(This is Akira's outfit until she becomes a Genin).
I also want to let you all know that this story will be a bit different from my other story. If you don't like then don't read.
Akira is a happy and fun loving girl. She had grew close to Choji and Shikamaru. She loves how layed back they are. Akira loved her friends and she couldn't ask for more.
As Akira grew up she asked Rin if she could learn Medical Jutsu. Rin is more then happy to help her little sister. Akira called Rin big sister and Kakashi big brother. The couple loved it and they felt like her older siblings.
Akira is a sweet girl and she never got into trouble. She mostly kept to her group of friends. Akira is well loved by a lot of the villagers. They saw her as the sweet girl that she was. They liked that she is helpful Akira is. She would help when and where she could.
Kakashi thought it would be good to start her training when she is five. Akira is now four. Rin saw that Akira had gained good control of her Chakra and she could even have a better and faster rate of healing. Akira had her mother's Chakra control and a bit of her fathers mixed in.
Akira is playing with her friends at the park. She could feel a unpleasant feeling a few hours of them playing. She looked around and saw a shadow of someone near some bushes. She grew a bit uneasy and she didn't feel safe.
"Is something wrong Akira-Chan?" Asked Ino. Everyone looked at the red headed girl at what Ino said.
"No, I feel a unpleasant feeling. It's from over there." Said Akira as she pointed at the business. The others looked over there and they felt the same feeling.
"I can feel it too." Said Ino.
"Who would be watching us with that kind of presence?" Asked Choji.
"I think I know who it is. Everyone go home and tell your fathers about this." Said Shikamaru.
Everyone nodded and headed out. Shikamaru walked Akira home. He felt better staying with her, with someone watching Akira. He said goodbye once they got to Akira's house.
Akira told Rin and Kakashi about what had happened at the park. They were not happy at all. Kakashi would be telling the Third Hokage about this. He didn't want him any where near Akira.
Rin is nervous, but trusted Kakashi to take care of it. She didn't want her sister turned into a weapon and only used for war or scaring the other Village's. She didn't want that for little Akira and Kakashi didn't either. The two knew what their Sensei would want the Village to see Akira as their protector. She unknowingly sacrificed herself by having the Nine Tailed best being sealed inside her.
The next day while Kakashi was on duty he told the Hokage. The Third isn't to happy about what Kakashi told him. He didn't like that old man anywhere near sweet little Akira.
Rin spent the day with Akira to keep an eye out for the him or any of his men. She didn't want Denzo to try anything when Akira is alone. Akira's friends understand why Rin is here and they just acted like Rin isn't there.
Shikamaru started to fall for Akira, she didn't annoying like most girls. She didn't let herself get distributed by boys or anything else. Shikamaru also liked her because she is sweet and helpful. She also is great to have around.
(At the Hokage tower)
"Have you told Denzo my message?" Asked The Third Hokage.
"Yes. He got angry and is coming to talk to you Hokage-Sama." Said a Ninja with a bird mask.
"Thank you Bird, you are dismissed." Said the Third.
Bird nodded and disappeared in smoak. The Third Hokage sighed in annoyance and leaned back in his chair. He knew that he would try something like this at some point. He wouldn't let Denzo control the situation or the other two elders.
At that moment the door opened and in walked Denzo. He didn't look too happy either. He stopped in front of the Hokage desk. "Hiruzen! Why are you fighting me on this?" Snapped Denzo.
"I'm not letting you control what goes on with that Akira. She is to grow up normally and happily." Said Hiruzen glaring at his old friend.
"She would help tell the other Villages that we are still strong and she could help keep them from attacking us. The Nine Tailed Fox is the strongest of them." Said Denzo.
Hiruzen sent out an intense killing instinc and Denzo pealed and he felt uneasy. Hiruzen is very strong and imitating when he wants to be.
"Enough! Akira is not going to be involved in anything! She is to grow up like any other kid! Kakashi and Rin have already adapted her and she is under all of the Clan's protection. You can't touch her without a fight." Said Hiruzen still glaring.
Denzo pealed more and couldn't help put feel a bit scared. Having all of the Clan's protection? He didn't want to mess with anyone of them. He didn't say anything else and left. Hiruzen sighed and called out, "Bear!" A AMBU with a bear mask appeared in front of the Thirds desk and bowed.
"Bear I want you to keep an eye on Denzo. If he tries to do anything to Akira let me know. I already have people keeping watch on her." Said Hiruzen.
Bear nodded and disappeared to watch Denzo. He knew that Akira is a sweet girl and didn't want her to get destroyed by Denzo's ROOT.
(With Kakashi & Rin)
A AMBU had came and told them that Denzo has been delt with and that he shouldn't be a problem. Kakashi and Rin felt some relief. They hoped he wouldn't have his Ninja watch Akira anymore.
They had enough problems with the Uchiha Clan.
"I'm so glad Hokage-Sama took care of that. Akira is a sweet girl and she doesn't need the old man on her back." Said Rin.
"I agree. We already have our hands full with the Uchiha clan trying to get us to agree to a arranged marriage between Sasuke and Akira." Said Kakashi with a annoyed sigh.
"I know. Poor Akira. I want her to find love on her own." Said Rin sadly. Kakashi hugged her and replied, "I know, and she will. She already has some kind of feelings for Shikamaru."
Rin nodded and she soon pulled away from Kakashi and gave him a quick kiss and went to make lunch. Akira is going to be back to eat with them soon. Kakashi smiled and went to clean himself up for lunch.
He is glad to have Rin and Akira. They are the only family he has left. He will keep them safe and he's not going to let Denzo or the Uchiha's near his little sister.
(With Akira and friends)
Akira and her friends are having a good time. She loves her friends and will do anything to protect them. She is happy with the friends she has.
They all headed off. They had to get back home for lunch. They said their goodbyes and left in different directions. As always Shikamaru walked Akira home. They didn't live that far from each other, so it worked out.
"I had so much fun. Maybe tomorrow we should have a relaxing day. We can have a picnic and watch the clouds and play those games you like." Said Akira with a smile.
Shikamaru lazy smiled at Akira and said, "That sounds amazing. It doesn't sound troublesome." Said Shikamaru.
Akira giggled at her friend. They soon reached her house and Akira hugged Shikamaru. "Thank you Shika. I'll see you tomorrow." She pulled away and she went inside after she waved at Shikamaru.
Shikamaru smiled and walked to his Clan compound. He couldn't imagine not being friends with Akira. She is a great friend and he is falling for her.
Akira, Rin, and Kakashi are happily eating lunch. Rin had made rice balls, with pickles, and chicken. Rin and Akira often cooked together and Akira is getting good. She has her mother's skills in the kitchen. Akira loved that she is has that talent and feels conected to her mother that way.
"So Denzo isn't going to bother us anymore?" Asked Akira.
"Yeah. The Third Hokage delt with him." Said Rin.
"But to be safe keep a eye out. He still might try." Said Kakashi. Akira nodded and replied, "I will. Shikamaru will help. I don't know if the others know anything."
Both Rin and Kakashi nodded and the soon finished their lunch and they had some Strawberry cake.
Akira loved Rin's cakes and hopes she can cook that good when she is older.
I hope you all like the chapter and I will try to update again soon. Thank you for reading and sorry for the wait.
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