"Daddy..." Her voice can't be any smaller. "Say something..."
Her father had asked Jungkook to leave the room and now it's only the two of them, sitting in torturous silence. Torture because she had to suppress her need to burst into happy tears upon Jungkook's words - still lingering in her mind.
He wants to marry me! He really wants to marry me!!
To say that it shocked her is an understatement of the year. She was sure that her boyfriend's going to say things like 'don't take her away from me', or maybe that he'll wait for her to come back - not once did she expect him to even jump into the topic of marriage and be so confidently charming at it too!
Things were getting better - yes, much better - but even Lisa didn't think of the bigger picture that comes with it! She thought she'd slowly spend more time in Jeju to be with him, a subtle way to give her parents some room to digest the fact that she won't be going to Canada. She never even spoke about Canada to Jungkook after that first time - afraid of what his response might be - so to hear that he'd willing to drop everything and go with her this time is really...amazing - that's the word!
"Lalisa...I want you to be clear about something," Her father finally broke his silence. His voice is stern and filled with determination and Lisa's hands began shaking again, unsure of what follows suit. "You're my daughter and I want what's best for you..."
Oh no...oh, please no!! "Dad - please! Please don't ask me to leave him - I can't, please!!"
"You need to learn how to listen," The slightly higher tone forced soft sobs out of her, and Lisa looks down to the knotted fingers on her lap. "I know...I know how...how in love and infatuated you two are with each other. But again, you need to learn how to listen. Stop interrupting and just listen,"
Lisa nodded - tears had started falling despite the hushed battle in her mind. Please...please don't let this be another challenge...please don't break us apart...
"Listen to him. Listen to what he said. He's doing his very best, just for you!"
She looks up. It was clearly not what she expected to hear from her father. She thought he was going to convince her not to accept Jungkook's proposal but now -
"I don't ever - and I don't mean just him, it's probably someone else in the future - I don't know! But I don't ever want to hear you justifying for any man! Stop trying to put your life or decisions on hold over any man. He's not the boss of you - I'm not the boss of you! If you told me you didn't want to go to Canada before you met him, I would have been fine with it but now it seems that it revolves around your concern for him - why? If he wants to be with you, he'll make the plans to do so, and look at what he just did - he made the plan!"
She didn't know why she smiled but the joy had kicked in all too sudden and it made her grinning and nodding like a fool!
"This chasing...doubts of whether he's capable of making decisions that involve you has to stop, Lili. Trust him!"
"I do! I do, daddy - I just...I wasn't sure if you like him -"
"I didn't. He was the last kind of person I wanted to be hanging around my daughter, but that was before. See...I've done a lot of thinking. There are so many people in this world who refused to be given second chances in life. They kept taking it for granted. But him...he was just at the wrong place. It's his circumstances and it's a work of God that I, myself can't judge. He was waiting for the second chance - all his life, he's been waiting for it. He just never knew how to get it. And now that he's given that room to start over, he's doing the best he can. I don't know him that long...but I can say how proud I am of him and it has nothing to do with your relationship with him. I cannot hope for a better man to take such good care of my daughter,"
"Daddy..." Lisa sobbed when her father's eyes began glistening with tears. Instinctively, she got up and around the desk, hugging her father from the side.
She's never felt so blessed to have this life, with such open and loving eyes surrounding her. It was just in a click of each moment that seemed to be just another ordinary day, passing her by. Her mother never would have met her stepfather if she decided to pay for her parking ticket at the post-office instead of the police station years ago back in Thailand.
And she wouldn't have met Jungkook if she didn't turn her head to the right when she spotted those rowdy-looking guys at the side of the street that night. Isn't it funny how different her fate would have been if she didn't stop and help him? Those few seconds was all it took...just a click...and she's here, feeling like the luckiest and happiest girl in the world!
"Helps the fact that he knows how to fight too! I won't have to worry about keeping you safe,"
Still in tears, she laughed at her father's chuckling bluntness.
It's kind of a heavy sight to take in - hearing the words of her mother to his mother and seeing them in such a genuine-filled embrace with each other back in this dining room. He guessed that Mrs Kim had been honest to Mrs Manoban about her own struggles and past, since he caught Lisa's mother telling his own 'from one woman, wife and mother to another, you did so well and you should be proud of yourself'.
He would have teared up behind this wall too - if Marco hadn't suddenly shown up beside him right this second!
"I'll give you the 3 months. Let's see how good you really are at keeping your word, son," Both of his hands are in his pocket.
