Bygones Part 1: (Fem Suicide Mouse x Male Reader x Fem Outta Luck Rabbit)
Request from Dracunyan1987, this one's for you pal.
The Reader will be the Phantom Blot, a very old enemy of Mickey Mouse that's mostly forgotten nowadays.
You look like this, I know it's the Snatcher from A Hat in Time, and before you ask, I am still working on it.
Anyway, you sound like Garcello.
In this oneshot Oswald will be called Olivia and Mickey will have the same name cause that's sounds like a unisex name to me.
It was pretty late out, almost dark in fact and someone could be seen exiting the local store.
Olivia let out a sigh of relief as she managed to make it out of the grocery store with a bag in hand.
Olivia the Lucky Rabbit:
Luckily she managed to nab the last bottle of an expensive wine before anyone else.
The bag was not only filled with that, but an assortment of foods and ingredients that she had special plans for.
You see, a few years ago she was very much down on her luck.
Her husband had died, her brother left her to become a star and her kids were overwhelming her.
She was pushed so far that she even attempted to take her own life.
She would have too, if it weren't for someone special in her life.
However, she was brought out of her thoughts when she bumped into someone.
The impact almost made her drop her bags but luckily she managed to find her footing and prevent a horrible mess.
She let out a sigh of relief but then gave the person that bumped into her a glare ready to give them a piece of her mind.
However that glare turned to a look of surprise when she saw who it was.
Mickey Mouse:
It was none other than Mickey Mouse herself.
The face of Disney...and Olivia's old co-star.
A moment of awkward silence passed as the 2 girls just stood there staring at each other.
Finally Olivia shook her head to snap herself out of the daze and gave Mickey a glare.
"'s you." She said bitterly.
If it wasn't obvious, there was bad blood between the two girls.
Mickey just stared at Olivia blankly and tilted her head.
You see Olivia also used to be a star at Disney, unfortunately while Mickey's fame and popularity blew up.
Olivia was unfortunately forgotten and Disney let her go, and that resulted in Olivia resenting the Mouse.
"It's been a while hasn't it?" Olivia asked at least trying to remain polite.
Mickey just kept on staring at the little rabbit, her eyes empty and emotionless.
"Are you too good to talk to me now?" Olivia asked with a scoff.
Once again, her question was only met with more silence.
That irritated Olivia quite a lot, but she managed to calm herself and decided to at least try and be civil with her former friend.
"Whatever, you're probably busy with something, I need to go now if you don't mind." She said preparing to walk away.
Mickey just kept her blank face and trudged away somewhere leaving Olivia a bit disturbed at the encounter.
"Okay, that was a bit strange, I remember Mickey used to be super chatty." Olivia thought with a raised brow as she watched her walk away.
Something felt off about Mickey in that moment, her aura was...unsettling to put it lightly.
Her appearance also raised a few questions for Olivia.
There were bags under her eyes indicating a lack of sleep, her fur was messy and she looked like she hadn't eaten in a bit cause she looked super skinny.
It didn't take long for the Rabbit to realize that blank and expressionless stare was one she was all too familiar with.
Mickey's expression was the exact same expression Olivia had every time she looked in the mirror during the darker times of her life.
"Was she going to...?" Olivia thought now very much worried for the mouse. "No...she wouldn't, but..."
The Rabbit felt in her heart she needed to go see if the Mouse was alright.
Even if she resented Mickey she didn't want her to do anything too rash.
It was probably nothing, but that look...
Home and her plans would have to wait.
So the Rabbit followed closely behind the mouse making sure to stay a good distance away.
However it didn't seem to matter as Mickey remained completely oblivious to everything around her.
She completely ignored everyone around her and walked along a path until she ended up in a rather dark alley completely alone to her knowledge.
Once she was certain she was alone, Mickey developed a rather wide and unsettling grin and clutched her head with both her hands.
"I can't..." She thought clutching her head even harder. "I can't take it anymore!"
She gripped her head so hard she actually drew blood that began dripping down her face.
