On Sandy's boat.
NEWS REPORTER: "⚡️And in breaking news, it's been confirmed that last week's devastation was caused by the legendary Demon Bull King. Questions still remains about the small overpowered young man who saved us all. Authorities warn citizens on...⚡️"
Tang looking at the TV while eating the noodles. MK spins her staff while Mei watch her.
"And I was like "Stop there, Demon Bull King" and D.B.K.'s all like "You can't stop me! I'm cwazy!" And then I grabbed my staff *hits on the ground* and whoosh! I created this giant mech!" said MK.
The water started spewing out form the bottom of the staff.
"Uh oh, looks like you sprung a leak, MK" Mei said. "Oh jeez!" said MK panicking.
Tang take a sipe of the noodles until a shadow went over him. Tang yelp and notice angry Pigsy.
"I've just pulled a quadruple shift at the shop, and I show up to see you've all been slacking off all day!" said Pigsy angrily. "Oh, Piggy, relax, a little time off never hurt anyone" said Tang until MK butted in. "Yeah! A time off never hurt nobody" said MK happily. "Look out!" said Sandy panic.
A chain been snap and the crate falls down. Tang, Pigsy and Mei got in panic and zoom away except MK who look confused until she's been crashed.
"Kid!" cried Pigsy for his daughter-figure.
The crate start to shake until a burst of light came out from the top.
"I...am...invincible!" said Mk burst out from the top of the crate. "Yeah!" Mei cheered then run off to get something.
Pigsy and the others sighs in relief.
"Look, MK, just 'cause you got the Monkey King's powers and all, It don't mean-" said Pigsy but he and the boys gasped at the sight before them.
Mei held a bazooka in her arms.
"MK! How about...this?" Mei shouted as she launched a missile at Mk.
The boys got in shock/fear until she jump some stuff off of her without a scratch's or brushes.
"I am invincible!" MK shouted as Pigsy sighed, "Look, kiddo, you're a superhero now. You're going to need-" said Pigsy until he's been cut off again. "A cape! Maybe a logo, or a headquarters! Some vehicles, you know, all the stuff to help you beat bad guys!" said Mei interrupted. "No, what I was getting at-" said Pigsy tried to explain. "To the Sea-Crate... Base!" said Mei exclaimed as she opened the elevator door.
MK, Tang, and Sandy 'oohs' and follow her. Pigsy sighs before following them, the elevator went down and came to a stop at their destination.
"Welcome... to our new team base!" yelled Mei excitedly.
The base have the Monkey Mach that MK used (I thanked), Vehicles and a game too.
"Mei, when did you make this?" asked Mk in awe. "HOW did you make this?" asked Pigsy in shock. "Say, Sandy, weren't you building a secret base for MK, too?" asked Tang to the gentle giant.
Sandy remembered the one he made and came to the conclusion that this one was better.
"Umm...no" said Sandy sweat-dropped.
Few minutes later, they got out of the base while MK is going into her Tuk-tuk.
"Hey MK, where are you going?" asked Pigsy. "Just going to the Weather Station, I just need to relax from yesterday" said MK. "OK, just be careful when you get there" said Pigsy. "Thanks da- Pigsy" said MK as she drives off.
Pigsy smiles softly, remembering how he found her outside of his noodle shop. Covered in dirt and leafs. Can't remember anything for where she is or where she came from, so he took her in and become father-figure to her.
At the Flaming Foundry, the Demon Bull King takes his anger out by destroying parts of the foundry.
"An eon trapped under a mountain and now this? I had the staff in my grasp, I should have crushed the thief when I had the chance!" said DBK in anger "Oh, my love, don't be so dramatic, we've nothing but time, you will bring the world to its knees" said Princess Iron Fan. "And sooner than you think, Father, allow me to secure the power you desire" said Red Son. "Get it done then" said DBK then Red Son turn around as he start to walk away. "I won't fail you again" said Red Son.
MK made it to the Weather Station as she went into the bathroom to change.
MK came out of the bathroom while some males are looking at her with nosebleed. She got into the water and start to swim around.
⚡️Welcome to the Weather Station,
where you'll notice it's another beautiful day.
Here at the Weather Station,
we control the city's weather to bring you a perfect day every day⚡️
MK didn't notice Red Son walks towards the man at the control panel and clears his throat.
"Uh yeah, hey kid, I'd like to help you and your friends, but I'm pretty busy" said the worker.
