Her head hurts a little, but it's the nauseating, sickly feeling from her guts to her throat that made her uneasy. She steadies her heavy eyes - forcing them to open wide as she tries to regain her memories of what happened.
She wanted to rub them but her hands won't move. It's the numbness of the two being tied behind her back is what brought her consciousness in full. Her body began shaking upon the realization that she's being held captive in the semi-dark room.
What - what's going on?? "Help!!" Where am I? Why am I tied?? "Help me, please!!"
The door opens and 3 unknown strangers came in. Just the look on their faces lets her know that this is not the help she was shouting for. She pushed herself to the back of the wall as they took a step closer.
"Don't come any closer!" Her voice trembled, along with her shivering being.
Ignoring her fearful request, one of them steps forward. "Don't be scared...we won't hurt you...yet," The other two laughed behind him. He squatted down to her level and reached for her face.
"Don't touch me!!" She hissed and dodged.
"Oohh...feisty! I like it!!"
It was the smirk on his sharp, scary face that brought her to tears - knowing well what they could potentially do to her.
"Oh, don't cry now! You need to save it for daddy's funeral," His eyebrow raised in amusement.
No, no!! This is all a dream! Just a dream! Wake up, Lisa - wake up!! Daddy's okay...you're okay -
"What do you want from me?!" She shouts with her eyes shut when she felt his rough fingertips on her cheek.
"That's...a secret for now. But tell me...how does it feel to have your boyfriend killing your father?"
What - what is he talking about?
"The guy you were with last night? That's your boyfriend, right?"
He must've laughed when her eyes widened, trying to figure out what the hell did he meant by that. "I don't know who you're talking about -" What guy? She wasn't with any other guys except for -
"Oh wow...this is amazing! So you just happened to be leaving the club with someone who's about to kill your father?? It's fucking destiny - that's what it is!"
"Stop talking about my father -"
"Ckk - please! I don't care about the dead guy! What I do care about is the one who was with you last night - and don't even say you don't know him if he carries you back home!"
Who - Jungkook?? Why would these people be interested in Jungkook?
When she kept her silence, the man leans back. "Give me that," He asked for something and threw it on her lap. "That's your father. Dead. Think about that and the guy you're protecting,"
She stares at the newspaper in front of her - with her father's face accommodating half of the cover. When they left the room, she squinted her teary eyes to read what it says.
'UNPRECEDENTED ATTACK IN BROAD DAYLIGHT' the title reads. She couldn't see exactly line-by-line in this little light, so she turned to the caption below the picture.
'Chief Superintendent General Marco Bruschweiler killed by gunshot this evening, leaving a wife and a daughter as he took his final breath at Asan Medical Center in Seoul'
Lisa's heart shattered into a million pieces and she can't stop herself from crying out loud. One question after another finds its way into her messy mind and as much as she tried pinching herself to wake up, it seems to bring her more and more present to the reality she's in.
How - how could this be happening? He was never in danger - was he? Why dad - why him?! Who - who could've done this?! Why am I here? I need to go back...mom...I need to go back to my mom!! Why do they wanna know about Jungkook? Why did he say Jungkook killed dad - it can't be!! They must have the wrong person - it couldn't be!! It couldn't be my Jungkook...
'I guess there is no one to blame
We're leaving ground
Will things ever be the same again?'
This is it. He should feel at least a little scared, but all he could think of is the tune of Europe's 'The Final Countdown' in his mind. He checked his phone again for some encouragement, but she still hadn't replied. Which is a little odd...
Is she mad at him for leaving so early? Maybe she forgot that he said his goodbyes? She was pretty sleepy when he spoke to her.
"Hey, dad," He called on his earpiece. "Did you um...have you explained to Lisa about -"
"For the hundredth time, Jungkook-ssi...I haven't gotten in touch with my family. Her mother knew about it at the hospital, she was going to tell her daughter about it when they meet,"
"So um...you're not sure if she knew about it yet?"
Maybe she didn't get the memo of what's happening? Maybe she saw the news and...fuck, where could she be?? Maybe she's with her friends - finding comfort with them?
"Focus on your task, Jungkook-ssi. Let me do the worrying for my daughter,"
Ignoring his request, Jungkook dialed Jimin's number. After the second ring, the guy picked up.
"Hey...just wondering, is Lisa with Chaeyoung?"
"Hi Jungkook. Not that I know of...she's been out trying to find her. I think the last they spoke was earlier this evening. Maybe she's with her mom? Must've been shocking for them both,"
"Oh...okay, thanks..."
"Yeah...you should try their house. Do you know where it is?"
"Yeah, of course," Once he hung up, he finds his heart beating irregularly.
It could be nothing...she's probably with her mom. Her phone had probably died and she forgot to charge it. She probably didn't expect to hear from him anyway - it must've been a shock to her system to be reading and hearing the news and then finding out that it's fake. Yeah...that's all there is to it!
