Cosmic Love: (Hatsune Miku x Male Void Reader)
No one requested this.
This oneshot is purely my own, I just found Void and Miku to be really cute together and so here we are.
It was just a random thought and I couldn't help myself.
So of course, for this story you'll look and sound like this awesome egotistical bastard.
Far across the galaxy we find a stadium floating through the stars.
A stadium that was filled to the brim with an adoring crowd.
You absolutely loved hearing the cheers of your fans.
It had been a long while since your last rap battle with that blue-haired brat and you accidentally releasing A.C.
But it was behind you, and now you could forget all about the incident and just soak in all the glory.
You tossed your mic into the air and caught it once more before pointing at the crowd.
"Alright folks are ya ready!?" You asked and as expected you received a cheer from the audience.
This was your kind of music, the cheers from your fans and you'd never get tired from it.
"Alright everyone, let's get..." Before you could finish what you were about to say a pair of voices interrupted you.
"HI Void!"
"No." You said as your eyes widened remembering that voice and that beep.
You turned to look behind you and saw the 2 people that you hated the most in the universe.
Seeing these 2 again immediately brought back bad memories of your past showdowns with this blue-haired brat.
How he humiliated you at your concert and pissing you off so much you released A.C.
Your eye twitched in irritation at the sight of them.
"Bee..." BF tired to say only for you to yell out:
Everyone, including the crowd went silent at your sudden outburst.
BF and GF seemed surprised by your outburst as you panted from yelling.
"Um..." GF tried to say but you interrupted once more.
The audacity of this little punk truly astonished you.
After releasing your darker alter ego who nearly devoured the entire galaxy he wanted to face you again.
Why else would he be out here at your concert, on your stage?
Just then 3 floating platforms flew up onto the stage 2 of which had your Accretions on them.
The 3rd platform on the other hand had a person you've never seen before standing on them.
Hatsune Miku:
"Hello there Void." She greeted.
Before you could reply to this woman, the crowd suddenly erupted into excited cheers.
The cheers were so loud that if you had actual ears they'd probably be bleeding.
Your Accretions even joined in with the cheers.
The woman waved to the cheering crowd much to your annoyance.
As if BF and GF weren't enough, now this...admittedly very cute girl was here to hijack your concert too.
"Okay, everyone quiet down!" You ordered into your mic.
The crowd went silent allowing you to take a breath and glare at the duo you despised, your Accretions and the new woman.
"Can I get an explanation?" You asked crossing your arms. "Who is she and why didn't you guys stop any of them from getting in here?"
"Sorry boss...but you gotta understand, this is Hatsune Miku!" One of your Accretions replied making you raise a brow.
"Hatsune...Mik-who?" You asked confused as you have never heard that name before. "Who is that?"
This caused the crowd to gasp in shock confusing you even further.
"What?" You asked.
"Boss, you don't know who Hatsune Miku is?" The other Accretion asked flabbergasted.
"Should I?" You asked once again.
"Beep Bop Bap Skeedo Bee Beh!" BF beeped out.
"Japanese Idol, Vocaloid, singer?" You asked scratching your head. "Sorry, never heard of ya."
"And I wish it had stayed that way." You thought.
"Boss, how do you not know Hatsune Miku?" An Accretion asked sounding like he truly couldn't believe it. "She's iconic in the music industry, she's all over the internet, the aliens in the crowd know her!"
You just stared on with a flat look.
"Oh well, it's nice to meet you Void." Miku stated reaching out a hand for you to shake. "My big brother told me a lot about you."
"Big brother?" You asked raising a brow ignoring her outstretched hand.
"Beep." BF piped up.
"Wait, he's your big brother?" You asked pointing at BF.
"That's right." Miku confirmed and you took another moment to stare at both Miku and BF.
"I don't believe you." You replied unconvinced.
Another moment of awkward silence passed before you broke the silence.
"What are you doing here?" You asked just wanting to get things over with.
"Well, my brother told me about you and said you were a pretty good singer." Miku explained.
"Pretty good?" You asked before scoffing. "I'm the best singer in the galaxy."
"You still lost to BF though...multiple times." GF stated making you glare at her.
"You shut up!" You yelled angrily.
"So, I was hoping I could sing with you." Miku said taking out her mic.
"What?" You asked narrowing your eyes in anger.