Jungkook's eyes widened with delight. "I will, dad -"
"Not yet,"
"But you called me 'son' -"
"I call everyone 'son',"
"You do?" He frowned and his hand lands on his chest. "All this time...I thought I was special," Marco smirked and rolled his eyes. "You love me - I know you do! You're just playing hard to get -"
"Jungkook-ssi, don't make me regret my decision,"
"Aishh...one day you'll love me! And there'll be no other 'sons' - I'm claiming it!"
"We'll see about that. In the meantime...I believe you owe my daughter a proper, much better, and convincing proposal?"
Jungkook shifts from one foot to another, ruffling the back of his hair nervously. "I um...I'll get a ring. I haven't had the chance to go shopping yet cus we came straight here -"
"I don't think she's expecting a ring...she asked me to tell you that she's in the garden at the back," Jungkook's heart leaped immediately and he was ready to find her when Marco held a hand on his shoulder. "Don't...put on a show back there - if you know what I mean," He cocks an eyebrow. "She's not your wife yet,"
Put on a show...like making out?? Of course we're gonna make out - if she says yes, I'm gonna make sure we make the hell out!! It makes Jungkook want to laugh out loud but he didn't want to waste any more time so he simply nodded before racing to the sliding door.
"So um..." Jungkook began kicking the air on his steps towards her, taking his time in between looking at her shy self and the cobblestones he's stepping on. "I'm sorry it came out that way - in front of your dad like that,"
He looked more of his age now...simple...with a hint of determination. His shy smile made an appearance, and Lisa swore she's do anything to keep this image in her mind forever. She kept her silence and smile, and when he finally reached in front of her, she saw the heavy heave on his shoulder - as if he just took a deep breath to calm his nerves down. Then he took her hands in his.
"Lalisa..." She loved how beautiful her name sounds when he said it. She loved the twinkling in his eyes whenever he looks at her. She loved the way he is standing in front of her now, and everything about him. "When I first met you...I was stunned. I've been alone for so long that it's almost unsettling to suddenly want your company around me, all the time. I know we've only had memories in our brief time together - some bad ones, and for me, mostly good ones,"
She can't help but laugh down shyly at the sentiment.
"Either way, I would do it over and over again - always making it better for you each time. I wouldn't have it any other way...none other than what you deserve. And you deserve the world - my love, you deserve more than just this world. I would walk miles in my lifetime, just so I can build more memories for us if you allow me so. Please stay with me...for every moment of my life, please be with me,"
He kneels and she covered her mouth to hide her joyful sobs. The tears pooling in his eyes reflects his heartfelt and sincere submission.
"Stay with me...please don't ever leave me. You're a wonder in my world. Your name beats in my heart and I...I promise I'll stop at nothing to keep breathing it. Just how you brought light into my life and changed it forever, please let me love you. I'll make you happy - for the rest of my life, I promise I'll make you happy. Please let me have the honor of marrying you,"
It sounded like a plea...as if a life without her would be too empty and unbearable. The words he breathed were too beautiful that Lisa hadn't realized how quickly she had gotten herself on his level - cupping his face and kissing him dearly. Everything he said resonates with what she's feeling for him - does he not know that? This beautiful, imperfectly-perfect man loves me...and I'd be the most honored of all to be receiving such undoubted love!!
"Did you practice that?" She chuckled when they stopped to catch some air. He leaned his forehead against hers and sighed a few laughs. His hand cupped gently on her cheek and his thumb brushes on her lower lip.
"For a few days, yeah. Is it okay?" He smiled embarrassingly. Seriously, how can he even ask that?? "It wasn't the most romantic proposal like how I imagined it to be -"
"It's more than perfect," She rubs off the tears on his cheeks. "More than I could ever imagine," She breathes in his scent - the same one that made her heart flutter on their very first date. "I love you, Jungkook. I'll marry you in any lifetime - it'll always be you,"
"Really??" Why is he so surprised?? She opened her eyes to find his adoring eyes boring into hers. "Oh my God - this is...this is just...fuck - I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to swear - I'm just...I'm just so happy!! Thank you - oh -" He looks up as if he could share his utmost joy with the night sky above them and Lisa can't help but laugh. "Thank you!! You just made me the happiest man alive right now - thank you, baby!!" And he's kissing her again.
It's amazing how she's able to actually feel the triumph he felt at this second. It's as if the heavy weight of constant pondering in the unknown had been lifted between them both, and now it's only a matter of time. Only the 'when' and the 'how long'. Time of them spending their whole lives together. Time for their 'forever'.
