Se1 Ep5; Calabash
MK is sleeping in bed peacefully until suddenly, her room begins to shake.
"What? Earthquake! Oh, no-o-o-o, all my precious possessions" said MK saw her stuff been fall down.
MK notice the clock is 9;00am.
"9;01, I'm late for work! My staff, my staff, where's my staff? Staff?" asked MK.
MK flint when she saw it's know 9:02am.
"Pigsy's gonna kill me! Okay, socks, jacket, bandana, let's go" said MK.
MK dashes downstairs to Pigsy's Noodles.
"And I'm here, Pigsy! I'm so sorry I'm late, I overslept, and I guess I didn't see an alarm? Honestly, I don't even remember going to bed, and the earthquake, and-and-and— please don't fire me" said MK. "Fire you? (Turn around happily) Ha! Why would I fire you?" asked Pigsy.
MK got confused.
"Uh, well, last time you said, 'if you are one minute late ever again, you are fired'" said MK mimic Pigsy's voice. "I said that?" asked Pigsy. "That doesn't sound like my best friend Pigsy" said Tang and both of them laughed.
MK is even more confused for when two of them get along until the world shakes again.
"It's happening again!" said MK panic.
She didn't notice both Pigsy and Tang are glitching.
"Again? What are you talking about, MK?" asked Pigsy.
MK turn to look at them.
"Did you not feel that?" asked MK. "Feel what?" asked Pigsy. "I think MK's got a real case of the Mondays, hmm?" said Tang. "Hmm, maybe it's an inner ear thing? Oh, the staff, yep, uh, must be in there real good" said MK trying to get her staff. "(Laughs) Your staff ain't in your ear, kid" said Pigsy. "Oh, that's a relief, wait, where is it?" asked MK. "On top of the mountain, sealing away the Demon Bull King and his entire family" said Tang.
MK is confused for why she don't remembered that.
"Uhh, say what now?" asked MK. "You do remember, right? (Sighs) I keep saying you work her too hard" said Tang. "That's it, you're taking a day off" said Pigsy.
MK got in shock until she quickly leaves the noodle shop in excitement.
MK; "My first day off in two whole years, this is a perfect day"
Crowd; "Perfect!"
MK; "No traffic at rush hour?"
Crowd; "Perfect!"
MK; "Free shoes and cheese tea samples?"
Crowd; "Perfect!"
MK; "Beat all the high scores on Monkey Mech?"
Crowd; "Perfect!"
MK; "More free cheese tea samples?"
Crowd; "Perfect!"
MK getting nervous because the crowd keep calling perfect anywhere she goes.
"You guys really are driving that point home, huh?" said MK.
The crowd flickers behind MK as she turns around and saw the crowd are gone.
"Whoa, what was that? Uh, yeah, something's definitely up here, but what?" asked MK.
MK thinks until she shockley remembers.
"Pigsy smiled! He never smiles! I got to tell Mei!" said MK runs until she bump onto Mei. "Hey, MK, you good?" asked Mei. "Mei! Boy, am I glad to see you, please tell me you can see them too" said MK nervously.
The crowd fawns over MK's shoulders.
Crowd; "Perfect"
Mei holds up her hand to shush her.
"None of that matters, you're gonna be late" said Mei as she grads MK. "Late for what?" asked MK. "Your romantic river cruise for two" said Mei.
MK and Mei want to Sandy's Boat, which is decorated in a romantic fashion.
"Uh, love what you've done with your boat, Sandy, and how did I changed?" asked MK when she saw her new dress.
"Isn't it perfect? I've finally figured it out, I felt like I really needed to cement what my role was in the group dynamic, and then, it just came to me, boom! Romantic cruises! Okay, I'll be right back with the hors d'oeuvres" said Sandy then leaves.
MK giggles nervously until she went to Mei.
"Mei, something really bad and really weird is going on, I think I'm losing it, there's all these earthquakes, and Pigsy said I beat DBK, and everything is-is all-" said MK until she saw Mei wearing her maid outfit. "Perfect?" asked Mei. "Oh, no, it's spreading" said MK in panic. "Oh! My cousin is gonna be here soon! I'll leave you lovebirds here while I'll help Sandy, this is gonna be perfect for both of you!" said Mei then leaves.
MK is confused about who Mei's cousin is until she felted chills blow past her. She saw a snowflake go past her nose and goes behind her. MK turn her body around and saw more snowflakes forming together and then burst away to reveal a man, that she knows back from the arcade. Also, he's wearing his suit.