Red Son smirk then lit the fire from his hand.
"Not for much longer" said Red Son.
The Bull Clones begin attacking the Weather Station. MK pop her head out of the water when she heard screaming and smashing. MK look and saw Red Son and his Bull Clones. She can't fight them with her swimsuit, so quickly get out of the pool as she wore her jacket on. She was about to grab her staff until the Bull clone got behind her and grab her arms. MK trying to get free from the Bull Clone's grasps as she get drag towards Red Son. Red Son trun to face her with a smirk.
"Oh look who it is, isn't it a surpiiiiii- what the hack are you wearing?!" asked Red Son with a red face as his hair. "Don't look at me!" said MK embarrassment as she turn her head away when her enemy saw her swimsuit.
Red Son quickly shook his face as he smirked evilly.
"Wow, of all places, I didn't think I get to see you here (grabbed her chin and made her look at him) your in for a treat" said Red Son.
Red Son broadcasts his message to the city.
"Citizens. It is I, Red Son. I have taken control of the Weather Station and will harness the very power of nature to return my father to his former glory, this message is more of a courtesy really" said Red Son.
Red Son pushes a lever, causing a storm to appear and rain, flooding the Great Wall.
"When I'm finished, my father will once more dominate the world! And then- Oh look! A lightning button" said Red Son. "Let me go!!" said MK. "Oh, and one more thing" said Red Son.
Red Son grab tied up MK and pull her towards him.
"If anyone who try's to stop me, she'll get's it" said Red Son.
MK's friends look at the tv in shock for what they just saw.
Everyone; "MK!!/KID!!"
Sandy; "We gotta rescue her!"
Mei; "Just whit till I get my hands on him! If he did something bad to my best friend!"
Pigsy; "To the Food Truck!!"
While Red Son sat on the chair, watching all the chaos happening as he drank his soda, with tied up MK while her bandana was covering her mouth as she sat on his lap. Her face was bright red while she sat on the fire demon's lap as he wrapped his arm around her body to stop her from doing anything. The doors of the Weather Station burst open as MK's friend come in quietly.
"Stop right there, Red Boy! Now where is MK?!!" said Mei angrily.
Red Son then around with MK still on his lap while MK let out a muffled 'Guvs!!' As her eyes sparkled in relief to see her friends there
"Ah, so your Noodle Girl's friends, eh? I thought I smelt some garbage! Turns out I was right!" said Red Son then maniacally laughed. "Stop this evil scheme of yours and let MK go!!" Mei yelled as Red Son stood up as he placed MK on the chair as he let out his fire powers. "Hah! In your dreams, Dragon Horse Girl!" He then started running towards the group as they started to fight.
While MK watched her friends distracting Red Son, she looked behind her back to see her hands tied up as she struggled once more.
"💭If I can just get my hands free, I can finally get out of this situation and helped them💭" MK thought as she tries to break free from the ropes.
Unknown to her, a figure with blue snowy hair is hidden, saw MK's situation as they used their water magic to cut the ropes to free MK without anyone knowing about. Their water magic then secretly trailed towards MK as the others were still fighting Red Son as they successfully sliced the ropes up without anyone looking at it as they made their magic disappear before MK or anyone saw it. When MK realize that her hands were free, she quickly then got out of the ropes and untied the bandana covering her mouth as she tied it around her head, she then got her staff out.
"Stop it right there Red Son!" Said MK as everyone then turned to see MK out of the ropes and her staff out "What?! How did you get yourself free?!!" asked/yelled Red Son. "Doesn't matter! I'll beat you right away, right here, right now!" She then pointed her staff towards the fire demon, trying to extend it.
However, when she didn't, she looked at the staff in confusion.
"Wait, how do I-" She was then cut off as the staff suddenly extended making MK launched out of the station as she screamed "MK!!!" her friends yelled as the Bull Clones surrounded the group. "Guess the garbage takes itself out now!" said Red Son laughed evilly.
MK screams until she crashes into the road, causing a giant crater. She got up and groans painfully.
"How are you doing there, babe?" asked Monkey King.
MK turn around and saw Monkey King on his cloud.
"Monkey King! Great! Now that you're here, we can go fly up there and smash that-" said MK. "No, no, no, no, no, in case you forgot, I'm retired, you're supposed to be taking care of the bad guys, beside, you're (poses with a bamboo stick) invincible! Right?" asked Monkey King. "Well, yeah I mean, I am invincible, but, you know, every time I try to do anything I just gunk everything up, something's wrong" said MK.
