Se1 Ep8; Skeleton Key
At the Flaming Foundry, the Bull Clones continued digging up the tomb while Princess Iron fan came up and watches, while digging one of the Bull Clones brings down his pickaxe and noticed a blue spirit coming up from the crack as it whispers causing all the Bull Clones to stop digging and looked at it and then an explosion occurs and this caused the Bull Clones to be blown back as Princess Iron fan grins and then walks up and looks down to see that the ancient tomb is fully dig out as she chuckled, then the Demon Bull Family are all now in front of the ancient tomb as DBK looks at it and grins.
"Finally.." said Demon Bull King.
He touched the tomb lock he was then pushed back by a force as a blue glyph was shown before it disappeared. This angered DBK as he roared in rage and started punching and scratching with the blue glyph protecting the tomb lock while grunting.
"Another Infernal Obstacle Keeping Me From My Destiny!" said Demon Bull King in anger,
And gave one last punch but nothing happened for a few seconds before another explosion happened sending the Bull Clones flying off again and seeing this DBK clenches his fist in anger.
"Patience, my love" said Princess Iron fan says and DBK turns around looking at her "I've been patient long enough, I Need That Power!" said Demon Bull King.
Princess Iron fan walks up to the ancient tomb and holds out her hand and the blue glyph appeared again. This made Princess Iron fan narrow her eves.
"The power that crafted this tomb is beyond my skill, without an artefact of equal strength, there is nothing we can do, we're locked out" said Princess Iron Fan. "Not for long!" said Red son.
Red Son brings up some hologram files.
"All we need is a key (and stops at a certain file that showed Pigsy's shop and says) And look what I found" said Red Son as a hologram picture of a skeleton key is shown.
At Pigsy's Noodles, Mei, Tang, Pigsy, and MK watch as the Mayor speaks from a small podium.
"Thank you for this amazing turnout" said Mayor. "Woo-hoo! Let's hear it for Monkie Kid! Hero of the city!" said Mei. "As mayor, I hereby give Monkie Kid the key to our fair city" said Mayor.
Mayor give the Skeleton Key to MK, as she look at the key confuse.
"Um, uh, what does this key do, exactly?" asked Mk. "Oh, you'll love this, sweetheart, it has the power to open anything!" said Mayor then Mei went up to him, "Ooh, anything? Like a pet shop full of puppies?" asked Mei. "Yes, or the door to a lion's cage, or an orphan's piggy bank, an imprisoned mystic power source, whatever you like! Today, you can do no wrong, you've got my permission. 'Cause I'm the mayor!" said Mayor.
He cackles menacingly before disappearing into blue smoke.
"Huh. I'm starting to think, that's maybe not the mayor" said Mei. "Yeah, that guy is kinda creepy" said MK then looking at the key.
MK feels something off about the key, but shook it off then put the key behind her bra plate. MK grab the bag noodles then went to the Tuk-tuk. Mei quickly got beside MK.
"I'm coming with ya, there's plans we can do" said Mei.
MK smiles at her friend and she put on her headphones then play the music.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
MK drive off of the Tuk-tuk with Mei while passing the buildings. She drive about few minutes until she stop from the side of the building. MK take out the bag of noodles then walks towards the door while Mei whit in the Tuk-tuk. MK rings the doorbell and the person open the door.
"Pigsy's Noodles" said MK.
The person grab the noodles then give MK a money. MK went back to the Tuk-tuk and noticed Mei with smile on her face.
"Hey, MK, I just realized some guys are falling in love with you" said Mei. "What's make you say that?" asked MK blushing a bit. "Oh come on, haven't you noticed; I heard Red Boy say 'I'll make you mine' when I saved you from him, one of the golden and sliver demons kissed you when you've been trap inside the Calabash, Spider King tried to make you his bride, and my cousin is starting to like you" said Mei. "Oh no, please don't tell me the guys are starting become Yandere to me?" asked MK nervously blushing. "Dome down, it's just a game, and have you noticed anything about Monkey King too?" asked Mei.
MK thinks until she released it.
"You know, you're right, I do see him blushed sometimes when I got near him" said MK. "I think he likes you" said Mei looking at her phone.
MK blushes when she thinks about it then get into the Tuk-tuk and drive off.
Ao Bing finished doing his training while he walks into the room, where the crystal ball is.
He used the crystal ball to keep an eyes on MK until he wave around the crystal ball.
"Show me, MK the Monkie Kid" said Ao Bing.
The crystal ball shows MK test the skeleton key to unlock the chains, until it falls down when the key hit the lock. Ao Bing is confused until he saw a familiar key.
"Why that key looked so familiar" asked Ao Bing.
Ao Bing move away from the crystal ball and look any scrolls that is connected to the key. Ao Bing found one as he started to read. Ao Bing eyes widen then drop scroll with fear, and a memory has been click in his mind.
"Oh no" said Ao Bing as he quickly get out of the room
MK finished all of the deliveries, MK went upstairs from the outside, it's on top of Pigsy's noodles, to her home while Mei is following behind. Two of them giggles when they are having fun with the key then they are next to MK's window.