"Whit, you're Mei's cousin?" asked MK in shock. "Don't you know, Mei's great-great many times grandfather is my cousin" said Ao Bing.
MK now remembers what Tang told her a story of Ao Bing.
"D-oh! Now I remembered!" said MK slamming her hand on her face.
Ao Bing chuckles as he rise his hand in front of MK.
"May I have this dance?" asked Ao Bing.
MK look at Ao Bing's hand for a moment until she takes his hand. Ao Bing takes her to the dance floor. MK feels nervous until Ao Bing put his hand on MK's hip and MK put her hand on Ao Bing's shoulder. The music starts as the two starts to dance.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The two dance around the dance floor. Ao Bing make MK spins around until he put her back onto his chest. MK blushed but she relaxing came into her head.
"💭This isn't right, I don't remember about me and Ao Bing's date, something isn't right here💭" thought MK.
Two demons are looking at the Calabash to think what's next.
"So, one of us is gonna kiss her" said the Jin. "That's your plan?!" asked Yin. "Hey! I read all romance books that I have to know, also some demons want to have her" said Jin. "Well, there's got to be something about this in our scheme book" said Yin.
Yin opens an oversized book with many tabs.
"Okay, uh, let's see here, step one: Imprison Monkie Kid in the Calabash" said Yin. "Right, done" said Jin. "Step Two: Convince Monkie Kid that she's not in the Calabash" said Yin. "Okay, we'll call that one 'work in progress', next?" said Jin. "Yeah, that's—that's it, it's just the two steps" said Yin. "Oh! We really need to put in more time into the development stage" said Jin.
Jin look at the Calabash then blushes then he took the Calabash making Yin got in shock.
"All right, all right, I got this" said Jin.
Calabash Ao Bing grab MK's chin and make her look at his eyes. MK hid her nervousness until Calabash Ao Bing kiss her and MK blushed madly. Calabash Ao Bing move away MK's lips and look at her.
"You okay?" asked Calabash Ao Bing. "Maybe, it just, you're my first, but I'm okay now" said MK as she hugs him.
Jin breathed out in relief, finally did it until he landed on the ground as his brother look down at him.
"Can't believe you did it" said Yin.
It took a while for MK and Calabash Ao Bing finished their date. MK watch Calabash Ao Bing disappears with snowflakes before he says goodbye to her.
"That's a perfect date you two have" said Calabash Mei. "Ya, I have to go, I'll see you later Mei" said MK. "Okay, see ya" said Calabash Mei.
MK wave at Calabash Mei then leaves. Calabash Mei smile drop until she smirks.
"I think I nailed it" said Calabash Mei then Calabash Sandy went beside her. "Hm, let's make sure" said Calabash Sandy.
MK head to an alley thinking something isn't right.
"💭Okay, MK think, why you can't remember, I don't remember defeated DBK and his entire family💭" thought MK.
While MK thinks, she accidentally trips and fumbles into trash. MK got up and get some junk off of her.
"How you doing down there?" asked Calabash Monkey King.
MK looks up and saw her teacher on his cloud.
"Monkey King! Wait a minute, waht are you doing here?" asked MK. "Ah, you know, hanging, chilling, Monkey Kinging around, uh, anyway, enough about me, what's new with you? You seem agitated" said Calabash Monkey King. "Well, yeah, I mean, everyone's got dumb brain! Pigsy give me the day off, and Mei said I have a date with Ao Bing, which is a shock that I found out his Mei's great-great many times cousin, but everyone is acting weird, (shivers) I think I'm going crazy" said MK.
Calabash Monkey King get off his cloud and got in front of her.
"Ah, you're not crazy, this is all very normal, my power's just... so great, it's probably too much for your brain to handle, (put his arm around MK's shoulders)you're going to see some weird stuff, you've just gotta accept it" said Calabash Monkey King.
MK move away from Calabash Monkey King, getting specious.
"Accept it, huh?" asked MK. "Yeah, accept it, apart from taht love bit, it all sounds find, perfect, uh, but you know, if you think about it about, actually, maybe you and I would be... like a really- (he notices that MK has left) MK? Gaw, dang it" said Calabash Monkey King.
MK returns to the mountain, where DBK was sealed by the staff.
"This is fine, this is fine, I can figure this out, I'm definitely not going crazy, it's everyone else that's going crazy, (she sees the Golden staff) my staff!" said MK.
Calabash Mei Appears suddenly behind MK.