It wasn't enough for this brat to just humiliate you, now he wants his whole family in on it.
You would not stand for this.
Just as you were about to turn down her offer however, the crowd erupted into cheers once more.
They kept cheering you on to accept her request and sing together.
"It seems your fans don't mind the idea." Miku giggled and now you couldn't say no lest you disappoint your fans.
"Beep!" BF beeped jumping onto the magical speakers that always appeared wherever they were right next to GF who seemed very excited.
"Make sure to give us a good performance guys." GF cheered and you clutched your mic even harder in fury.
"Seriously!?" You thought glaring at Miku. "I don't need this shit!"
After what you've been through with this little shit, you did not want to interact with him or even his family.
Even if his sister was the cutest girl in the galaxy.
You let out a sigh and said: "Alright."
In response the crowd let out another loud cheer.
You groaned pinching the bridge of your nose.
"Just ONE song and you'll leave right?" You asked not wanting another A.C incident to occur.
"Okay, I hope you can keep up." Miku giggled and that made you scoff.
"You don't have to worry about me, worry about yourself." You growled your competitive arrogance suddenly showing itself much to the horror of the Accretions.
All it took to get you riled up was a challenge from someone and you'd take it personally and attempt to destroy them.
Your battles with BF were proof of that and they didn't want Miku to be in danger.
"I like your confidence." Miku giggled. "Do you mind if I take the lead?"
"Go ahead." You said giving a dismissive wave.
You'd show her you could keep up with her.
But as you both stood there facing each other you couldn't help but wonder one thing.
Is her singing as pretty as she was?
Upon thinking that you shook your head to get that thought out of your head.
You needed to get this over with to get these people out of here and so you'd focus on finishing this song which was starting up.
After that round, you couldn't believe your ears.
Her singing...her was beautiful.
For the first time ever, after singing with someone you didn't feel like boasting or mocking your opponent, you weren't even angry.
You felt...happy.
Happy that you got to sing with a woman this beautiful and this talented a singer.
During the song when both of you were singing away you felt the entire universe vanish around you.
It was only you, her and the music.
Even the cheers of the crowd, the very same cheers you adored to hear to help feed your ego...even they didn't register as you kept your eyes glued to this blue-haired angel before you who was waving to the crowd.
For the first time ever, you wanted to sing with someone again, not beat them or humiliate them...but simply because you enjoyed yourself.
"Well that was fun Void, you really are a great singer." Miku complimented suddenly snapping you out of your stupor.
"" You stuttered out blushing a great deal.
" were...g-great out there too." You continued with your words seemingly getting stuck in your throat. "Your's b-beautiful."
Everyone, including BF, GF and your Accretions were shocked by your reply.
Even the crowd let out a collective gasp at what they had just heard.
The only one not shocked was Miku.
"Uh...what's happening?" One Accretion asked the other.
"I think boss just...complimented someone." The other replied. "And it wasn't himself in a mirror."
"Beep?" BF asked scratching his head.
"Yeah...since when could Void be polite?" GF asked tilting her head.
"Aw, you're too sweet Void." Miku said giving you a bright smile that made your metaphorical heart skip a beat.
What you are thinking right now:
It was honestly a wonder that this beauty was related to that blue brat at all.
"Hey...I know I said only one song...but if you want..." You said rubbing the back of your head.
"Yes?" Miku tilting her head adding to her cuteness.
"If you want...I-I guess more song wouldn't hurt." You managed stutter out while looking away. "It'd really like to keep hearing that beautiful voice of yours."
The Accretions' jaws hit the ground at what they just heard and BF and GF's eyes went wide with awe.
The crowd on the other hand cheered at the sound of that and Miku herself seemed overjoyed to be able to sing with you for a bit longer.
Knowing she actually wanted to sing with you as well made you extremely happy.
"Of course." She replied happily.
"Yes." You said softly doing a fist pump.
"Uh...boss, are you sure?" One Accretion asked still cautious from the last incident. "Remember last time?"
"Of course I do idiot." You said giving him an angry glare. "But I promise that won't happen this time."
Miku seemed confused.
"What happened last time?" Miku asked.
This made you stop and stare at BF and GF as you felt your metaphorical heart sink.
"You mean you two didn't tell her about last time!?" You asked outraged.
