ep 4: time strike max is a..........
Max: hey y/n where mia?
Y/n: ill explain later i must tell you something.
Max: okay what is it
Y/n: I im kamen rider legacy
Max: no way your a kamen rider too
Y/n: wait huh?
He shows you
(Imagin this as a ganbarizing card)
Y/n: Wait... your ruiz!!!!
Max: yeah anyways what happened to mia
Y/n: she was taken over by someone but I have no idea who.
Max: how are we going to stop her.
Y/n: i have 1 cards that are going to help in this
Max: build's rabbit dragon form
Y/n: yeah but it wont be enough we need to get stronger
Max: yeah, at our state we are no match for mia
Y/n: yeah-
Evolt: hello
Ignore mad rouge*
Y/n: your must be working for yuuki aren't you
Evolt: hmm... oh my them, why yes I did, but I'll just end this quick and painlessly as possible.
Y/n:*grrrr* legend henshin!!
Both drivers: rabbit and rabbit/ drive type!!!! Darkness!!
Y/n: lets end this quickly, max catch
*you toss to him a card*
Max: no way shining agito, nice!
Y/n: and I'll burn her into a crisp,
Belt: advent, ryuki!
Agito's fight with evol:
Final form ride:
Max: lets end this!
Y/n: couldn't agree anymore
Final vent
(2:06 till end) *Max=decade, you = ryuki)
Evol blows up with only her driver remaining
Y/n: bye evolt* reaches for the evolt driver*
A blur grabs the driver
Skull: that would be mine
You both turn to see
She has no driver and all grey hair*
Skull: hello boys, ill be taking this* turns it into a card*
Max:you!! give back mia, why do you even want her.
Mia: pretty simple really, I just want her power, now I would like to stay and chat but I'm a busy person
(She teleports away)
You and max de-henshin
Max: uh dude whats wrong with your eyes.
Y/n: what do you mean.
You look in a mirror
Your eyes are now blue and pink with hearts in them:
Y/n: oh that happens sometimes
Max: how come i never notice?
You pull on contacts that looks like your normal eyes and put them on*
You: thats why
Max: where did you-
Y/n: 2 words be prepared, that and I can summon anything I want thanks to having decade's powers
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