Monkey King jump up from his cloud then gets on MK's shoulders and looks in her hair. MK blushes nervously.
"Hey, what are you doing?" asked MK. "Oh yeah, you're right, oh, this is bad, (got onto her face) something's really wrong" said Monkey King.
MK gasp in fear as she jumps around while Monkey King holds on.
"What is it? What's wrong!?" asked MK until Monkey King take a bug out of her hair. "It's you, dummy" said Monkey King then ate the bug. "Ew, also, what?" asked MK.
Monkey King jump off of MK's shoulders as he land on the ground.
"In order to have full control of your powers, you need self-confidence" said Monkey King until MK got beside him. "I got self-confidence!" said MK until she's been pushed by Monkey King's tail. "No, you're just loud, the only way to get self-confidence is-" said Monkey King. "Fake it 'til I make it?" asked MK until Monkey King got in front of her face. "NO! Practice! You think I took shortcuts? No, it took me centuries of training and fighting and just beating up demons, just, so many demons, a-anyway, nothing worth anything comes for free" said Monkey.
MK put her hand on her arm worriedly.
"But, what about my friends, the city? They're all counting on me" said MK look at him with puppy eyes.
Monkey King blush a bit until he give in.
"Fine, if it'll stop your whining, I know a way to limit your powers so you can learn to control them, but..." said Monkey King. "But what?" asked MK. "You won't be invincible anymore" said Monkey King.
MK breath in and out.
"Alright, let's do it" said MK. "All right, to turning back" said Monkey King.
Monkey king Puts his hands together and put them in front of MK. He pushes Mk backward, limiting her powers. MK falls to her knees.
"Feeling alright babe?" asked Monkey King as MK got up. "Yeah!" said MK.
MK's friends got tide up while Red Son chuckles.
"Peasants" said Red Son. "Oh, Red Son!" shout MK.
Everyone looks up and saw MK falling down from the ceiling, being dropped by Monkey King.
"Let's settle this for real, I won't let you get away with this" said MK until Red Son cackles. "You're back to beat yourself some more?" asked Red Son with a smirk. "Hey, I'll have you know I can control my powers now, only downside is I'm not invincible anymore, so I could die" said MK.
Everyone look at her in shock.
"What?!" asked Pigsy in shock/fear. "Forget I said that I got this, here come Monkie Kid!" said MK.
Red Son charges with a bunch of Bull Clones. MK screams and getting away from them.
"I totally don't got this!" said MK.
Red Son got in front of Mk as he charges at her and they fight for a bit. Red Son then throws MK into the Weather Station. MK looks up to see a bunch of Bull Clones charging at her.
"How am I supposed to fight all of them?" asked MK.
MK then activates her Golden Eyes of Truth.
"Oh! It's that weird Gold Vision thingy" said MK.
MK looks up and sees the lighting and gets an idea.
"That's it! Oh!" said MK then she's been pilled on by the clones.
Red Son lands on top of the bull clone pile.
"Not so tough without all your Monkey King powers, are you?!" asked Red Son.
The staff grows taller, striking all the Bull Clones and pushing Red Son high into the sky.
"Oh, look! A lighting button" said MK as she pushes a button on the console.
The lighting strikes down, electrocuting the bull clones. MK hides behind the console as the strike finishes. Red Son hit the ground then he gets up.
"You may have won this round but... you're still garbage!" said Red Son as he disappears in a fire tornado. "Let's get this place back to normal (she then switches everting on the console back to normal, it becomes sunny again) and that should do it" said MK. "MK! (She then slams herself into MK, sandy follows) aw, you really did limit your power" said Mei. "Yeah, just till I learn to control them better" said MK. "And... how are you gonna do that?" asked Pigsy. "Practice, practice, practice" said MK the she bumps herself in the head with her staff.
Mei, Pigsy, Sandy and Tang all laugh.
Demon Bull King angrily slams his fists into the ground. Several Bull Clones are swept away by the blast.
"That little thief has stolen from me again! I will not be undone by an Insect!" said Demon Bull King.
Demon Bull King saw a glow as he peers in to the crack his tantrum made, hearing whispers coming from it.
Mysterious Whisperer; "you must do what I say"
Demon Bull King; "Now, that is power..."
Mysterious Whisperer; "Power..."
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