"Hey, MK, what are you doing?" asked Calabash Mei. "Ugh, Mei, uh, I was just gonna take the old staff for a spin" said MK. "Take it? You cant take it, if you do that, then the Demon Bull King will return!" said Calabash Mei.
MK backs away from Mei until she bumps into Sandy.
Calabash Sandy; "Leave the staff where it is"
Calabash Tang "Oh, MK, you don't want that mean DBK to return, do you?"
Calabash Pigsy; "Why don't we just go back to the shop? I'll make us all a nice pot of noodles"
MK backs away in fear.
"This... this isn't right, you're all not real, you can't be real?!" said MK.
MK bumps onto Calabash Monkey King chest. MK is gonna get away from him but Monkey King wrap his arms around her stomach.
"You can still have your perfect life~" said Monkey King.
MK get Calabash Monkey King away from her until Calabash Mo got onto her shoulder.
Calabash Mo; "Yeah, we can all just hang out"
Everyone is silent while MK look at Mo in shock.
"Jin, the cat's not meant to talk" said Calabash Mei to Calabash Pigsy. "Yeah, jig's up, let's get her!" said Calabash Pigsy.
They all fight, MK reaches for the staff, and the others pile on top of her. MK pull herself and reaches the staff again.
MK; "Here... comes..."
Calabash Tang; "No"
Calabash Sandy; "She's too strong"
Calabash Pigsy; "Stop reaching"
Calabash Monkey King; "No"
MK; "...Monkie Kid!"
MK grabs the Golden Staff escapes the Calabash, she returns to the real world to find Yin and Jin hiding in a corner.
"Who are you?" asked MK.
The two demons poses.
"We're your worst nightmare, Jin" said the gold demon. "Yin" said the silver demon. "The Gold and Sliver Demons!" said Jin. "Mate, it's silver and gold, silver and gold" said Yin. "I'm not having this conversation again, it's gold and silver" said Jin.
The two demons fight over as MK deadpan.
"Okay, get it, you're demons, uh, what am I doing here?" asked MK and the demons stop fighting. "We heard about the great Monkie Kid and knew that you would be a worthy adversary" said Yin. "Yes, and through cunning and guile, we called out to you, and you foolishly... answered" said Jin.
MK is delivering noodles to Yin and Jin.
Past Jin; "Who is it?"
Past MK; "Pigsy's Noodles, home of the world's longest-"
Past Yin; "she has to answer to her name, remember?"
Past Jin; "Oh, yeah, (clears his throat) this app thingy says you have to identify yourself, is your name 'MK'?"
Past MK; "Uh, well, I'm currently going by MK, but it used to be-"
MK is sucked into the Calabash.
💭End of Flashback💭
The Calabash was supposed to contain you forever!" said Jin. "At least until we figured out step three" said Yin. "Right, uh, but instead, we'll have to destroy you the good old-fashioned way" said Jin.
MK sighs then stretch.
"Fine! (She draws out the Golden Staff) I feel like a fight" said MK.
The two look at her nervously,
"Um, I think she knows we're bluffing" said Jin. "Oh, I just figured out the step three" said Yin.
Yin and Jin: "Smoke bomb"
They throw down twin smoke bombs and escape to an exit, away from MK.
"We're the greatest tricksters" said Jin. "Ever!" said Yin finished for him then smoke bomb away.
MK returns to Pigsy's Noodles again.
"Um, Mei? Mr. Tang?" said MK. "Where have you been, MK? I've got-" said Pigsy but been cut off. "Pigsy, whit is it?" Said MK as she touch her boss's face. "If you don't get your hands off me, you're fired!" said Pigsy.
MK smiles happily then hugs him.
"It is you, oh-ho-ho-ho, my sweet Pigsy, (sobbing) Pigsy, it is you!" said MK in relief. "Uh, what's happening?" ssked Pigsy. "Sorry, it's just... I'm just really glad none of you are imposters" said MK.
Mei, Pigsy and Tang look at her in shock.
Mei, Pigsy and Tang; "What?!"
MK then remembers as she look at Tang, thinking about Ao Bing being Mei's cousin.
"Um, Mr. Tang, do you know Ao Bing is a cousin of Ao Lie, Mei's great-great many times grandfather?" asked MK.
Mei look at MK then at Tang.
"Yes, he is, why do you asked?" asked Tang then eats his noodles.
Mei got in shock while MK put her fingers together.
"Because, me and Mei meet him at the arcade form the clone disaster" said MK.
Tang spat out his noodles.
"WHAAAAAAAT!!??" yelled Tang in shock.
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