I haven't seen Kookie in a week and it's been the most relaxing week in a while. I decided to get some studying done at a coffee shop on the school campus. I was reading a chapter for my art appreciation class and taking notes when I saw somebody familiar across the shop. I didn't want to stare too much but I couldn't figure out what the person was but I knew him.
He was waiting in line, minding his business. He was looking around and I was still trying to figure out who he was. Our eyes met briefly till he had to go to the register to put his order in. I stared at the dirty blond guy for a second till I decide to give up.
I went back to my studying and a minute later I felt someone pulling the chair in front of me out and that person sat down. It was the dirty blonde guy that I was trying to remember.
"Hey." The mystery guy smirks
"Hello..." I was very hesitant to reply back.
He tilts his head a little. "You don't remember me do you?"
I blush slightly from embarrassment. "Sorry."
I hear h chuckling. "It's okay. I'm Jimin. I'm one of Kookie friends."
My mouth open up at the realization of how I barely remember. I was pretty much tipsy the whole. He was talking and dancing with Rose most of the night.
"You are the one that was interested in Rose." I tell him with a smirk.
He continues give me a small chuckle. "Yes. That's me. And you are the girl that has gotten Kookie all moody."
I frown at his words. How do I make him moody? He's the arrogant ass not me.
"I don't know what you mean?" I tell him.
"You don't? I find that hard to believe."
"Why's that?"
"I never knew Kookie could be bothered by someone. And you have to aware of it or your just completely clueless." And he leans forward. "And you don't look like a clueless person."
I think about all of our interactions. And I can't think of anything horrible that I've done to be irritating. If I ever was annoyance it's because he started it.
"I seriously don't know what's up with your friend. He came on to me fist night and since then he was complete ass." I explained Jimin.
One of Jimin's eye brow rises. And he shakes his head from trying to figure something out. "Did you two sleep with each other?"
I looked around the cafe hoping nobody heard him. Do any of theses guys have shame?
"No we didn't. He tried but I rejected him." I leaned back in my chair and cross my arm in triumph.
Jimin was surprise with my words. "Let me get this straight.. he came on to you and you rejected him?" I nod my head. "Damn, no wonder that kid hasn't shut up about you." Jimin mumbles.
"Excuse me?"
He looks at me and see looks like he want to say something but doesn't.
"Nothing. But didn't you go on a double date with Jin and Jin's friend?"
"Yes...." I was trying to understand his chain of question.
"And Jin told me Kookie didn't sleep with the girl." It sounded like a question so I nod my head. "And have you seen Kookie since then?" I shook my head no because I haven't. "Man.. this is gold." He sounded like he won the jackpot.
"What's going on?"
He gives me a gentle smile. "Nothing. But you Lisa are something."
"Jimin!" The barista called Jimin's name telling him his order is ready.
"Sorry I have to go but hey, I'm having a party this Saturday. Please come, it's at this club in lower downtown called Euphoria." He tells as he gets up.
I was surprised at his invitation. He came back with his coffee but didn't sit down. "It starts at 9:30 and please bring Rose and your other friends." He continues as walks out the door.
I sat there on my chair registering what just happen. His questions were strange and he sounded like he was implying something but I couldn't figure out what that was. After a minute I realized I couldn't get back to studying so I got up from my chair and walked out the cafe.
It was a beautiful day and since I didn't have anymore class and I didn't have work today, I didn't really have any plans so I decided to just walk around.
I was at outside fruit market looking around. I was looking at the oranges when I felt someone eyeing me. I looked around to see if anybody was watching me, I didn't see anybody so I continue to look at the oranges.
"Ma'am, how much is for a dozen?" I asked the women who was selling the oranges.
"It's 7.50." She tells me.
"Can I get three dozen please?" She nods her head and went to bag three dozen of oranges for me.
After she was done she gives me a smile. "It will be 27 dollars." She tells me.
I went to my purse to grabbed my cash but someone paid for me.
"Here's $30.00, you can keep the change." I heard a masculine voice behind me.
I looked up and saw Kookie eying me with a smirk. I frowned at gesture. Why is he paying for me? This is coming from the guy who didn't want to share food because I didn't want to sleep with him.
"Why the long face?" He asked me as grabbed the bag from the sales lady.
"I can't carry that." I tell him as I reach for the bag but he pulled it away from my reach.
"Why are you buying so much oranges?" He asked ignoring my sentence.
"Umm, it's for the girls I teach at dance school. It's a little treat." I explained to him.
"Your definition of treat is oranges?" He asked cocking his eye brows.
I rolled my eyes at his comment. Oranges are good, and I do give them candy every once in awhile but I also give them other things.
"Why are you here?" I asked him ignoring his judgment of my pick of treats for my class.
"I had a business meeting down the street and I saw you so I came to say since we haven't seen each other in awhile."
I stood there with my mouth wide open, he sounds genuine. He stared at me with a confuse face.
"What?" He questions me.
"Nothing." I mumbled out. "Jimin invited me to Euphoria this Saturday." I told him, since he didn't say anything I continued talking. "And he asked me to invite my friends. I think it will be fun, don't you think?" I turn my head to the side expecting to be next to me but I frown when he wasn't. I turn to look behind and he was standing still with his mouth agape. It was my turn to question him. "What? What's wrong?"
"You are going to Euphoria with my friends?" He asked with annoyance.
"Yeah, what's the problem? He asked me and he actually didn't give me room to decline the offer." I tell him.
"Lalisa, you can't."
I raised an eyebrow at his words. "And why not?" I retort back.
"Because they are my friends. And it's my club!" He whines out.
I was surprised to hear that was the club he owns, i never asked him that. But that still didn't give me a reason not to go. He seriously a childish guy.
His eyes widen. "What do you and? That's enough reason to not go."
I rolled my eyes at his childish tone. "Kookie, your friend invited me. I didn't asked to be invited. But it would be rude to not go. So suck it up Kookie." I tell him as I walked up to him grabbed my oranges and stalked off.
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