The boys left to J hope and RM's office to discuss being able to advertise the club a little more. Jisoo stayed with me and help with another routine for the dance recitals for the little girls.
After Jisoo and I were done, We had lunch at my place.
"So how are you and Kookie doing? You two seem to be doing very well." Jisoo ask me.
I give her a grin. "It's okay. Things are confusing but I think we are trying to make it work." I tell her.
Jisoo gave me a smile but I can tell her smile wasn't positive. "What about his engagement?"
I frown at her question because I really hate thinking about that. "Well he said he is trying to pay his father back, so he can get out of it."
Her lips went into 'o' shape. "That's what's RM is talking about..." I furrow my eye brows. "RM said Kookie has been working late hours and trying to promote his club to get more profit. RM think it's a great idea but the amount he is trying to make in a short period of time is going to take a miracle."
I had a feeling that she is right but I wanted to be positive for him.
"So RM thinks it's impossible?"
"No it's not impossible, he seems very determined, but it's going to take a lot of work and strategy." My body deflated a little. "So you are the reason why he doing this?"
"I'm part of the reason, not the whole reason."
Jisoo gives me a smirk. "I see. So if he does this and it actually pulls off, what's your next plan?"
"What do yo mean?"
"Do you love him?" She ask.
I was caught off guard. "Jisoo, that's too early..."
Jisoo face became sad. "I don't think Kookie thinks that."
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"I'm sure he is falling in love with you."
My eyes widen. "Why do you think that?"
Jisoo looks down at her fingers and back up at me. "Because he told the boys. And since Kookie isn't a serious guy, they don't think he is falling in love. They all actually think he is in love with you."
I was completely surprise.
"I think you need to figure out what your feelings for him is, because he knows what he wants. After doing what he is doing, I don't think he is going to ask just for a relationship. I think he wants something serious, so what is it you want?"
I stayed quiet for a moment trying to get grasp of what Jisoo was telling her. I guess I never thought of the whole picture, I just wanted us to try to work out, and that is all.
Is he looking for more because I'm not sure if I am give him what he wants.
After another thirty minutes of dancing, I had to get ready for work at the diner.
I been dreading to go to work but I have bills to pay and I really need a distraction from Kookie and his engagement.
When I was ready to leave, I was grabbing my jacket and look for my keys at the same time. When I went into the pocket of my jacket to search for my keys, I felt a piece of paper.
I took out the paper and it was note.
Look in your purse.
I was confuse with the note and when i look into my purse, I saw my keys with another note attached to it.
Your welcome. What would you do without me?
-Kookie 💜
I shook my head. Unbelievable.
I love the fact that he knows me well.
I was going to take my phone out and text him a thank you but a knock on our front door distracted me.
I open the door and saw a familiar face.
"Mrs. Jeon, what are you doing here?" I ask Kookie's mom.
She looks at me and gives me a big smile. "We need to discuss a few things sweetheart."
I look around and I notice the strange guy name,Tae Woo,was behind her.
"Umm, I'm actually on my way to work. Can we talk another time? A time that is more convenient." I meant to sound nice but I felt ambush and I didn't like it. So my tone has a little bit in it.
Do you blame me?
I saw her eyes challenging me. "Don't worry about work, I already told them you aren't going today."
My mouth opens wide in shock.
Who the hell does that?
"Excuse me, but you had no right to do that." I tell her.
She shrugs her shoulders. "And yet I did."
I roll my eyes at her cockiness. "What is it you want? Hurry up so we can get on with our lives."
She had a smirk on her face. "This isn't that kind of talk. We should head in and have some tea and discuss this as mature ladies."
"I don't think that's the best idea." I tell her.
"Perhaps, but I'm sure that you will let me in anyways."
"And why do you think that?" I ask her.
"Because Jungkook is in trouble. And if you care for him, you would listen to what I need to say." She tells me.
I stood there looking at her and hope to read some kind of joke on her but she seemed like she really wants to discuss something important about him.
I hate his family but if something is wrong with him, I want to help in any way.
I breath out a sign of defeat. And step aside for her to come in.
Her eyes still sparkle with mischievousness and her smile was definitely an devil smile.
I silently prayed for strength and hope that I won't murder the women.
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