•Fourty Six•
The veins on Mr. Jeon's neck couldn't be hidden. He was furious. The fact the Dino propose a business deal that will benefit him financially but it will do some kind change in his relationship with Kookie. I also assume, Dino cornered him in front of us, was not the way Mr. Jeon does business.
"Why are you so persistent on this?" Mr. Jeon asked Dino.
Dino stares back to Mr. Jeon. "Why is it so hard to accept the deal?"
"This is my home. And you are wanting this more than me, don't think you have the upper hand here." Mr. Jeon said back.
"This is true. But I always thought you were a business man, and it doesn't matter what the reasoning is, as long as you profit in the end. So again, why is it hard to accept the deal when you are getting more than you spent." Dino threw back.
Mr. Jeon was mute. And I felt Kookie hands tighten around my hand. I turn to see him in complex expression. I look around the table and everyone was a if they were all holding their breath. The suspense of this night was overwhelming.
"What does Lisa have to do with any of this?" Mr. Jeon asked.
All eyes turn to me as I look over at Dino and Soo Jin. I was curious myself.
"Well, Lisa is graduating soon and I have a job opportunity to her." Soo Jin said to me.
My brows knits together in confusion. "Job opportunity?"
Soo Jin smiles, "Yes. Well, I'm was nominated for take over a theatre academy here. International Performing Arts Academy. And they actually have a few opening for a dance instructor."
My eyes widen. "Are you serious?"
Soo Jin smiles, "Yes, I actually asked a few professors about you at school and they said you are an incredible dancing and your technique in your moves are one of a kind."
My heart to beating so fast and I couldn't contain my happiness but there was a small hesitation. Why would she give me this, when she doesn't know me.
"I can see the hesitation and confusion in your eyes. I owe you a big debt." Again I was confuse. I saw her eyes look behind me, where Kookie was. "You made him happy again. That's something not everyone could accomplish, with that I thank you."
"Soo Jin and I also heard how you stood by his side after hearing all of our past and since nobody stood by our side when we wanted to be happy, we want to stand by your side now." Dino said.
Dino turns to Umji who was quiet and furious at the same time. "It's time we change and not become our parents." Dino said but he was talking to Umji.
"Lisa, that's great! You should take it!" Rose said to me.
All our friends nods their head in enthusiasm and it was hard not to cry. But the sentimental feeling vanished when Mr. Jeon spoke again.
"So you two thought this long and hard didn't you?" Mr. Jeon asked the couple. Mr. Jeon turned to Soo Jin parents, "And you approve of this?"
"It seems like we have no choice." Soo Jin mother father said.
Mr. Jeon scoffs and you can tell he was tired of arguing. "I guess we don't."
"Is that a deal?" Dino asked.
Mr. Jeon stood from his chair. "Deal." He straighten his jacket and look around the table. "When you are all done eating, you can all leave my home." And with that he walked away.
Umji abruptly stood up from the table. Her eyes zone to Kookie. "So I assume our engagement is over?"
"I'm sorry Umji, we both knew it wasn't right." Kookie replies.
Umji rolls her eyes and now back to me. "Yeah I suppose you are right." And turn away.
"Umji!" Soo Jin called her name. Umji turn to look at her sister. "You are free." Was all Soo Jin said. Umji eyes slight widen and did a subtle nod and walk out.
I noticed Dino eyes lingered on Umji and they were a little sad. Soo Jin saw it as well, which she gave him a peck on the cheek. The two smile at each other and again you can see they truly did love one another.
Soo Jin parents and Mrs. Jeon were next to walk away from the table without a word.
"Lisa." My names was called and I look over and my mom was on the verge of tears. "Were you going through a lot here, by yourself?"
"Mom... I'm so-"
I was cut off from Kookie. "I am sorry. She was going through so much because of me. But I promise her that I would get things straighten out and I will make sure she wouldn't go through pain ever again."
My parents were looking at Kookie. I can see that they didn't know to trust him or not. They didn't know him exactly.
"Mom, this Jeon Jungkook. He is the man I love." I told my parents.
Their eyes widen at my confession.
"Lisa, are you sure? His family seems complex and that's now what we want from you." My mom asked.
"Mom, I'm sure with every nerve in my body. I know what you are thinking but I love him." I tell them.
"I don't know..." My mom starts to say.
"I know it's going to take a lot to trust me. Especially after all this. I completely understand. She stood by my side and I will stand by her side till you approve." Kookie tells him.
My parents now stood up and walk away without another word.
"Don't give up on them please?" I ask Kookie.
Kookie turns to me, "I won't."
"So when are we getting invited to the wedding?" J hope asked wiggling his eye brows.
"They aren't getting married yet." Jisoo said.
"Oh come on! Nothing is stopping them now." RM said.
"Lisa parents haven't even approved yet." Jennie tells the others.
"But they will. Look at them." V gestures to us. "Why would they stop them when you can see they clearly are in love." V said.
"Yeah, and if they can overcome that huge obstacle, I'm sure they can overcome anything." Jimin said.
"That's true.."Rose said. "Do you two want to get marry?" All eyes were on us with Rose's question.
My cheeks are flaming right now. We never actually talked about marriage. Yes we love each other, but we were focus on getting Kookie out of his current engagement, we never talked about us getting married.
"How about we let them decide that on their own." Soo Jin said.
I look over Soo Jin with a smile. "I never answered your question about the job offer." And Soo Jin looks a time waiting for my answer. "I would love to become a dance instructor at the academy."
Soo Jin smiles, "Perfect. I'll make sure when you graduate, you will work there."
Dinner was done in thirty minutes after and we all parted ways. Kookie and I arrived at home and we both fell into our bed exhausted. The night was filled with so much hostility but at the end, we won.
Kookie and I are finally free from Kookie's parents and we both are moving forward with our lives.
"Lili, are you happy?" Kookie asks me.
I turn to him, "Yes. Are you?" I asked him back.
"Very... I love you." He said as he leans into me as he kisses me. Our kids deepens and each clothing came off.
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