Bygones Part 2:
Well, this is the continuation of the Mickey and Olivia story, sorry for not updating these so much, been working on my other stories for a good while, but now I'm back and ready to do these oneshots.
"!" Mickey said as she stood beside Oliva who had a neutral expression.
"Meet my kids Mickey." Olivia stated as both girls watched you prepare all 420 of Olivia's children for school.
Olivia's kids:
Somehow, you had managed to make breakfast for them all, got them all dressed and were now handing out their backpacks as they marched out the door.
"Alice, Bendy, Cody, Dennis, Eric, Franky, Greg..." You kept listing off their names as you handed them their respective backpacks as they traveled out the door in a single file line shocking Mickey further.
"He memorized all their names?" The Mouse asked and Olivia nodded.
"Yep, he can tell them apart too, so now that old trick where they try to pin the blame on each other doesn't work anymore." The Rabbit chuckled. "Heck, since there's 420 of them, he had to hire a personal bus just so they could get to and from school at once."
"Ollie...were you stuck taking care of them yourself?" Mickey asked shocked.
"Ollie?" The Bunny asked curiously. "Been a long time since anyone besides (Y/N) called me that."
"Is that okay?" Mickey asked.
Olivia seemed to mull it over for some time before finally nodding.
"Yeah it's cool." Olivia shrugged surprising Mickey a bit.
"R-really?" She asked shocked that Olivia would let her use the Rabbit's Nickname.
"Yeah, there's really no reason for me to stay mad at you." Olivia shrugged as every one of her children finally made it to the bus.
"Phew." You sighed wiping a bit of sweat from your brow.
"Well girls, with that done I should really get going to work." You stated with a sigh.
"Maybe before you go, you should at least look presentable." Olivia said adjusting your tie and wiping out the last creases that remained on your suit.
"Thank you." You said smiling down at the shorter rabbit girl.
"I told you to stop thanking me for doing such small things for you." Olivia said with a small blush.
"But I'm thankful, isn't that the appropriate response?" You asked with a raised brow.
"Yeah, but after everything you've done for me..." Olivia tried to say, but you interrupted with.
"Hey, you don't need to thank me." You insisted. "I was simply helping an old friend, the only thanks I need is knowing my efforts weren't in vain."
You placed a hand on Olivia's cheek and gave her a light kiss on the forehead making her blush intensify.
"B-but...I's just..." Olivia tried to say.
"What is it?" You asked getting a bit concerned.
"I've...I've been feeling like a huge burden lately." She stated looking down, her long ears sagging in sadness.
"Ollie..." You sighed before giving her a gentle pat on the head making her look up to see you giving her kind smile. "You're anything but a burden."
Olivia let out a surprised yelp when you brought her into a tight hug.
"I was happy with my life before, but I always felt like something was missing." You stated softly. "Knowing you're here, that I'm taking care of someone, makes me feel like my life is worth it."
Olivia's face was bright pink as you separated.
"Plus you pull your weight around here, you clean, you cook, you make sure I actually eat..." You explained before kissing her forehead making her blush worsen. "Believe me when I say, my life improved a lot when you came into it and I don't regret helping you in the slightest."
The little Rabbit couldn't handle the praise and covered her face with her hands.
"Wow, I've never seen Ollie's face that red before." Mickey chuckled and Olivia suddenly remembered the mouse was here.
Whenever you and Olivia had moments like these it was easy for her to forget when other people were around.
"I forgot how cute you are." Mickey giggled and that made Olivia's go even more red.
"She is adorable isn't she?" You asked giving her a headpat further adding to the rabbit's embarrassment.
"Okay, okay (Y/N) you should really be getting to work now!" Olivia said quickly shoving you out of the front door.
"Alright bye everybo..." Before you could finish the door was slammed shut in your face.
"...dy..." Your voice finished from the other side.
"Oh my God I'm so embarrassed." Olivia whined using her long ears to cover her face.
"Aw don't be, it was adorable." Mickey giggled making the Rabbit glare at her.
"SHUT IT!" Olivia yelled suddenly yelled in a Demonic voice while her face twisted and warped to a more monstrous one.