She let go and gazed at her hands, breathing heavily.
She had officially had it.
Her life had gone downhill and she had had enough.
Her Husband Manny (Female Minnie) had cheated on her with Pan (Female Pete), her friends Donald and Goofy had died in a car accident.
To make matters worse, she couldn't even cry about it.
Those bastards at Disney forced her to remain happy and cheerful for the children, never letting her deal with any of this.
It hurt, everything hurt too much.
It was time to end this, it was time to just turn it all off.
She pulled out a syringe and needle filled with an odd liquid.
She planned to overdose.
Just as she was about to plunge the needle into her arm, a voice screamed out.
Suddenly someone smacked the needle and syringe out of her hand.
It took a while for Mickey to process what had just happened.
She stared at the person who stopped her from taking her life to see Olivia who was panting heavily and glaring at Mickey with a shocked look.
"Why did you do that?" Mickey asked softly.
"Why did I do that?" Olivia asked. "WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL YOURSELF!?"
Mickey stayed silent and tried to reach for the syringe again only for Olivia to kick it away.
"MICKEY, EXPLAIN!" Olivia yelled.
She wanted to know what drove Mickey to do something like this, she wanted to know why the face of Disney wanted to kill herself.
Mickey however just ignored her former friend and trudged towards the syringe.
Olivia in response grabbed her arm and pulled her back.
"MICKEY!" She yelled demanding an answer.
However, the Rabbit girl reeled back when she saw Mickey flash her a horrific smile.
Olivia flinched back at the sight of that.
Mickey's head and eye twitched as the grin stretched out her face.
"Olivia...I'm tired...I'm so tired...tired of living." The Mouse said her voice raspy and terrifying. "So just LET ME DIE!"
Olivia calmed herself and said:
"No, I want to help."
Mickey clutched her head again and letting out a very unsettling laugh.
Mickey was panting heavily after that.
She hadn't slept nor eaten in days and getting worked up like that was not good for someone in her condition.
She was broken, she could barely stand now, the combination of trauma and exertion just now caused her to begin falling forward.
Olivia reacting quickly caught her former friend and sighed.
She stared at the groceries she dropped when she saw Mickey about to do the deed.
She had been planning a special dinner to help her confess to...
"It's fine..." Olivia thought before dragging Mickey along to her current home.
What else could she do at this point.
She was not going to let someone commit suicide if she could prevent it.
Even if it was someone she wasn't particularly fond of.
"I just hope (Y/N) won't mind an extra guest." She thought.
You sighed in relief having finally gotten the children to sleep.
Honestly you weren't too surprised how you found Olivia.
Her children were a pretty roudy group.
If you had to raise 420 kids alone after going through multiple traumas you'd want to kill yourself too.
You finally managed to calm them down and get them in bed.
So you decided to plop down in front of the TV in the living room for a rest.
Looking outside the window you saw it was pretty dark and you grew a bit worried for Olivia.
"She's been out for a while now..." You thought with a look of concern.
Olivia never really took this long on her grocery runs, she was usually back to help put her kids to sleep.
Suddenly you heard the front door opening and the sound of heavy breathing.
Olivia's heavy breathing.
Using your powers you flew at high speeds towards the front door thinking she must've gotten hurt.
However what you found deeply shocked you deeply.
There was Olivia, holding your old frenemy Mickey Mouse on her shoulder with a sheepish grin.
The famous mouse looked like she had seen better days.
"Hey (Y/N) room for one more?" She asked and you sighed.
"Get her to the bed, then please explain." You instructed and she nodded before doing as she was told.
Mickey's eyes shot open as she jolted from the bed.
She breathed heavily, sweat dripping down her face as she frantically looked around.
"Where...wh-what...what happened?" She asked herself seeing as no one else was around.
"You're finally awake, good." Came someone's voice, someone's voice who she hadn't heard in a long time.
"(Y/N)?" She asked as you entered the room.
"The one and only." You said with a small smirk.
You then looked out the bedroom door and yelled:
"Olivia, our guest is awake, make her something to eat!"
