Now...moving on to the other tricky subject - sleeping arrangements. Lisa had whispered to him that maybe it's better if she sleeps with Mrs Kim moving forward. But that means he won't have her next to him for the entire week and that's...quite devastating, to be honest.
Silly of him to never even thought about it. He was used to living by his own means and never had to take into considerations of what his mother would think if he were to bring a girl back home, so this is a new thing he has to deal with.
Slowly and cautiously, he walks up to Mrs Kim - who's busy watering her plants before ending the night. It's quite casual for him to speak to his mother about things now, since he's been opening up about pretty much everything since his confession. But this is an entirely different situation - possibly more terrifying than telling the woman he'd been a surviving by killing other people!
His mother turned and scans him from head to toe when he shuffles awkwardly - wondering if he should just let it go and accept what Lisa had proposed. But...but I miss her! I miss her in my arms and - and 7 days is a long time!!
"Why are you fidgeting?" Mrs Kim raised an eyebrow.
"Ahh..." Jungkook ruffled the back of his hair, trying and failing miserable to act casual. "So um...Lisa, she uh...she'll be staying with us for a week and I um...well, she asked if she could sleep with you but I uh...in your room but maybe if um -" Where the hell am I going with this - damn, I should've practiced this! "It's kinda hot tonight right?" He began fanning himself - his eyes wanders around as if the so-called 'hot air' could agree with him.
"Oh...I see..." Mrs Kim nodded and Jungkook sighed - knowing full well that his kind mother would agree. "She's your guest, right? I'm sorry but I'm used to sleeping alone. You're fine with sleeping on the floor, aren't you? You slept fine last night..."
He frowned, not quite understanding. Who said I was sleeping on the floor?? He saw the hint of smirk on his mother's face and his lips formed an 'o'.
"Yeah...totally fine!! Floor is good - super comfortable -"
"Is that all you wanted to ask?" Okay, she's laughing at me but who cares?!
"Yes!! Okay - I'll go prepare the um...the uh...okay! Thanks eomma!" He shifts back and forth before finally leaving the elder with a leaping heart.
"Are you sure ahjumma's okay with this? I don't want her to think badly of me -" Lisa whined again, sitting cross-legged on his bed.
He can't wait to hug her, especially with the way she's looking right now - wrapped in that too-big-of-a-shirt and her natural, bare-faced beauty!
"Yeah! She insisted actually...cus she's used to sleeping alone,"
"And you had nothing to do with her saying that?"
"Nope!" Jungkook smiled as he throws a pillow on the extra duvet on the floor carpet. There...looks good enough! He then plopped himself on the bed next to her, earning a small frown from the girl.
"What are you doing? You said you'll sleep on the floor," Her straight face shows that she's serious.
"Oh...that's um...I mean, I can climb down there in the morning -"
"No...your mother said you'll sleep on the floor, and you agreed. So you'll sleep on the floor,"
Is she...is she serious?? I miss holding her - how can she asks me to be away from her?! This is the only time they get to be alone with each other and...and I miss her!!
Jungkook pouts to protest but her frowning gaze is not something he can fight with, so with heavy feet, he drags himself off the bed and onto the hard surface behind the duvet.
"Yes??" He sits back up immediately, hoping that she's changed her mind.
"Goodnight," He could see the amusement on her face, which annoys the hell out of him but damned if he'll do anything about it!!
This is so not how he imagined his nights would go but will he do anything about it? No. Why? Because at least Lisa is here, safe with him. And he feels safe with her.
He had to be doing it deliberately because there's no way he could be so naturally sexy while doing even the most basic chores in the place! It could be on purpose since she hadn't let him sleep by her side for the past 3 nights and hell - he's clearly winning!
This is a new side of Jungkook she hadn't seen before. He wasn't upset or throwing attitudes towards her, he'd just go out of his way to make her want him - and it's sure damn simple how easy it was for him to do it!
He would get up before sunrise and go out running or whatever, and came back with just enough sweats plastered at all the right places. And he must've been using some sort of masculine-filled fragranced-shampoo or soap made just for the likes of her because she was constantly aware of how delicious he smelled.
Then there are those strong, lean biceps and muscles seeking her attention whenever he carried heavy stuff in front of her - in those all-white or all-black shirts that sits just right on his chest. It has to be embarrassing at this point as half of the time when she ended up gawking at him, he'd catch her with 'the look' in his eyes - you know, the one that says 'like what you see?'.
I swear his confidence level had upped way too many notches by now and can I blame him? No, because my eyes thanks me for it! Not just my eyes actually, every inch of my being is thanking his beautiful, sexy existence right here!
And now she found him painting the door of the restroom - bending down and being so focused that Lisa could see the flexes of veins on his arms and his beautifully-sculptured shoulder blades. Even from across the room she could see the side of his jaw tensed with determination for details. He got up slightly to examine his work closer, and it encourage her gaze to fall down to his back.
