It's been three weeks, and reading that message has been on her daily routine ever since. It's the first thing she does when she's awake in the morning and the last before she prepares to sleep. In between that, she'll read it again and again whenever she finds herself missing him to a point of crying.
It kept her going, for some reason. She knew it was different than his usual disappearing ammo - which could possibly mean he'll never come back to her ever again. But somehow, the way she felt about not having him around is different now. It's in every sentence. The realization and assurance made her feel a little less anxious than how she'd previously been.
Dad was right...he must have his reasons. There's something that he's holding back, and I can't force him to tell me - be here with me - if he decides that he wants to do it. And maybe...maybe he knew that I wouldn't be able to handle it.
She knew the latter was a strong enough reason for him to keep it in the dark - given her reactions toward him at the warehouse incident. It was evident in his actions while they were together. He's afraid. Afraid that she wouldn't be able to accept him if she knows his secrets. Afraid that she wouldn't love him and stayed for as long as she did. He loved her so much - there was no denying it now.
So she has to be okay with him leaving. She has to pull every ounce of strength she has to eat again, so she won't worry her parents - like he'd asked her to. She has to take care of herself for the time - any time - in case he was to come back. She has to do well in her exams cus it will make him proud. He was always putting her first, and she has to return it by loving herself the way he loved her.
It was unconditional - what he said. 'I will always love you, no matter how far I go'. He didn't need any promises or assurance. Just her being in the same world as him is enough and it's the most beautiful thing anyone has ever declared for her. Lisa's not one to give up hope, but even if she does one day, she knew that Jungkook will forever be the greatest love she'd ever had.
It's been such lonely days and nights without any of his presence around - not his house, his acquaintances, and certainly not himself - for the past two weeks. But despite the emptiness in her chest...she could feel him around. Perhaps the reason being that it's still fairly new and he's always in her thoughts and heart. But mostly it's in those hushed calls her father had in his office room at home.
She didn't notice it at first, but after a week since she received that message, she had overheard her father's conversation from behind the door while she was going to give him a hot coffee. If it wasn't the questionable 'question-for-updates' that she had heard, it's in the way he tried to be secretive about the phone call that made her think.
He was asking things like 'are you all settled?' and 'is your mother comfortable there?' - and when she went in and asked, her father suddenly became agitated and nervous. It led her to believe that it was either he kept in touch with Jungkook...or that he has a secret personal affair and was nervous about her finding out.
The subconscious in her strongly believes that it's the former - since she knew how scared her father would be to even think about looking at another woman aside from her mother! That lady deserves an award for being able to keep a man loyal and in love with her for all this time, honestly!
Lisa sighed a little laugh at the thought of it as she walked out of her faculty. She just finished yet another exam and she felt good about it. Having to stay at her parents' house for the past three weeks gave her not much to do aside from studying and it does her good! She may not know how well she's done so far, but she passed every paper to the instructor with a content feeling so it must be good -
She stopped her tracks right at the edge of the pavement all of a sudden and looks around. The road is quiet, as it usually does during exam periods. A few students from her class are still walking by, but there's no one else that she's unfamiliar with.
Weird...why do I feel like someone's watching me?
Marco B - Lisa:
Heard you're in town
May I know the purpose of this visit?
Sir, I need to tell you now that your concerns for
my whereabouts are partly flattering
but also partly creepy
I don't mind sharing
I'm getting some materials for the cafe
may I know if I'm banned from ever entering the city?
Marco B - Lisa:
I asked for a prompter whenever your name pops up in flights
Just in South Korea
I know I'm misusing my power by doing so
but no one's questioned me so far
Your honesty is very much appreciated
I don't have a problem with it
if you think I do
Marco B - Lisa:
So how are you doing?
Are you healthy?
Sir, these small talks can be postponed
until we do out weekly updates
as we usually do
I thought you don't like to waste time?
Marco B - Lisa:
Very well then
Are you here to do any funny business?
Like stalking my daughter?
Damn it - why is he so funny?! Jungkook laughed at the phone in his hand.
Sir, stalking your daughter would be a
serious business, not funny
I'm here to buy some materials for my house/cafe
Marco B - Lisa:
But I have more time before my flight
so yes, my eyes are currently on your daughter
in a non-creepy way
from very far and very hidden
Marco B - Lisa:
Your choice of words are peculiar to me son
I enjoy our conversations too dad
and before you tell me to back off
I'm already leaving to the airport
Marco B - Lisa:
I was only going to tell you
to man up and talk to her
Next time, stay a night
I can buy you a drink at that bar you like so much
Just say that you miss me
I might consider
He giggled and placed the phone back in his pocket. When he looks back up, Lisa's already in her car. He watched as she pulled out from the parking space and drove out of the university compound.
It's a good day...my lucky day! I got to see your beautiful face again. Ahh...I miss that doll face!! I hope her day is good too...
"How's your day, sweetie?" Her father asked as she stepped into the kitchen. "How's your paper?"
"It's okay...I got another fruit basket today," She's been feeling like a child again ever since she started staying in her parents' house. Even though it's only temporary, she quite enjoys it. "From one of my classmates. She said she heard the news of your passing from her friend but she didn't get to give her condolences cus we only shared one class. I spent 15 minutes before the exam to gossip about how easy it was for newspapers to publish fake news around. I think she felt bad about asking for the basket back - it's shown on her face,"
"Tell her I appreciate the thoughts regardless," Her father chuckled and Lisa squinted her eyes in annoyance. How can he even laugh about this??
"I'm now kinda thankful that half of the art students don't read newspapers much..." She took one scone from her father's plate - tearing it in half and pops one in her mouth.
"Oh, I wanted to ask you..." She continues. "Should I be worried about...you know...those people you caught? Like...would they come after me or something?"
"Why - did you see anyone suspicious around you? I can get you a bodyguard -"
"No, no...just that - maybe I'm overanalyzing it or something - but when I walked out from my exam just now, I kinda feel weird. Like someone's watching me - I don't know,"
Her father sat up straight and turned to her with a serious expression. "Is it only today or has it happened before?"
"Just today,"
"Oh..." She watched calculatingly as her father's shoulders relaxed. The old man turned back to his plate and continues eating. "No, you have nothing to worry about. But if it makes you feel better, I can get someone to look over you,"
Hmm...something's up and I know it! He definitely knows something...he's not very good at hiding it and I won't stop until I find out exactly what he's hiding from me!
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