"Alright!" Came Olivia's response from another part of the house.
You then sat down beside Mickey who still couldn't believe she was seeing you after so long.
You see, long ago you and her were co-stars at Disney, you took on the role of the villainous Phantom Blot.
You played a Villain while Mickey and Olivia played hero.
Unfortunately your fame fell rather quickly and Disney had to fire you because of that.
That made Mickey sad.
On the screen sure you both antagonized each other, but offscreen you were one of the kindest people she'd ever met despite your menacing appearance.
"It's been a while hasn't it Little Mouse?" You asked with a smile.
Mickey however didn't hear that, she instead hugged you and began crying into your shirt.
You smiled softly and returned the hug gently patting her back to comfort her.
You were still just as warm and welcoming as you were all those years ago.
Mickey needed this, she needed some familiarity right now.
As you hugged her still twitching form, you decided to sing to try and calm her down.
Singing, especially from you would calm her down and sometimes she'd even join in.
(A/N: During this song, you're still holding onto her and she's still crying into your chest)
After that little episode, Mickey had seemed to calm down just like you hoped.
"Wh-where have you been?" She asked suddenly and you sighed.
"After I was fired, I was a bit angry at first but I eventually got over that, I got a new job, and I just moved on." You explained simply.
"Oh." The Mouse said burying her face deeper into yours chest.
"You were asleep the entire night, not surprised given your condition, I'm just glad Olivia found you when she did." You commented.
Mickey in response gripped onto you tighter.
"Little Mouse, I'd like an explanation if you don't mind." You said and the mouse in your arms let out a small gulp.
"If you can't right now it's fine..." You tried to say but she interrupted you.
"I'm miserable (Y/N)..." She said meekly. "Do you know how many things have gone wrong in my life?"
"If it's too rough for you to talk about right now, don't worry, take as much time as you need to here." You replied surprising her.
"What?" She asked looking up at you.
"You can stay here until you feel better, we'll all be happy to take care of you until then." You stated with a warm smile that made her blush and actually feel something for the first time in years.
"Wh-what about..." She tried to ask but you beat her to it.
"My job?" You asked before shrugging. "I've saved up a lot of vacation days it's fine."
With that Mickey hugged you once again finally able to rip off the happy mask she had been putting on for years now.
"Thank you, thank you so much." She sobbed letting out all the tears and pain she had been holding back.
You chuckled and replied: "You should be thanking Olivia, if she didn't find you when she did...I'm just relieved you're okay."
Right after that sentence, Olivia had walked in with a tray of various foods and juice to help Mickey recover.
She smiled at the scene before her.
Mickey hugging (Y/N) close like that gave her flashbacks of the time she found herself in a similar hopeless spot and how the same phantom saved her from taking her own life.
"Come on, you better eat, I can see your ribcage." Olivia stated gaining both of yours attention.
"Right." You said getting up and letting Olivia place the food on Mickey's lap who drooled a bit at the sight.
"Go on, you need to eat." You instructed.
You didn't need to tell her twice and she immediately began scarfing down the breakfast the rabbit prepared for her.
"Remember, if you're ready to talk, we're all here for you." You stated and with that both you and Olivia walked out of the room.
Once out you literally swept Olivia off her feet since you were a lot taller than her and gave her a hug.
The Little Rabbit was a blushing mess at being so close to you.
"Thanks for stopping her when you did." You said softly.
"O-of course I saved her...I'm not heartless." She stuttered nuzzling into your neck.
"I know that, I mean I'm glad you didn't just ignore her, I know you two have a rough history." You explained before kissing her forehead.
Honestly, was the reason you were fired because you were too nice?
Maybe you couldn't pull of the villainous role you were given.
It didn't matter, you and her were happy with where you were at right now.
Sure Mickey would complicate things, but she could deal with that for now.
There's part 1 done, hope you enjoyed.
I'm a bit worried writing about someone suicidal because I don't know what a person goes through with thoughts like that, I can't really put myself in their shoes, but I tried my best.
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