Like this:
All Mickey did was stare blankly and reply with.
"Not impressed." She shrugged. "I can do that too."
Olivia's face went back to normal and she let out a sigh.
"Whatever." She said calming herself down. "Now, if you're gonna stay here, I expect you, like (Y/N) said, to pull your weight around here."
"I know, (Y/N) already told me he expects me to help around the house if I wanna stay here for a bit." Mickey assured.
"Okay, when exactly though?" Olivia asked curious.
"When he helped me tell off those Bastards at Disney." Mickey stated casually.
Mickey reeled back as the current head of Disney kept yelling into her ear through her phone.
"What do you mean you're taking a vacation!" He yelled making the mouse swallow the lump in her throat.
"L-look...I need some time to process what happened and..." She tried to say but the guy interrupted.
"You don't have time, there's a lot for you to do!" He yelled.
"Okay but..." She tried to say again, only to be yelled at again.
"No buts, get back here now!" The guy demanded.
Mickey did not know what to say or do and looked at you for help.
You both were currently in the spare bedroom sitting side by side on the bed.
You gave her a reassuring smile and gripped her hand tightly.
This gave her a bit more confidence and she took a deep breath.
"No." She said into the phone.
"What!?" The Head of Disney asked outraged.
"NO!" Mickey yelled making the jerk shut up.
"I'm tired..." Mickey growled. "I need time to process my husband leaving me, I need time to process my friends and dog's death!"
There was silence over the phone for a good while and you gave Mickey a thumbs up.
"But Mickey, Disney..." The guy spoke up again and that made Mickey snap.
"Disney...?" She asked lowly glaring into the phone. "Did you say Disney?"
"Um...yes...I..." He tried to say only to get interrupted again getting a taste of his own medicine.
"DISNEY!?" Mickey asked switching to her demonic voice. "DISNEY!!!"
(A/N: You know that Mickey Mouse puppet from Tiktok, that's the voice she's doing right now)
The guy on the other end squeaked something out, but that resulted in Mickey warping her face into a twisted and demonic one.
Right now, the mouse was releasing a lot of pent up emotions towards this jerk who never gave her time to mourn.
"YOU'RE JUST A FUCKING FIGURE HEAD, I HAVE THE REAL POWER AND YOU'RE FUCKING REPLACEABLE, SO LEAVE ME ALONE AND FUCK OFF!" She didn't even give the man a chance to respond and simply hung up on him.
She let out a deep breath and gained a pleasant smile as if that didn't just happen.
"Well that went well." She said happily. "What do you think?"
You just stared at the famous mouse for a few seconds unsure of how to respond after that.
Flashback Over:
"After that, he said if I wanted I could help you around the house and I agreed." Mickey explained.
"Huh, why didn't you tell those jerks off like that before?" Olivia asked.
"Well...between my husband leaving me, my friends dying and my dog dying...I was pretty depressed, too depressed to stand up for myself." Mickey explained, her ears sagging a bit at those memories.
"Oh...sorry..." Olivia said looking down. "I know the feeling."
"I'm honestly surprised I managed to muster up the strength to do what I did." Mickey said rubbing the back of her head. "Just (Y/N) being near me was enough to give me confidence."
"His presence is surprisingly comforting isn't it?" Olivia asked. "Even though he looks pretty creepy."
"Yeah, he's just so kind and sweet, how were we ever intimidated by him as the Shadow Blot back in the day?" Mickey asked with a giggle with Olivia giggling as well.
"Guess he's just a really good actor." Olivia shrugged.
"You know, I actually did miss you both..." Mickey stated clutching her arm. "I'm really sorry..."
Olivia placed a hand on her hip and waved off her apology.
"It's fine, I said there's no real reason to stay mad at you." She reminded. "We've both been through a lot of shit, and we both almost suicided so we're even."
"Okay, thanks..." Mickey said gratefully.
"Alright, we should probably get started around the house..." Before Olivia could continue with her sentence, Mickey interrupted.
"Hey...before we start...I wanna know something." The Mouse said making Olivia raise a brow.
"What's that?" She asked.
"Are you and (Y/N)...together?" Mickey asked and Olivia's mood immediately changed to a more territorial one.