BF and GF flinched back at your glare and they both shook their heads.
Well this sucks.
Miku probably wouldn't want anything to do with you if she found out about A.C and how you almost killed her brother.
Miku notcied your down look and she decided she didn't like it.
"Don't worry about it, this is a concert let's have fun for now." She said enthusiastically. "You can tell me more after the concert okay?"
You forced a smile and nodded.
"Oh and the last song was pretty slow, would you mind if we speed things up a bit?" Miku asked excitedly.
You chuckled and replied:
"Sure, let's sing for real this time."
The crowd cheered once again and while BF, GF and the Accretions were trying to process what happened you and Miku began your final duet for the concert.
Once again you were in awe of Miku's singing.
The crowd loved it as well if the cheers were anything to go by.
They were going wild for the 2 of you, but once again you payed them no mind as you were too focused on Miku.
It was official, she was the best girl you've ever met.
You've met a lot of girls in your time as an intergalactic celebrity, a lot of them were throwing themselves at you and sure a lot of them were pretty.
Miku however, outshined any girl you met and it broke your heart thinking how she'd react to your past incident.
You couldn't lie your way out of it either.
With her brother being here, he'd tell her any lie you'd try to tell her about A.C.
Also, you didn't want to lie to her.
"Well that was fun, good luck with the rest of your performance." Miku said as she took BF's and GF's hand and headed towards the floating platforms they arrived on.
"Um...thanks." You said blushing once more. "Accretions, show her where my room is so they can wait."
The Accretions still trying to process what they had just witnessed just silently complied and escorted the trio to your room.
You let out a sigh wishing your time with Miku could have lasted a little longer.
After this, you would most likely have to say goodbye.
After the concert:
"Oh, seem nice enough now, so we can still be friends." Miku said shocking you greatly.
"Huh?" You asked tilting your head.
"Beep Bap Bo Ba." BF stated with a shrug.
"Yeah, you aren't the first guy to try and kill us and you probably won't be the last either." GF shrugged along. "Hell, some of our current friends have even tried to kill us."
"Bop Ba Skeedap." BF added making you raise a brow.
"Even you're Ex-boyfriend tried to shoot you in the face?" You asked and BF nodded.
"Ba Be Boo Bow." BF replied.
"But you're cool now." You repeated with a flat look.
BF and GF nodded.
"I even got to know some of the people that tried to kill my brother and I get along well with them." Miku stated. "So as long as you promise not to do it again we can just look past it."
"Oof, trying not to kill this blue-haired punk is gonna be difficult, but..." You thought before looking over at Miku who gave you an adorable smile. "For her though, it's worth it."
You sighed and gave a smile.
"If it means I can keep singing with you then I can promise not hurt the little brat." You shrugged. "But I will still continue to make fun of him."
"Bap!?" BF asked angrily.
"That's fine, almost everyone does that." Miku giggled.
"Bapoo!" BF beeped outraged.
"Calm down BF, it's better to be murdered by words than actually murdered." GF stated with a giggle.
The Blue-haired Rapper pouted and crossed his arms turning away.
"So...we're friends now huh?" You asked awkwardly rubbing the back of your neck and your metaphorical heart jumped for joy when she nodded her head.
"Here's my number." She stated surprising you even more as she handed you a slip of paper with a sequence of numbers on it.
Your face exploded into a blush upon receiving it.
"Call me when you can okay?" Miku requested giving you a wink to boot.
"Is this woman trying to brighten up a black hole?" You thought trying your hardest to keep your cool. "Cause she's certainly succeeding."
"I-I'll be s-sure to do that." You said folding up the slip with full intent to put her on speed dial the moment you could.
"I can't wait to get to know you better." Miku said and you nodded telling her the feeling was mutual.
"Void, would you like our numbers too?" GF asked enthusiastically, happy they got a new friend.
"No, not really." You replied almost immediately and just like that GF's enthusiasm was gone, reduced to atoms.
"Well, guess this is goodbye for now." You said ignoring GF. "Maybe when I take a trip to Earth, I'll swing by Japan and we can just...hang out.".
You said that last part rather softly but the Japanese Idol managed to hear and response gave a smug smirk.
"Oh Void, if I didn't know any better I'd think you were asking me out." She responded making you flinch a bit and begin stuttering.
