(Marinette's POV)
Here I am at school since Cat Noir dropped me here and my friends were confused when I told them he saved my life.
"But how? He's a criminal now?" Alya said.
"He saved me from a rapist today," I told her.
"He did what? That's insane! What made that cat wanna save you?" Nino was very surprised.
"He saw I was in trouble. The old him is still in there, I know it. It's his weakness." I said.
"But the cops may get him one day if he continues. There must be a reason why he turned rogue on everyone." Rose said.
"It's been a year since it happened," Juleka said.
"Maybe....the public never gave him credit I guess. It's always Ladybug getting praised over him" I guessed.
"We really should have praised him too after all," Alya said.
"I mean after all he has sacrificed for Ladybug, aided her in battles and so forth he deserved credits and this is what the public repaid him," I said.
"Do you think it's our fault that we praise Ladybug too much than Cat Noir?" Alix said with shame.
"Possibly. I just hope that Ladybug will find a way to bring him to the light side before he's lost forever." Nino said.
"But everyone fears him. I'm not scared of him." I said with bravery.
"What do you suggest? You trying talk sense to him?" Alya asked.
"Maybe," I replied.
"Girl, he's dangerous. He may use to be funny but he's more like a savage cat" Alya said.
"No, Alya. He's just suffering from pain that he hides so he doesn't learn to feel anything. Ladybug will do anything to bring him back. We can't put him in jail because that will only make him insane" I said, never wanting to see him get tortured in jail without love.
"Maybe but she will not be alone facing him." Alya gave me a hint to discuss in secret. I just gave a nod in response, hearing that class is about to start.
After school was over, I have a feeling that I'm being watched by someone. I'm guessing it's that cat again. I guess he really needed a friend to talk to than Plagg. I head back home and went upstairs to my room. I laid on my bed thinking of what to say to him if he shows up. I can't let him know I'm Ladybug. I don't even know who he is underneath that mask. But whoever he is, he's s broken teen. Something really broke his spirit than just his alter ego-self. If I bring that up, he'd be scared or mad at me. But it's been a year that he's been adapted as a criminal, he's forgotten his old self.
Suddenly I heard a thud on the roof. It must be him. He told me he would come at night but I guess he felt like he needed to talk to someone. I went up to my balcony through my trapdoor to go talk to him.
"Hey princess. Miss me?" He said with a little flirty tone.
"Um hi, kitty," I said nervously.
He follows me down through the trapdoor since it's best to talk in my room than on the balcony. Someone would see him. He noticed that I still have pictures of Adrien on my bedroom walls. I never took them down because Adrien was the only love in my life and I could never replace him. I don't believe he's dead that some of the people believe because his body was never found.
"I see you still admire him. But you forgot he disappeared" He said, lying down on my loft bed next to me.
"I just miss him so much," I replied.
"Why not move on with the new model? He looks a bit like him" He asked with a smirk.
"Nuh-uh. He's the opposite of Adrien." I cringed at what he said to me.
"That's what they all say. It's so typical to believe that Mr. Agreste probably made his son run away" Cat Noir looking at the pictures on his left side.
"He did?" I asked.
"Just my guess." He shrugs.
"Adrien would never do that but I guess maybe something made him not wanna be in his father's life anymore. I hope he's okay because he's so innocent to wander off on his own. You don't suppose he changed his identity to live a new life?" I asked him.
"Maybe. He could be around somewhere, finding him is like a needle in a haystack." Cat Noir said.
I felt my tears course down my face again, "I never got to tell him my feelings!" I cupped my face in my hands.
"What do you mean?" He asked in confusion.
"That I....Umm.... Like him for what he is." I said, hiding my love.
"As a model? Purr-lease. All the girls fall for his looks because he's very handsome" Cat Noir scoffed.
"No, not just because he's a model. I......I actually fell in love with him because he was so sweet, kind, considerate, and caring." I confessed.
(Cat Noir's POV)
What?! She was in love with me as Adrien the entire time?! Why did I not see that from the beginning when we first met? But obviously, it's too late to go back to my old life. If only Ladybug would tell me that but she probably would never love my other half.
If I tell her that Aiden and Adrien are the same people, she'd hate me for it. Plus, Adrien never dresses in black clothes because he was forced to be dressed by what his father tells him to. But as Aiden, he gets to dress what he wants. The reason why I went with goth punk fashion was that black is a very depressing color and it suited me.
Marinette would probably not like the new me.
But I have to comfort her now that she's so sad losing me as Adrien, I pulled her to a hug, "Shh...my princess. Adrien wouldn't want you mourning. If he really changed his looks, would you still love him?" I asked, stroking her waist.
"Yeah, I would." Marinette buries her face on my chest.
"Or imagine if he dyed his hair into something else, would you still love him?" I asked a tough question.
"Yes, no matter what he looks like," Marinette said.
"Just like I changed my looks as a civilian too, yet I'm still the same black cat" I chuckled and stroked her back to give her more comfort, waiting for her to feel better.
"But as a cat burglar." She looks up at me.
"And I saved your life like a hero" I corrected her.
"That's true. But when are you ever gonna bring back the old you?" She asked me.
I simply purred in seduction as I stroked her leg, "Who knows but I can't go back to that old life, my princess. Let's say these scars are too old to heal. If Paris found out who I am underneath my mask, I would be arrested for life" I said with a little sadness.
"I don't want you locked up," Marinette said.
"I'm a criminal, princess. The world doesn't accept criminals. They fear them, just like Paris fears me." I said with a little cold voice while holding her close to me.
"Now I know why black cats bring bad luck." She joked.
"Hilarious. But that's just a myth, princess. Milady brings a lot of good luck in Paris all the time. That's why Paris praises her more than me" I said.