"Why do you wanna know that?" Olivia asked.
Mickey immediately blushed and chuckled.
"Well...I thought...maybe..." She replied having a bit of trouble finding her words.
"Maybe what?" The Rabbit asked narrowing her eyes.
"That maybe...well, since he's single..." Mickey said still sounding a bit nervous. "Maybe I could...ask him out."
Olivia stomped up to Mickey, looked her in the eye and said:
Surprised by her sudden aggression Mickey looked directly at the Readers as if asking:
"The fuck was that all about?"
"Okay, but why?" Mickey asked.
"Because I said no." Oswald replied stomping into the kitchen.
It took Mickey a while until Mickey finally understood what was going on and she gained a sly smirk.
"Oh...I see..." She thought.
She followed Olivia into the kitchen and as the little rabbit got ready to wash the dishes from yesterday.
Mickey walked up behind her, still with that knowing smile.
Olivia finally took note and turned to face her old friend.
"What?" She asked annoyed. "Go find something to do and make yourself useful."
"You like him don't you?" Mickey asked making Olivia tense up almost immediately.
She stood there frozen for a good while and that was all the confirmation Mickey needed.
"You do!" The Mouse declared pumping her fist into the air.
Olivia had no way to respond to that because she was an extremely bad liar.
She had no idea what was wrong with her, she just couldn't lie properly, she'd stutter, her ears would twitch, she'd avoid eye contact.
There were a lot of tells and she hated herself for that.
So instead of saying anything, she just turned and faced Mickey.
"Okay, I do like him." She stated.
"Knew it." Mickey cheered.
"So are you gonna try to take him from me too?" Olivia asked placing her hands on her hips.
Mickey then realized what she had gotten herself into and let out an:
You were finally nearing your home after an intense shift.
You couldn't wait to get home and just rest.
You seriously needed it after work and as much as possible for when the kids came home.
"Hopefully Ollie and Mickey were fine while I was..." You immediately held your thought as you laid eyes upon your home.
A lot of Black smoke was being produced from your home, and that meant only one thing.
"A FIRE!?" You thought panicking before rushing to the front door.
It was something you did out of pure worry for the girls who were possibly still inside.
You slammed the front door open and looked around to find the house was in complete disarray.
The TV smashed, the couch was mangled, there were also patches of flames everywhere, the biggest fire was in the kitchen.
Right now you were too worried about the girls to wonder how this happened.
Your worry increased when you heard both Mickey and Olivia yelling from the Kitchen.
On instinct, you ran into the kitchen hoping it wasn't too late to save them.
The moment you entered however, you found quite the surprising sight.
You were extremely confused by this, so confused you forgot you were standing in a burning building.
"No, you are not doing this again!" Olivia yelled angrily at the mouse.
"What are you talking about!? Mickey asked just as angry.
"You became more famous than me and that's why Disney let me go, and now you're gonna try and take (Y/N) from me!" Olivia snarled.
"That's not what I want!" Mickey yelled back.
"Shut up Rat!" Olivia yelled.
"Rat!?" Mickey yelled offended.
Both girls were arguing seemingly unaware of the Carnage around them.
They only stopped when they were suddenly doused and covered in foam.
"Huh?" They both asked turning to the entrance to see you standing there with a fire extinguisher.
You gave them both a blank stare before activating the fire extinguisher once again and began putting out the fires.
Mickey and Olivia then realized they had done a number on the house and looked down in shame.
"(Y/N)..." Olivia tried to explain.
"You can both explain this later, for now help me put out these flames!" You demanded before putting out fires and the girls nodded quickly before helping you deal with the fire.
Mickey and Olivia were now sitting upon the wrecked remains of the couch as you glared down at them both hands on your hips.
"Okay..." You said with a sigh. "Can the both of you tell me why you were having a singing contest in my house, also can you explain to me how my house caught fire?"
The Girls remained silent and you let out another sigh.
"You know I thought this was a possibility so I had the house insured when Mickey decided to stay here." You explained surprising Olivia.
" this house wasn't insured before?" Olivia asked curiously.
A moment of awkward silence passed.