The night sky once ruled my imagination
Now I turn the dials with careful calculation
After a while, I thought I'd never find you
When suddenly I saw you
At first I thought you were a constellation
I made a map of your stars then I had a revelation
You're as beautiful as endless
You're the universe I'm helpless in
Jungkook hums through Sleeping at Last's Venus in his mind, as he stares out to the warm energy within his peripheral vision. A sense of pride sinks in as the view began to seem more like the 'bigger picture'.
She wanted a 'wedding by the sea' and a place they both felt comfortable with. So here they are - just a hundred meters away from his house in Jeju - overlooking the beautiful, romantic setting of florals and sunset by the welcoming waters.
He watched his mother and her parents taking their places in the front row from afar. It had been a tearful weekend, he thought. His mother couldn't stop smiling and crying when she saw him in his suit. Marco had been saying how proud he is that Jungkook managed to keep to his words. He couldn't be happier to be calling the man 'dad' now.
From the porch to the arch, Jungkook's eyes scan through the crowd before them. Her friends are all here. Some he's never met before that he knew are from her home country. His small family - the crew from his cafe - have also settled themselves among the attendees. He also spotted a few of their regular customers - the 'locals' - smiling brightly while chatting with each other.
He turned to find the girl of his dreams, walking slowly towards him. Her smile is broad but shy and he felt his heart melting at the soft sight. With a long, silked, white dress wrapped around her beautiful self, she lets one hand holds the bouquet while the other reached up to cover her slightly parted bangs, blown by the sea breeze. It made him chuckle a little because even with her angelic presence, she could appear to be so cute!
"Woah..." He can't help his gasps, gesturing to her from top to toe. "You uh...you're beautiful! You're always beautiful but this -"
She giggled, looking down at her dress. "Thank you. You look handsome too! And sexy -"
"You think so? Cus that's what I was aiming for, you know...sexy groom..." He chuckled back nervously.
How lucky am I? I've seen this smile over and over and it's still making me feel things!
She stepped forward and tiptoed a little close to his ear. "Yes...the most handsome and sexiest man I've ever seen. I can't wait to take it off,"
Damn it - "Let's go back in now - they can wait, right??"
She blushes pink like warm spring and Jungkook's hands itch to touch her soft cheeks. All in good times, Kook...you'll have her forever...
He never thought that this day would ever come. Never - in his entire lifetime - had he dared to dream standing here in awe and pride, having his bride to reach for his arm and link it with hers. He could still recall the night when he proposed to her 3 months ago.
It wasn't easy once he started hustling his way to ensure that he'd be able to keep to his promise, but he did it. His staffs are well-trained by now. The cafe has been running smoothly in his absence for when he had to travel out to check on his properties and meeting some agents. He trusts his team better now to take good care of his place and mother.
Lisa had a tougher time convincing her friends that Jungkook won't leave again, and they eventually believed that the two are a match made in heaven. Taehyung and Jimin played a big role in that to add. They were worried, Jungkook understood that. So he took the last month to spend it more on Lisa and her friends - just participating and being involved.
"What are you thinking?" She shook her arm softly.
His chest is overwhelmed by how far he's come. His journey since he was a child felt like the longest ride ever, and to still be standing here on this day with his love calls for another book. A new book, where not only him but also Lisa gets to be the writer. Right this second, he knew that she's the home he's been looking for all his life.
Jungkook took a deep breath and squared his shoulder, suddenly impatient at the prospect. "Will you marry me today, baby?"
Lisa gives her most genuine smile...most loving smile, and said, "I'd marry you everyday,"
Hi guys!!
I hope everyone's safe and well...and I hope you've enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing them! Thank you so much for all the inputs + comments + votes, I truly appreciate it!
This book is by far the longest I've ever written (I'm not good at writing long-winded stories, I'm sorry!!) and it was a little hard to convey certain aspects as I can't really write full-on action-packed scenes so I really tried my best in this one. Sorry for any grammatical/spelling errors!
The characters of Jungkook & Lisa in this - as flawed as they were - are by far my most favorite one among all. It's because as humans, we can't help but pick our battles according to our given situations. Some might have it harder than others. But we grow. At one point in life, God will always be kind to us if we allow ourselves to be kind to our heart and mind, and with that, he'll allow us to grow and do better.
Some of the chapters contained how abuse and anxiety works - it drowns every good thing we have in our minds to a point that we're only consumed by negativity about ourselves. I hope none of you will ever have to suffer in such an environment (physically or mentally), but if you are, please know that there are rooms in this world where you can belong and get better.
That being said, I love you, I appreciate you, and I wish all of you a good and safe place to live in with good, loving people around. Take care. Hugs!!!
Thanks again! xoxo
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