"Set your time everyone. Jungkook, you're moving in in 2 minutes. And please follow what we've planned,"
He laughed nervously. "Yes, sir,"
"That's more like it. You need to make the exchange within and no more than five minutes. Our men are in place and we'll move in at 22:06 sharp. In the meantime, try not to piss anyone off in there. Do not - I repeat, do not take off the camera on your jacket, and do not try to take matters into your own hands. We need to protect you as well, you got that, son?"
"Yes, dad. And I appreciate it,"
Marco sighed. "And one more thing...thank you, Jungkook-ssi. For reaching out to us...for doing this, and for saving me -"
"Your men are listening so you might not wanna get sentimental here, sir," He chuckled and heard an equal response from Marco. "But you're welcome,"
When he was little - following behind the elder in the manly fashion of camping in the forest to hunt - Mr Kim would only let him eat what he managed to kill. Which most of the time, left him hungry for days. First of all, the guns given to him were heavier than his small hands could bear. Mr Kim would shout at him whenever he missed his shots.
Stop shaking your hands! - he said. Jungkook would get scolded and smacked in the head, especially if he missed a really good meal. He was lucky if the man allows him to use knives instead because he's especially good at throwing them.
Secondly, there's the issue with his targets. It's very hard to find 'good wild meats' - they would have to camp for at least a week to be able to spot a deer. 4 days for wild rabbits. Birds are the worst for his practice - he'd get beaten so hard that he could still remember where the bruises were!
Jungkook would get so agitated by the hunger that he would end up shooting just about anything that moves - which got him even more beatings for wasting the bullets because most of those he shot can't be eaten. Not by anyone sane enough anyway!
These lessons and practices - although brutal - made him more observant and analytical to his surroundings. And although he hates the fact that he's here as this 'hot-shot assassin', it does help! His hands no longer shake, already used to holding pretty much anything he could use in a fight.
His aim is now sharp and his execution will be precise. There are exactly 10 men patrolling outside, 28 people within his sight here in the warehouse, and by the sounds of crates being moved and the shouting - he'd say another 5 to 7 people at the back. He could hear every click and swift drags of foot in this place. No one has their hands on him so far, and he's determined to let it stay that way.
I have to stay alive...I have to find her, make sure she's okay -
"Search him -"
"Not today," Satan - I mean, Sang! "I'm here to collect the balance of money your boss owes me. How dumb do you think I am to be walking in here without any weapons on? Although I do wish that I won't have to use them...right?"
Sang smirked in amusement and his gaze no longer bears the fearful well of black ink that Jungkook saw when he left previously. There was nothing. Not a flinch...not a damn single thing. Something is up -
"Such a smart-ass, aren't you?"
Jungkook begins to see red. Somehow, the vibe has changed. 5 minutes...one minute down. "Let's do this quick, okay? I'm tired - where's your boss?"
"I'm here," Han Ji Hyuk came out from the back, fixing the sleeve of his blazer.
Jungkook faces his body more towards the man - making sure the small camera hidden in between the zipper of his jacket managed to capture his presence. Damn, I hope Marco's shouting a big 'fuck, yes' over there!
His relief didn't last long when his eyes caught what's behind Hyuk. More like who. Lisa's wrists are tied together to the front and her mouth is covered by a silver duct tape. Jungkook's heart beats louder and he felt the air shifted. Everything about the sight made his temperature boil with anger.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to bring my guest in here but you were so adamant about meeting me that I had no choice but to bring her along,"
She looks at him with those big eyes...filled with confusion and fear. Her tears have been falling for a while now, he could see it clearly on her face. What did they do to you? She was held strongly by 2 men - both on each side. 2 minutes down. Marco...are you fucking seeing this?!
"Oh, how rude of me! Let me introduce you two...this is the daughter of the man you just killed for us," Hyuk continues to smile as a way to taunt him.
Her eyes widened even more and the sobs echo clearly and painfully to his ears. He wanted to shout 'NO' and that he didn't kill her father, but he can't. This is bigger than him...it's bigger than the both of them. I'm sorry...I'm sorry, baby!!
His pleading stare was left unattended when her face dropped - crying at the fact that he didn't deny it. Jungkook tries to calm the heavy thuds in his chest. Well...at least you now know the gist of what she would do if she were to find out about your past! She can't even look at you!!
"I'm going to be honest with you, boy. I'm not sure if you know who I am..." 3 minutes down. "The things I'm capable of doing," Marco, move!! Change the fucking plan and move!! "I find your threats quite rude before and I felt like killing you myself. But the more I thought of it, the more potential I find in your skills. So here's my offer," You motherfucking piece of shit - no one cares about your fucking offer, you senile!!
"I want you to work for me," Oh great, now he's negotiating! In front of my girlfriend!! Oh...I'm so gonna kill him for this - I can't wait - "You seem really brave for your age...threatening my men...calling the shots. I'm sure you'll fit right in. You'd do anything for the money, right? Including killing your girlfriend's father? Ahh yes...you said you've got nothing to lose, right? I like people who hold nothing back. This bag? The amount you're getting? It's nothing compared to the business I'm running. There'll be a lot more from where that came from, I promise you that,"
4 minutes...4-fucking-minutes!!