"We're not talking about that now." You insisted shifting your eyes nervously.
"Why were we living in an uninsured house (Y/N)?" Olivia asked again this time more sternly.
"Why was my house on fire!?" You asked making a horrifying face of your own.
(A/N: Yeah, all of you can do this scary face thing.)
While both Mickey and Olivia could deal with each other's nightmare faces, yours effected them a lot more.
Mainly because you almost never make that face.
So the fact that you made it...towards them especially, really hurt.
The Mouse and the Rabbit sunk back down into the battered burnt couch too afraid to look you in the eye.
You felt immediate regret upon doing this and your face shifted back to normal.
"Girls...sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you" You apologized before bringing them both in for a group hug which helped calm them a bit. "So if I had to guess, I'd say you both were the ones who wrecked the house."
They both nodded.
When you seperated you gave each of them a pat on the head.
"I knew there was bad blood between you, but honestly I thought it'd be a few days before you both snapped." You chuckled.
At that, both girls simultaneously blushed and looked away.
This made you raise a brow.
"What's the matter? You asked concerned by their silence.
"That's not the reason we did all this..." Olivia stated making you even more confused.
"Really?" You asked. "Then what possessed you girls to burn my house and have a singing contest among the flames!?"
Both of them exchanged nervous looks and both simultaneously pointed at you.
"Huh?" You asked.
"You're the reason we fought." Mickey said sounding a bit ashamed.
"Oh..." You said rubbing the back of your head. "So I'm the problem huh?"
The Rabbit and the Mouse both immediately saw you misunderstood and began to explain a little bit more.
"Hold on, before you think it's because we both dislike you, that's not the reason!" Olivia said hurriedly.
"In fact it's pretty much the opposite." Mickey added making you tilt your head.
"Um...explain please." You requested.
" you okay." Olivia stated covering her face with her long ears.
"We like you a lot." Mickey added covering her face with her hands.
It took a while for your brain to process what you just heard, but after a while you could finally put the pieces together and let out an "Oh."
Your whole face went red in a blush when you realized the girls were fighting over you.
"We both felt threatened and so..." Mickey tried to say only for you to interrupt.
"So you fought, caused carnage and a fire to start in my house and then...had a singing contest to decide?" You asked with a raised brow.
Both nodded unable to look you in the eyes as they did.
"You could have just started with a singing contest and avoided wrecking the house right?" You asked and both girls embarrassment grew.
You were right, there was no need to damage your house at all.
"Okay, I have another question if you don't mind." You said and they nodded.
The question you asked next surprised the 2 cartoon rodents...mainly cause in their opinion, it was a rather stupid question.
"Why me, why do you girls love me?"
"Are you serious?" Olivia asked looking up at you with surprise.
"How can we not love you?" Mickey asked as well with equal surprise on her face.
"You saved our lives, took us in when we were at the lowest points and helped us change for the better." Olivia explained getting up and gripping one of your hands.
Mickey got up and did the same saying:
"You took time out of your life to help us deal with our own shit and you could have just said no and it wouldn't effect you at all."
This caught you a bit off guard as you had no clue the girls thought so highly of you.
"You helped me raise four hundred and twenty kids, so that just proves your husband material." Olivia continued.
"Do you think you're not good enough for us?" Mickey asked before shaking her head. "If anything, after this we're not good enough for you."
"Girls..." You tried to say.
"Yeah, you give us a home and we repay you by..." You immediately silenced Olivia by giving her a deep kiss on the lips.
This action surprised both girls a great deal.
Olivia's long ears stood tall and stiff and her entire face turned red and like a kettle steam burst from her ears as her mind could not comprehend what was happening.
Mickey's heart sank to an extremely deep depth upon seeing this.
"Guess you choose her huh?" She asked as you separated your lips from Olivia's to look at Mickey who looked like she was about to cry.
"That's fine...I've known her longer plus...mmph" Mickey was silenced by you kissing her just as passionately as you did Olivia.
The result was pretty much the same as Olivia's, the Mouse's entire face went red and steam burst from her large ears.
When you separated both girls were in a daze as they tried to come to grips with what happened.
You chuckled at their confused expressions and brought them both in for a hug.
