seeing the device.
"THE LIGHT, IT CALLS ME!" She shouted before launching herself at you.
She went face-first into the Zapper causing a mass amount of electricity to start surging through her veins.
Since she was a Demon, it didn't kill her, but she still hated getting zapped.
Once that little event was over, you put away the Zapper behind your cloak as Sakuroma lay steaming on the ground.
She then immediately got up to give you a glare.
"That doesn't prove anything." She said as her fur stood up making her look extra poofy from the shock.
"I'm going now Sakuroma." You said as she managed to bring her fur down to it's normal appearance.
Before you went through the door however, you turned to Sakuroma and said:
"You can stay if you want, but don't steal anything, believe me, I'll know if something of mine is taken."
"Can I at least get a hug before you go?" The Moth Demon asked hopefully holding her arms out.
"No." You replied immediately.
"Are you sure?" She asked placing her bottom hands under her bosom to emphasize her bust. "I'm super soft and super fluffy."
"That means nothing to me." You said which resulted in Sakuroma slumping down in dejection.
"You're so mean." She said sadly.
"I'm the Overlord of Greed, don't expect a person with that kind of title to be a nice guy." You replied before slamming the door shut leaving Sakuroma to pout.
However, she immediately perked up once again.
"That's okay (Y/N), you're gonna be mine eventually." She thought with confidence.
For a long time now, Sakuroma had her eyes on you, the Demon of Lust was completely taken by you.
She yearned for your love and affection, but the only thing you seemed to show any kind of affection for were those Spiderlings.
She got it the little guys were cute as Hell, but she wanted that love from you too.
And Sakuroma always got what she wanted.
So yeah, part 1 was more of an establishment chapter.
I tried to keep this down to a single oneshot which is why this took so long to come out, but that was impossible with the story I wanted to write and so here's part 1.
I'll try to cutdown on the part splits for future oneshots. Key word is TRY.
Have a good night everybody.
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