Damn, his butt is sexy in those nice-fitted jeans! And look at his hands...can they just be on me already -
"You okay, noona?" Soobin's voice made her jump a little and Lisa realized how her fingers had gotten onto the base of her neck.
Soobin is halfway through the arch, with a glass of mocha in his hand. At far left in the kitchen is the glimpse of smiling Mrs Kim. Lisa turned just in time to find Jungkook watching her with 'that look' in his face.
Shit! Shit - shit - shit!!
She shifts her hand to her hair. "Y-yeah...I just...just remembered something...about m-my cat - but it's nothing," Her steps are quick as she hides her face down, hoping that no one would notice her miserable embarrassing being!
Okay, so she didn't prepare herself for sexy Jungkook to make a show when she planned to not sleep with him - people make mistakes! It's just so hard...she was the first to make a move in almost everything involving their relationship and it's sort of something she came up with at the very last minute to teach him a lesson of never taking her for granted again.
But was it really necessary? In the back of her mind, I know that he did it out of respect for me but...can't he be rude sometimes?? Can't he just break the rule this time and claim her? I've chasing him around and now I'm here - how is he not affected by 3 days of not touching me?
I didn't even have to say twice - he'd just roll up the duvet the next nights as if the floor is his wife - welcoming him home after a long day of work, like...he didn't even ask again if he could sleep on the bed with me! Is he...does he not miss me??
Jungkook wasn't quite sure how he managed to get through the days without being inappropriately slutty. When she talked, he tries hard to listen and retain some of the information when all he could see are the movements of her lips and how much he wanted to touch it.
When she's near, he had to gather all self-control to not just launch himself at her - which was always what he really wanted to do but couldn't because his mother was always there and Lisa wouldn't like it. There were a few instances when his fingers would just have minds of their own by doing the little things - like brushing over her arms or cheeks or running by the back of her small waist - just enough to sort of calm his giddiness whenever he caught her being cute...or hot.
It wasn't this hard to not picture her naked before, but that's because she wasn't here or anywhere near his proximity. Now it's almost all he thinks about whenever he gets a little time to rest. Everywhere in his room...or the staircase...even in the cafe downstairs - the possibilities are endless!
It's sad...his subconscious is getting upset by the day and his friend down there - well, he's getting more furious as each night passes without any care or attendance. But he has to give them some heavy, meaningful pep-talks if he wants to love her better.
Lisa's been nothing short of amazing around here. She gets along with his mother so well that Jungkook's beginning to find himself excluded from an alliance. They'd share knowing laughs and looks, they chatted a lot and Lisa would be the 'go-to' when his mother tried new recipes.
It's so heart-warming for Jungkook to watch the two women he loves most being so comfortable around each other. She wanted his mother to like her and it shows. She said it herself - that she didn't want the elder to think badly of her, so he has to pull through.
He's been working so hard to ensure that he won't do anything to fuck this up - to keep Lisa with him. He would go into the room later than she does, just so he won't catch her in just her towel. He'd wake up early so he can calm his 'friend' for the rest of the day - or at least half of the day! And he'd try keep himself at least 3 feet away from her, just to respect her personal space.
And God damn - it was the hardest thing to do! How long do I need to keep this up - I may need to marry her soon just to be able to touch her! Will she freak out if I ask her to marry me next week? Is that too soon? How long does one wait before asking for marriage?
Of course, it never crossed his mind before but looking at how controlled his 'actions' are while living under the same roof as his mother and girlfriend made him desperate. His logic is always there, reminding him.
She's scared that eomma would think badly of her. The only way to get her assured is if we're married. It's only been 4 days and I'm already struggling...dying...that I can't touch her - how am I supposed to do this for months or years??
But...if I ask her...would she say yes? Of course not, she's gonna think that I only want her for the sex - which is not true! It's not just a week - I want her with me all the time, everyday! She...she completes me. She's my person, my home...and now that we're here, can I make it permanent?
He knows she loves him. She came this far - away from her family and friends - to be with him, and that says a lot. And he saw the way she looks at him - always with amazement and awe, even for the smallest thing! It's as if she's proud to have him or to be looking at him, and he loves it!
He matters to her, just like she matters to him. She adores him, just like he adores the hell out of her. The flirty looks she constantly gave reflect her longing, and he wish she knows just how crazy he is for her. Lisa's beautiful face...and her perfect body - those big eyes and luscious lips, her lean, long limbs and the cute, sexy sway of her hips - parading herself everywhere in his sight -
Damn it, Kook - calm down!! Okay...I can do this! It's just another night. She'd probably already asleep by now so I'm safe. I'll take a cold shower...I'm safe.