"I wish we had this key all the time, I don't think I've had this much fun in forever" said MK. "MK!" said Ao Bing.
Ao Bing landed in front of the girls with a panic look.
"Did you still have that key?!" asked Ao Bing. "Yeah" said MK. "You have to give me that key before it's too late!" said Ao Bing.
Before either of the girls asked. Set of fiery eyes were seen through Mk's window and then a burst of flame blows a hole through the front of Mk's house causing both Mk and Mei to scream as they were falling. Ao Bing grab both girls then landed on the ground and then someone came out from the smoke and revealed to be Red son as he had a grin and with his arms crossed.
"Noodle girl, finally!" said Red Son.
Ao Bing drop the girls on their feet.
"What are you doing in MK's house!?" asked Mei angrily. "You better not have touched my stuff!" said MK. "Do you know how long I've been waiting here for you? Your house is... depressing, I almost feel bad taking thing from you, buuut I'm going to need that magic key, (he uses his powers to grab the Skeleton Key) yoink! So long, noodle girl" said Red Son.
Red Son teleported to his Inferno Truck then drives off and this made Mk exclaimed.
"Oh no, the key!" said MK.
Mei whistled for her motorcycle, and went after Red Son.
"Wait, for us! No, Mei, it's all good, we definitely don't need a ride, it's totally fine" said MK takes out her Golden staff then walks off. "This is not good" said Ao Bing as he followed MK.
Meanwhile Mei was chasing Red Son as he crashes through the people without a care. Then he gasped when he sees Mei coming.
"Can't you and your peasant friends just let me plot in peace just one time?!" said Red Son as his eyes and hair turned on fire.
Mei's helmet was removed as she chuckled.
"Red flames are cool! Wanna see some green ones?" Said Mei. "What?!" asked Red Son.
Ao Bing was being carried by MK as she was hopping on buildings. Then MK accidentally puts the Golden staff down as it launched the two of them up as the two scream.
A man was down on one knee holding his lover's hand.
Man; "I know it's been a short time, but darling, nothing could stand in the way of our love"
The woman smiled sweetly until the man noticed the Golden staff,
Man; "Except for a giant staff heading our way!"
Then MK and Ao Bing appear out of nowhere as the two scream. The man screams, however the two comes down with the staff. Luckily no one got hit by the staff, as MK and Ao Bing gets thrown off again.
"We're sorry!" said MK.
The man and woman look at the two.
Man; "It's okay. As long as nobody got hurt"
"Stop wriggling!" said Red Son.
Mei had her helmet back on.
"Does it get boring? Us beating you all the time? You know we're going to get that key back, right?" said Mei.
Red Son was angry as he presses a few buttons as he rides his race car as the Mei jumps off her motorcycle as she slash at the van and she lands to only see Red Son driving away.
"So long, "Dragon Horse Girl! (He laughs) here's a tip, next time, pick one animal and-" said Red Son but been cut off.
The Golden staff hits his race car. MK and Ao Bing landed on the ground and MK grab the key.
"So, looks like you reach the end of the line, Red Son, what are you even going to do with this anyway?" asked MK. "Why spoil the surprise?" said the female voice.
Everyone looked up and saw Princess Iron Fan.
"Now hand the key over and quick wasting my time" said Princess Iron Fang. "MK, take the key and run" said Ao Bing.
Ao Bing and Mei launched themselves at the woman. However the two didn't stop as they went to fight the woman. when MK is about to run away.
"Oh no, you don't" said Red Son as he got in front of her.
Mei and Ao Bing gets launched away landed into different direction.
"Guys!" said MK. "Give me the key" said Red Son. "Nope!" said MK.
MK dodges Red Son attakes for him not getting the key from her. Red Son got an idea in his mind as he smirk.
"You know, you are beautiful when I first saw you" said Red Son.
MK looked at Red Son confused until he kiss her on the lips. MK blush for what Red Son just did.
Red Son grab the key from MK's hand then went beside his mother.
"Come on, Red Son. We have things to do" said Princess Iron Fan. "Thanks for the key!" said Red Son.
PIF shakes her head as the two leave in a wind tornado. MK snap out of it as Mei removes a wall,
"Did they get away with the key?" asked Mei. "Yeah, but what I can't figure is... why?" asked MK. "A key that can open any door is incredibly dangerous, we have to keep our guard up" said Mei. "And please, be carful, you don't know what they release" said Ao Bing then he disappeared of snowflake.
At the Flaming Foundry, the Demon Bull King opens the tomb with the Skeleton Key. The tomb opens. Red Son sees nothing but bones inside.
"Bones? It's just bones?" said Red Son.
A blue spirit snakes up Red Son's leg and he tries to shake it off. Red Son and Princess Iron Fan see pieces of the tomb floating as the Demon Bull King maniacal laughs as the blue spirit goes inside his armor and the Bull Clones, taking control of them.
Mysterious Whisperer: "Freedom..."
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