"Um...I...uh...w-well...y-you" The words kept getting stuck in your throat and BF along with GF found it hilarious.
Your usual smug and arrogant persona had seemingly gone out the window and you had turned into a shy teenager talking to his crush.
You continued on stuttering until Miku made this face.
"Just kidding." She said making you stop your stuttering.
The Japanese idol before you let out an adorable giggle you couldn't stay mad at, though you weren't mad to begin with.
"Sorry, I was just teasing." Miku chuckled furthering your embarrassment. "Though if I'm being honest I do think you're really cute and wouldn't mind."
To you that translated into: "I have a shot."
So you decided to throw caution to the wind and just tell her how you felt.
"Well, what if I said I did want to ask you out?" You asked a bit awkwardly surprising Miku a small bit.
"Hm?" She asked tilting her head.
"Miku, I know this is really sudden, but I really like you a lot." You said admitted looking down. "You're the only girl...Hell the only person I actually liked sharing the spotlight with onstage."
Now it was Miku's turn to blush as she really didn't expect that kind of response.
"You're just as beautiful as your voice and your smile shines brighter than any star out there." You continued. "I'd like to be around you more often and a date with you sounds nice."
BF and GF meanwhile just stood back silently and watched what was going on with interest.
"Oh...I...uh..." Miku stuttered avoiding eye contact as well. "Well..."
She started before giving you a kind smile.
"Yeah?" You asked hopefully.
"I did say I think you were cute and that I wouldn't mind dating you." Miku said walking up to you and gripping your hand raising your hopes even further. "Also, I really loved singing with you too."
Miku never had a boyfriend before, she received countless compliments, had been flirted with and received love letters from fans.
However, it felt different when you said all those things.
Hearing you tell her about how you felt made her heart race and her face burn up.
You both may have just met, but you certainly had an affect on each other.
BF and GF awaited with baited breath for her answer, and finally...
Instead of answering directly, Hatsune Miku leaned forward and gave you a kiss directly on the lips.
This shocked you, but eventually you melted and kissed her back.
BF and GF all gained wide smiles.
"Aww." GF whispered not wanting to interrupt this moment. "That's so sweet."
BF nodded.
You and Miku eventually seperated and stared into each other's eyes.
"So my answer is okay, let's go on a date sometime." Miku said with a smile. "I'd like to get to know my boyfriend a bit more."
Both of your faces were a blushing mess after that and the Japanese idol covered her face in embarrassment.
"Was that too forward?" She asked.
"Yeah but,...I'm not complaining." You stated looking down attempting to hide your own blush as well. "So...we're a couple now huh?"
"I-I guess." Miku stuttered uncovering her face to look at you. "So...y-you make sure to call me as soon as possible okay, Void?"
"Believe me, I wanna keep hearing that voice of yours so you can count on it." You chuckled also looking at her.
A moment of silence passed as the 2 of you just stood close and enjoyed each other's company only for this moment to be interrupted by BF and GF clapping.
You both truly had forgotten they were here watching it all.
"This is great, Void won't be that much of a jerk anymore and your sister finally has a boyfriend." GF squealed and BF beeped in agreement.
Your face was now blushed from both anger and embarrassment.
You got ready to chew both of them out for interrupting your moment with Miku, but you suddenly felt your new girlfriend grip your hand and you turned to look at her.
The moment you saw her smile, all your anger immediately vanished.
"When you're ready for our date just call and tell okay?" She asked and you just nodded and smiled back.
The Blue-haired Angel reluctantly let go of your hand and walked over to her brother and his girlfriend.
"I look forward it." She said as GF took her and BF's hand.
With that in a flash of red the 3 of them were gone having teleported to wherever.
You let out a sigh and stared at Miku's number in your hand and smiled.
Suddenly the doors to your room burst open and in popped your Accretions who had been listening in the entire time.
"Congratulations Boss!" One yelled hugging you forcing the air out of you.
"You finally found a girlfriend, I was giving up hope for you!" The other cheered giving you a pat on the head while the other was squeezing the life out of you.
They kept bombarding you with praise and congratulations talking about how a woman finally managed to look past your many flaws and how much you mellowed out.
Only to be immediately silenced when you yelled out:
Without Miku to calm you, the Accretions got one hell of an earful from you.
There you have it.
Should I do a sequel of you and Miku on your date?
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