He stepped into the dimmed room and heads straight into the bathroom - refusing to make eye-contact so he won't 'accidentally' catch her in her choice of nightwear. It'll stop him from imagining any indecent thoughts like the first night.
God knows how awful it was for him that night - he couldn't sleep thinking of Lisa and her oversized shirt, wondering if she's wearing anything else underneath. It took all his might to not say 'fuck it' and jump on the bed to check!
No one can blame him for having these thoughts. The last time he had the privilege to touch her was the morning of the operation with Marco. He hadn't seen much of her up-close after, not until she showed up at his doorstep. To say that he misses the love of his life is an understatement!
Jungkook got out all dressed and ready for sleep. He couldn't catch Lisa's face in this dark space, but he could see her silhouette laying down on the bed. He already gave a quick goodnight kiss when they were downstairs earlier, and now he's just sighing down at the rolled-up duvet.
Just another night -
"This is ridiculous -" He heard her soft voice and looks up.
"Baby? Do you need something?"
"Yes!!" She sits up and forced her voice into a harsh whisper. She sounds upset - why is she upset??
"Why do you have to look hot all the time?? Just tell me, why? Are you punishing me cus I won't let you sleep with me - which by the way, was so rude for you to not even try to fight me on it! Don't you miss me? Or is this just a one-way thing where I'm constantly having to chase you all the time - this is so unfair!! I thought you'd miss me and I thought you'd be a little desperate as to how much you want me but there you are - looking so fine and unbothered and so fucking hot all the time - and here I am, having to once again tell you what to do! I'm the girl here, why do I have to be the one who's clingy all the time - I mean, yes, I should be clingy - but you should be the decision-maker, that's how it works!!"
Wow...did she even breathe? He saw her shoulders heaving up and down like she's taking short breaths as if she just ran a mile, but all Jungkook could feel is his heart melting.
"You...you think I'm hot?"
"Really?? That's all you can say - ughh!!" She threw a small pillow and he caught it on his chest. "Now you're laughing at me - that's it!! I'm taking the first flight back tomorrow!" Then she lays back down again.
Fuck - why is she so damn cute?! Jungkook took slow steps until he reached her bedside. She wasn't screaming, so she can't be THAT upset!
"I didn't know I could fight for it...I thought you really wanted me to sleep on the floor -" He said as he sits beside her.
"A little argument won't hurt!" She sulks back and Jungkook suppressed his need to laugh.
"So..." He lets his finger brushed on her arm. "Can I be next to you now?"
"No! Now you're only doing it cus I said all these things - it's passed! You had your chance -"
He cuts her words with a kiss and lingers. "And if I tell you I don't care? What would you do?"
He could tell that she's trying hard to control her breathing by the way she looks at him. Gravity had pulled her bangs apart and she looks like the epitome of grace and beauty. If anything could ruin or kill his spirit to live, it would be her. Just her and her softness.
"I'm already going crazy...not being able to touch you how I wanted to," His lips hovers on top of hers. "You've been walking around here like you know you own me...you know you bothered me more than anything else, baby. The wait is painful but I'll do it. If that's what you want, in a heartbeat, I'll do it,"
His hand grips the side of her neck and he brushed the tip of her nose with his. She opened her mouth more to speak but no words came out. In this moment, he could only see the yearning from her lips. Needing him, wanting him.
"Clearly, we have to work more on our communication to avoid all these frustrations. So let's start now. Tell me what you really want," He whispered more. Her gaze is lost in his eyes, and she tried leaning forward but Jungkook held her down.
"Or maybe I should start..." He begins planting small, feathery kisses from her cheek to her jawline. "You smell heavenly all the time, I wanna taste you here,"
He licks on the skin of her neck, from the base and upwards. "And I wanna leave my mark," He suckled on a spot, earning a quick response from her body.
"Y-your um...your mom w-will hear -" She breathed in between short gasps.
"So you have to be really quiet," He smiled and continues what he has in mind. Her hands are shaking as she gripped on his shirt. Nothing would please him more than having his skin on hers, but it's all in good time. "You've been a good girl so far...you can be quiet, right?"
"Kook..." She trembles more when his free hand cups on her breast, squeezing it to his pleasure. Ahh...how I miss the sound of her melodic moans!
Once he's sure that his mark is made, he hovers back on top of her. "I like you calling the shots. But since you politely asked, I'll do it tonight...see how you like it," His hand travels slowly down south, finding its way to his most loved treasure. Another moan escape her pretty, plump lips and he took the opportunity to bite on the lower. "Tell me...can I sleep next to you tonight?"
She wrapped her hands around his neck and with his all-time favourite seductive smile on her face, she whispered to him, "You should sleep next to me forever."
Just like that, their sleeping arrangement is settled.
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