The next morning was taken up with some house chores and tending to her cats, followed by a short ride on the train to visit her parents at Misari Equestrian Club in Hanam-si. She would normally go back to visit at their family home but today is a big day.
A nasty riding accident 3 years ago had left her mother with a broken right hip and had stopped the elder from doing what she loved most. Walking had been painful, and horse-riding slowly became a thing of the past. Well not anymore! They had now successfully healed and Lisa was beyond ecstatic to see her mother taking the first ride.
She almost cried too when she witnessed it! Her mother limped a little when she hopped on, but she managed to get the hang of it as the trainer brought the horse around. At fifty-four, she looked so happily glamorous on the brown stud!
It's amazing how she could wake herself up so early to be here, seeing how late she slept last night. She'd been enjoying talking to Jungkook on the phone - well, the talking was mostly done by her - that she didn't realize that it was already close to 3am. She can't complain as it brought her a few insights about him now.
#1. He's an introvert - that's for sure! He didn't speak a lot and he gets shy easily. She also caught him doubting himself for a few times in their conversation. It's quite cute when she replayed it back.
#2. He doesn't have much experiences to share. Being the energetic and eager soul that she is, she kept asking questions of have-you-ever but in most, he would simply answer 'no'. Even if he said 'yes', he wouldn't go into details about it - which makes her think how bad he is at carrying conversations.
#3. He lives alone. He has no brothers or sisters and he refused to talk about his family in general. It's easy to tell as he kept dodging the question with other random ones.
Which brings her to #4 - he's one of those sensitive type. The topics that he came up with required her to think...like his question of 'do you ever feel like running away, far from everything you've known?' or 'if you could change the past, what would it be?'. It's quite funny because he asked and she answered, but when she asked him back...he'd find a way to somehow make it about her again.
It's a bit confusing, but Lisa doesn't mind it. She genuinely felt like he needed comfort...or a friend. She might not know much, but she could tell that he's been spending quite an amount of time by himself - and it's depressing.
"Lili - slow down!!" She heard her father's shout from afar and pulls the rope to a halt. The black stud began slowing down and they turned to wait. "You were so fast...it's so dangerous -" The old man frowned as he got closer.
"Sorry dad," She giggled. "I just missed it too much,"
"We're supposed to ride together. Who are you racing with?"
"The wind!" She shuts both eyes and splayed her arms wide open, inhaling the fresh air around them deeply.
Marco halted his horse next to his daughter's and smirked. "We shouldn't leave your mother for too long. She'll get emotional,"
"Aww...you take care of your woman so well - I'm proud!"
"I have to - I'd be facing two screamings in the house if I didn't," The quick response and rolling eyes made her giggle. "How's school?"
"Like I said in almost every weekend, it's fine dad. It just started -"
"When's the final exam again?"
"July," She rubbed the horse's neck a little as it shuddered.
"Have you thought about Canada?" He asked as they slowly make their way back to the stable.
"There's still months to go. I um...I did some research, but I haven't really decided –"
"You know you have to decide quick. We need to sort out the arrangements,"
She nods and rests her eyes down on her fingers. "I mean...they do need my Degree before I can do my Master,"
"I told you, I have a few connections there. I'm sure I can ask them for help,"
She sighed. Her father's been bugging her about continuing her Master's Degree in Canada for quite some time now – even before her final semester started! It's not that she didn't want to go...she just feels that it's too soon. She thought she could try getting a job after this – a proper one than working by the shift at a small flower shop – just for the experience of it. But it seems like her father has a plan of his own for her, and she can't say no.
She loves her life here, the way it is. Her friends, the familiar streets - it took her a long time to finally feel like she fits in, and she just wanted some time to enjoy it before starting anew again. Is she selfish if she were to ask -
Her phone buzzed and she took it out from the pocket of her jeans.
Hi Lalisa
Just wanna say good morning
She tries to suppress her smile.
"Who is it?" She looks back up to her father and quickly hid the phone back in her pocket. "Must be a boy. Girls don't smile like that unless it's about a boy,"
"Wow...you must know a lot of girls huh, dad?" She squints her eyes suspiciously.
"I was once young too, you know. And you forgot that I have two sisters,"
She laughed because her father's cheeks had turned pink.
"I was much more handsome too! Look at my face now - can't you tell how handsome I was back then?"
"Oh yeah, definitely! We have a bunch of pictures at home to prove it too!" She laughed louder.
"Yeah well...no hanky-panky until you're married, young lady!"
"Ooo...hanky-panky...sounds fun!"
"Lili!" He has his poker face on but she knew better. Her father might seem like a serious chief but he's a softie when it comes to her mother and herself! "Anyway, don't bring him back until it's serious. I don't want your mom to harass me with details,"
"But what's the point of having the power if you're not gonna use it?" She teased.
"I have enough headaches dealing with actual monsters in this world, don't you feel sorry for me?"
"Mmm I do - I so do, dad. That's why I'm gonna tell you this - you have nothing to worry about. It's just a friend, nothing more. No hanky-panky...for now at least -"
She laughed hard and speeds up her ride, leaving the annoyed parent behind.
Hi Jungkook
Good morning to you too!
Sorry I couldn't reply earlier
Was on a horse
An actual horse?
No, a merry-go-round one
Yes, an actual horse
I went horse-riding with my parents
That's nice
There he goes again...with the one-word reply.
It was
Have you tried?
No, I haven't
You should try it
It's fun
And liberating
Okay, I'll try it one day
She smiled to herself. So far, she had suggested three things to which he said okay to. Visit Everland - which, by the way, is still surprising to her that he'd never been! Everyone she ever knew here have been there at least once in their lives, how could he not have?? Then there's bungee jump at Jecheon City. She mentioned this when he asked if there was a time when she couldn't hear herself thinking. Now, it's horse-riding. It makes her feel proud for some reason, as if she's helping him in a way.
Had your breakfast yet?
I'm waiting for it though
I'm at Baker's Table
Waiting for my friend
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