The Creator's None-Humans:
Name: Nicholas Furious
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Enhancements: Advanced Targeting technological skyleton that allow him to complete multiple tasks, making him a hard opponent. Special radio active blasts that would sicken humans and short out machines.
Skills: Advanced armed combat skills, phasingtechnology.
Good or bad?: Both
Appearance: media
Personality: Find out.
View of this world: "This hèllhole needs a brutal change now." He quotes.
Backstory: Complicated.
More: His weaponry is his Eyes, his techno gun, and his authority over all terrorists, heroes, and non-humans. Can holographically replicate his images.He's like a god, often everyehere but nowhere.
Name: Gabriel Dredd
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female (in this rp, yes)
Enhancements: Power to lift, carry, and pummel things 30 times her own weight, height, and size. Full body armor physically enhancing her
Skills: Excellent bounty hunting
Good or bad?: Good
Appearance: media
Personality: Unknown
View of this world: Unknown
Backstory: Unknown
More: Look closely at every weapon she has. Her body iw very resilient.
Name: Stryker Grey
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Enhancements: Shoots electricity from his body thanks to how his suit was modified to be powered off of his own energy.
Skills: Best laser swordsmanship, skilled in slipping through tight spaces.
Good or bad?: Bad
Appearance (media accepted):
Personality: Dark, need
View of this world: His views are are t ok strange to explain.
Backstory: unknown
More: Very hard to kill. Must have him de energized to make him vulnerable.
Name: Blue Bird
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Enhancements (Limit, two): Near invulnerability, mental hacking
Skills (limit, three): Extreme Hacking. Excellent marksmanship. Rest unknown.
Good or bad?: Both
Appearance (media accepted):
Personality: Mysterious individual that fires at will.
View of this world: "All must learn what they're dealing with. A war." They quote.
Backstory: forgotten
More: That's his only weapons in the image. And that's all he needs.
Name: Kendra Orange
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Enhancements: Enhanced speed, stealth mode.
Skills: She's a stealth expert, an expert assassin, special operations officer
Good or bad?:Bad
Appearance: media
Personality: Find out
View of this world: she only cares about getting payed.
Backstory: Mysterious
More: The image is indeed her technological gun of choice. A sniper, semi-automatic rifle with explosive electronic rounds.
Name: No Name
Age: unknown
Gender: presumable as male?
Enhancements: Besides dominant strength and speed over any normal human, he has the capability of replicating nearly any skill after viewing it once.
Skills: Any skills he may find handy.
Good or bad?: Good
Appearance: Look up at media.
Personality: Mixed with personalities constantly to find his true self. But, he normally uses his "Default" personality as a start.
View of this world: "This world is quite a mystery to me. I wish to explore its lively ways one day and gain Knowledge of what to expect from it." He quotes with an almost completely humane tone of voice.
Backstory: No Name was originally a prototype version of updated technology meant to be added to latest training technology with an artificial brain made to be a humane as physically possible. Allowing him to learn from those he is tested on as he is constantly dismantled or destroyed nearly to the point of no possible repair. The humanoid mechanical masterpiece was also meant to someday replace the normal male servant a multli-use technological success. But instead, he was due for decommission because of being deemed too much for normal human kind to handle. Upset by knowing he would end up being forgotten trash, no name deciphers an escape plan from the same research facility that designed him.
More: Secretly wants to be more humane than anything else.
Name: Jupiter (Aka, project Jup1t3r)
Age:Despite appearing to be 18 years of age, he's 7 years of age.
Gender: Appears to be male
Enhancements: he can cover his fists in metal, and has prototype rocket boosters on his feet.
Skills: He has the capabilities of doing basic hand to hand combat, but can learn to quickly adapt to any situation.
Good or bad?: Good
Appearance: Media above
Personality: For the most part, Jupiter is a mainly quiet individual that likes to learn about humane life as he goes along with life.
View of this world: He really doesn't have that much to go along with as far as viewing this place. Although, he is definitely intrigued by this place.
Backstory: Project Jup3t1r was also code named "brand number 31" due to having 31 in his name. Once upon a time human, Jupiter was experimental, not yet for public usage. He was used as a private medical unit for some, and martial arts training tech for others. Though well treated abd highly expensive, Jupiter didn't feel humane. He was told that he had a human brain after all, meaning he was once meant to be completely human right?
Jupiter had questions he couldn't answer, that's for sure. And then the Feminizer force army section got ahold of him and turned him into the walkng peaceful weapon everyone knows by now. He escaped with rocket boosters on his feet, and machine guns in his hands. He is on a quest to find his humanity.
More: He's virtually completely an android in a sense. His human brain is inside of a highly complex machine's body (similar to Faker Karen, Aka Karena, and her body built ways and such. Only his uh *ahem* is artificially made with real flesh and he can actually impregnate a female.),and he is equipped with enough medical gear to be a one being hospital.
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