•Twenty eight•
I sat on the couch while Umji is in Kookie's room changing back to something more appropriate. My nerves are sky high.
I can't believe this girl came into our home and made herself comfortable to surprise Kookie.
My mind was going 200mph right now, I didn't realize the Umji is in front of me with leggings and one of Kookie's shirt.
I grimace are the view. She really have no shame.
"What did you say your name was again?" She ask.
"I didn't. But it's Lisa." I tell her.
Her smile glued to her face. "That's a nice name. How long have lived her?" She ask.
"Umm, like four months now." I tell her.
"Ahh, that would explain why I never met you." I tilt my head in confusion. "I was here six months ago and stayed for two weeks. It was a good two weeks, If you know what I mean." She winks.
I seriously need to barf right now.
"It's strange... his parents never mention Kook having a roommate. They told me to come over anytime." She said.
I balled up my fist at what she said about Kookie parents. I'm not surprise, I'm sure they did this in hopes to make me mad.
Well it's working.
"Well, it's strange Kookie didn't mention it himself, I spoke to him three days ago."
My eyes widen at her.
Three days ago?
"You said three days ago?" I ask her. She nod her head. "You spoke to him and he didn't mention me?"
"No, but he was busy. So maybe it slipped his mind. I'm impress on how business like he has been lately. It pretty sexy if you ask me."
I was internally groaning.
"Umm if you say so."
"You seem like a sweet girl, I'm relieved."
I look at her hoping to read her expression but that damn smile is stuck on her face.
"What do you mean?" I ask
"Well, I don't like the idea of him having a girl room mate but you seem sweet. It would be unfortunate if you were trying to get with Kookie. Do you understand?"
Even with that smile and sweet tone, I understood what she was trying to say. If I decide to hit on him, I would be out of the house.
Little did she know, Kookie has been sleeping with girls before I got here.
Obviously I'm not going to say that. But does she think what they have is real?
"So Umji, Kookie didn't really tell me how you two got engage. So how did he propose to you? Was it romantic and sweet? I mean, he had two since he loves you?" I ask her.
I stared at her waiting for her response. I want to remind her that even if you two are engaged, he doesn't love her.
We both stared at one another and the tension was high.
Thankfully Kookie showed up because I'm not sure what would have happen if he didn't show up when he did.
He walks in and Umji stood and gives me an evil smile. She walks up to Kookie and kiss him on the lips.
Her hands roam on his body.
I was burning holes on her head while Kookie's eyes were open watching me.
I roll my eyes at the two.
"How about I leave you two alone. You have a lot to catch up." I tell them.
I saw her pulling away from and turn to me with a grin and cleaning her lips.
"Thanks Lisa. You really are a sweet girl." Umji said.
"Yeah I know." I reply as I turn around and he's for my room.
"Wait Lili." I froze.
"Lili?" Umji questions.
"Umji, go to my room. I'll be there In a second." I hear him telling her.
"Okay, I'll be waiting." Her voice was lace with seduction. I didn't have to see her to know what she was trying to do.
I heard foot steps and a door close shut. I breath out at the sound of his door shut. She finally in a different room.
Kookie was in front of me, he caress my cheek. I had no other choice but to look at him.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't expect her to show up her." He apologizes
I scoff at his stupid apology. "You didn't? Not even when you spoke to her three days ago?"
He was surprise. "How did you know?"
"Because she was talking highly about you. How sexy you are, and how she was here for a good two weeks six months ago." I tell him.
"Doll, I'm sorry. I really am." He comes down and kisses my lips.
I really wanted to enjoy it but I just realize she just kiss him. I shove him away from me.
"She just kiss you. Are you kidding me right now?" I wipe my mouth with disgust.
"Yeah. She kiss me, I didn't kiss her. I kissed you." He threw back.
"I don't care who kiss who. Her lips were just on you and you just put them on me. It's disgusting." I said through my teeth
"I know baby. I know." He pinch the bridge of his nose. "Fuck this is mess up."
"No shit."
He looks at me with desperate look. "Let me deal with her and let me explain to you what my plan is." I wanted to scream but he steps closer to me. And hugs me. "Please let me explain. I can't loose you doll." He whispers in my ear.
I close my eyes and enjoy his embrace. I haven't seen him this whole week and when we are able to see each other, this happens.
Well unfortunately got to see each each other because of what happened.
I miss him so much but this whole thing is making me mad. I'm loss of words and sense. I have no clue to what to do but trust him. Because I really want to trust him.
"Okay. But I won't be okay if she stayed here." I tell him.
"I know and she won't. I have to talk to her first." He said.
I pull my back from his embrace.
"Are you going to call off the marriage?" I ask in hope.
His lips went to a straight line. And my hope deflated.
"I can't right now. I have to a plan, you just have to be patient. Please." He begs.
I step away from him, obviously not happy. I understand but doesn't mean I like it.
"Sure. I'll be patient." I tell him.
His eyes lit up while he smiles. "Thank you." He leans down to kiss me.
But I push his head away from me.
"But I'm not kissing you, or sleep with You till the engagement is off." I tell him. He looks surprise but I'm not comfortable with this. Until then I can't be with him.
I walk pass him and into my room.
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