"I feel kind of bad for her being the only hero around here. Well, she could choose new ones to aid her." Marinette said.
"But she doesn't. She only wants to get the old hero me back. I never told her why I became a criminal because she won't understand what I went through." I stroked her leg slowly.
"Okay then." Marinette blushed at where I touched her.
"Anyways, I gotta go. Things to steal, nice to hunt, purring around. I'm very feral than a house cat. Maybe next time I might need something cooked and delicious to eat at your balcony since I always starve like a street cat" I kissed her cheek, "See you around, my purrincess" I purred and jumped up on the open trapdoor and pole-vaulted out of here.
I ran back to my warehouse. I'm still surprised Marinette had a crush on me but not Cat Noir.
"Claws in" I de-transformed into Aiden as Plagg flew out of my ring and landed on the bed due to the exhaustion of how long I've been as Cat Noir.
"Wow, that was long you been Cat Noir," Plagg complained.
"I know but I had to comfort Marinette," I said.
"She's gonna flip out if she finds out that Adrien is a criminal," Plagg said but unable to move a muscle.
I sighed and grabbed camembert from the cabinet and handed it to him, "Plagg, I didn't know she had a crush on me the whole time. I was blind and stupid but it's too late to tell her how I feel." I said with disappointment.
"Well as the anti-hero you are, you are right," Plagg said.
"Jeez, thanks for making me feel better," I said sarcastically while the cats meowed at me on my bed.
"Well, what if she too became a thief?" Plagg asked stupidly.
"No! I won't force her." I objected.
"You're gonna end up alone and go crazy, Adrien. How long can you hold onto your sanity?" Plagg asked and swallowed the whole cheese.
"I'll figure something," I said.
I thought that if I return to school as a new kid, I need to pretend to be related to someone. Ah! Luka and his sister Juleka! I can be their fake cousin. But how will they react that I'm the real Adrien? That's gonna be tricky. Luka is always very determined and caring, especially as Viperion. Juleka is always the quiet mumbling girl and she hates cats. Maybe it's no use with them. But maybe when I'm ready I can. I'm losing my memories of school.
"Are you charged up, Plagg? It's time to rob" I asked.
"Yes, fully charged." He nodded.
"Plagg claws out!" I transformed into Cat Noir.
It was night time and I crashed into another jewelry store again but someone was waiting for me. Oh great. Not her again. I'm so not in the mood to see her again.
"Volpina," I said coldly.
The last time she got akumatized as Volpina was 3 months ago because my father was trying to bring me back but I defeated her. Lila doesn't know that I'm Adrien underneath my mask.
"Missed me, Kitty?" She smirked.
"Not a bit. I don't miss sly foxes like you, Volpina. What do you want?" I extend my staff.
"Well isn't it obvious? I want your miraculous!" Volpina said.
"The ring and my hand are pretty attached forever, Volpina. Cats always got nine lives" I chuckled evilly as we circled around each other.
"Foxes are cunning you know. My illusions always confuse anyone" Volpina laughed.
"Foxes have a short lifespan. You wouldn't last long in a fight." I glared.
"I'll be sure to chop your hand off instead" Volpina made a pathetic lie.
"That's a very dumb lie" I chuckled and we fought roughly.
We clashed our weapons together but I pushed her strongly against the wall, pinning my body against hers, "Still the same lying vixen as always, Lila Rossi. When are you gonna learn to change?"
She kicked me in the gut and I tumbled against the wall, "Once you're defeated!" She grabbed my tail and threw me.
I landed on my feet and hands like a cat and tan on all fours, tackling her down and punched her gut to stun her, "I can't be defeated, Volpina. You have been defeated a lot. So stay out of my way before I seriously claw out your throat like a savage cat" I hissed.
"You can't be...Urgh...serious." Volpina groaned and took her flute out.
I punched her gut three times and grabbed her flute while backhand springing away from her, snapping it in half with my upper thigh, tossing the broken pieces aside.
"I'm a predator like a cat, Volpina. Cats catch their prey" I put my baton behind my back and extend my claws.
"Don't kill me!" Volpina begged.
I laughed wickedly that she's begging for mercy but I can tell she's faking it, "Trapped like a fox." I roughly pinned her against the wall, pinning my knee against her gut so she doesn't try to kick me in the stomach this time, "You haven't changed at all, Lila. Tell Shadow Moth that he's wasting his damn time. And for the last time, I'm not a killer." I whispered in her real ear, "And one more thing, run for it." I tossed her aside.
Volpina tries to run but I was actually planning on chasing her to scare her.
"Hahaha! Like a cat chasing its prey, Lila!" I laughed and went after her out of the store.
But once outside I saw she has made several illusions of herself to try to confuse me. The only thing I learned is that her illusions aren't real nor do they have a scent.
"That's not gonna stop me, Lila!" I extended my baton and whack them all with my cat speed, causing the illusions to disappear, but one was standing since I can smell her scent, "You're a distraction. Keep your filthy paws away from mine!" I thought of clawing her but I just clawed the wall next to her to scare her.
"Are you crazy?!" Volpina gasps.
"Maybe," I replied coldly.
"You're savage!" Volpina whimpered.
While she's distracted, I grabbed the akumatized fake fox necklace, "Indeed I am. Now run before I claw you for real this time!" I threatened her.
"Okay!" She ran off after I removed her akuma.
This is the 5th time she's akumatized as Volpina. She's getting on my nerves. Or perhaps my father is getting on my nerves to send her to find me.
"The akuma is all yours, bugaboo" I said, knowing she's been watching me the whole time. I heard the yo-yo swish noise but I just simply left the scene to get back where I was. All alone with Plagg and my cats.
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