"I'm sorry..." Olivia started.
"What!?" Mickey finished.
"Girls, I'm sorry but I just can't decide who I love more out of you both." You explained.
Mickey and Olivia couldn't believe their ears.
"Wait you..." The Rabbit tried to ask, but once again you beat her to it.
"I loved you for quite a while now, I just thought it'd be insensitive to say since I thought you were still dealing with your husband's death." You confessed to the Rabbit.
Tears of joy formed in the corner of Olivia's eyes.
She could not believe it, you loved her all this time, but never confessed because he was worried he'd come off as insensitive towards her.
"You know...sometimes you really are too nice for your own good." Olivia said trying to push the tears back, but some managed to spill out.
You then turned to Mickey and said:
"And I'll be honest, I kinda always had a crush on you ever since back when we both worked for Disney." You confessed again and the Mouse couldn't believe her large dinner plate sized ears.
"What?" She asked shocked.
"Yeah, I planned to confess, but then you ended up dating Mannie and so..." You explained and Mickey immediately sat back down on her seat and covered her hands in shame.
You had a crush on her, you were going to confess and she ended up with that bastard who cheated on her.
"Ugh...I feel so stupid!" Mickey berated herself.
"You and me both." Olivia stated joining her old friend.
"So what happens now?" You asked nervously.
Mickey and Olivia both stared at each other before nodding.
"You already kissed us both..." Olivia said with a bit of a smirk.
"And you said you can't decide which one of us you love more right?" Mickey asked and you nodded with a raised brow.
"So that settles it, we can share him right Mickey?" Olivia asked with a pleasant smile surprising you.
"Yeah, I think it's time you and I both get something equally for once." Mickey agreed before both girls turned to look at you again.
"Um...girls..." They gave you no time to finish as they tackled and wrapped their arms around you.
Then both cartoon rodents gave you a kiss on the cheek and began nuzzling into your neck.
"Uh...okay, is this real, is this happening?" You asked not believing it was this...easy.
"Oh this is real alright." Mickey giggled.
"And it is happening." Olivia added.
"Are you sure you're both okay with this though?" You asked nervously. "I mean you both sharing me...not apposed to the idea though."
Both of them nodded in response with Olivia saying:
"Our fighting forced you to get insurance even though you should have from the start, so to make it up to you, we'll do our best to share you."
"Yeah, and until your home is repaired, I could maybe get you a nice to place to stay at a Disneyland Hotel." Mickey stated. "Or better yet, you could stay there permanently, quit your job, I've got more than enough for you to retire."
"Okay...I'll stay there temporarily, but I'd still like to work for myself for a good while thank you." You stated making the mouse sigh.
"Oh okay fine." Mickey sighed. "But you still need a place to stay while your home is getting fixed up."
"That is true." You stated brining your new lovers closer.
"Well the kids are gonna be happy to get a free pass to Disneyland." Olivia giggled.
"Ooh boy, now I really need to use my vacation days to make sure we don't lose them in that place." You said dreading your experience with 420 Kids at Disneyland.
"Oh well, at least Mickey will gain some experience in looking after them." The Rabbit shrugged.
"How bad can they really be?" Mickey foolishly asked.
You and Olivia separated from Mickey and just stared at her for a brief second.
"What?" The Mouse asked and both you and Olivia burst out laughing.
Oh how you felt so sorry for the hell your little mouse would experience.
Olivia was laughing as well, clutching her stomach as she couldn't wait to see the look on Mickey's face when she experiences the horror that is parenthood.
Meanwhile Mickey just stood there confused.
After you both calmed down, you approached the door.
"Let's go, I gotta go pay the bus driver for driving those little devils to and from school...also the bus repair fees." You said before chuckling further and heading out followed by a giggling Olivia.
"Bus repair fees?" Mickey thought now feeling a small bit of dread about having to raise the kids.
And unbeknownst to her, that dread would soon turn into understanding as she'll have to raise 420 little monsters.
But as long as she had you and Olivia with her, she'd be able to pull through.
Okay, it's done.
This took longer than I hoped, I don't why I dragged it out for this long, but it's here now so whatever.
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