"You seem surprised...I mean...I was surprised too - she's fucking beautiful! You should see her without the tape," Sang walked closer to him and whispered. "Or without the clothes,"
That's it - no more waiting! You didn't touch her - don't you fucking dare to pretend like you did!
Jungkook lifts his left hand in a flash - pinning the small knife in Sang's throat. Blood spurted as he released the man - falling and convulsing on the floor. He heard the small, trembling cry from Lisa, and when he looks back up, all 27 guns are now pointed at him. Oh...they added 3 more from the back - great, it 30 guns now!
He held his arms up. "Sorry...I don't particularly enjoy people being in my space,"
Hyuk's deep, fearful frown turned into glee in a matter of seconds upon hearing it. "Look at you, boy! You already sort out your competition before you even agree to me! You're meant for this!!"
Yeah? Wait till I sort you out, you fucking bastard!! You made me record that shit - okay, Kook...calm down...focus... "So what are we talking about here, really?" He wipes the blade with the sleeve of his jacket. "Am I leading this useless team of yours - this warehouse?"
Come on...confess... "No, I have others too in different states,"
"I know, so I'll be in charge of all of them? The in-and-outs?" Almost there - Marco, you better follow your own god-damn plan cus I swear -
"If you want,"
His watch buzzed on his wrist and he smiled. "Great! Then I'd say...everything is out now,"
Just then, all hell broke loose. The ground shakes as the mini-bombs exploded on the rooftop and chaos erupted as Marco's men slip in from everywhere - the entrance, the partly- blown holes on top, the back of the warehouse...Jungkook felt like he's in a freaking action movie!
Sounds of firearms ensued immediately after. Jungkook took out his knives - planting one on Hyuk's shoulder and two on the heads of the two men surrounding Lisa while he runs to his girl. With her tightly shut eyes, her shaking body fell on the wooden floor.
"I - I'm sorry! I'm sorry - you're okay!! You're okay now -" He shushed her cries and screams as he took the tape off. He then reached for her hands - cutting the rope loose.
At that moment, he realized that it will never be the same again. She had curled herself in a ball after dragging herself forcefully away from him. She didn't want to be close to him. She's afraid of him. It's a painful sight he never wished to see - yet it's here, in between flying bullets...right in front of him.
Tears welled up in his eyes and he forced himself to part, moving slowly away from her. She needs to feel safe again...she needs her father. Jungkook's eyes began the wild search for Marco. He's vaguely aware of his straight stance in this sea of battle, but he couldn't find himself to hide.
Some bodies are laying on the floor - 7 of Hyuk's men, and 2 of Marco's. He ran to the two bodies nervously - afraid to find the face he's looking for. Another man fell from the upper level. Jungkook was rushing to get to him but was suddenly held back by his jacket.
"What are you still doing in here - get out!" The familiar voice shouts.
Jungkook turned quick and drags him by the vest to a hidden corner. "Your - your daughter - sir, you need to get to your daughter now - she's too scared and she's not moving!!"
"Where is she?"
"Behind that crate -" He pointed to the direction.
"I'll get her. Get out now, Jungkook!"
And he's left alone - watching behind Lisa's father as the man carefully finds his way around. Please get to her...please save her. I'm sorry, Lisa. I'm sorry for what you've seen...what you've heard. I'm sorry I hurt you...
His body unconsciously rocks back and forth and his eyes roam wildly around him. He's never been in this situation before, where he's stuck in between two parties trying to kill each other. It was always him alone. Always alone...
He turns his focus back to Marco - who had successfully reached his daughter. He saw the two arms wrapped around Marco's neck, and the man helped her get on her feet. He got her! She'll be safe again, that's -
His small, relieved smile was cut short when he noticed one of Hyuk's men running behind the big crate, hiding before spotting Marco - who's holding his daughter by the arms and leading her to the exit. Jungkook's feet acted fast - there's no room for thinking process, no calculations as he sprinted his way to the father.
It's the most amazing thing that happened. Amidst the guns fired and bullets flying, none had managed its way to him. But at just the right moment when he reached Marco, one did. Then there's two. Jungkook wasn't one to romanticize death...but he always wondered how it felt like to be hit by a speeding bullet.
And now I know...just like appa Kim...just like Mr Chua...and just like everyone else I've killed in my life. The pain is excruciating...even more now it's deep inside.
His vision started blurring and he wasn't sure if it's his tears or that it's a sign of dying. He managed to turn around when he heard the high-pitched scream, and he saw Lisa...her beautiful, fearful eyes staring at him...crying with all her might as Marco drags her out by the waist. Jungkook sank to his knees before leaving his whole body crashing on the floor.
It was amazing...this life was amazing. You gave me her...thank you...
I wouldn't have changed it for anything else in the world.
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